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15 calls to SocialContent::httpRequest() in Social Content 7.2

SocialContent::saveExternalFile in ./
Utility static function to get and save a remote file.
SocialContentFacebook::getRows in modules/facebook/
Get the rows to import.
SocialContentFacebook::saveInstanceSettings in modules/facebook/
Save instance settings.
SocialContentFlickr::getRows in modules/flickr/
Get the rows to import.
SocialContentInstagram::getRowsAccount in modules/instagram/
Get rows from a Instagram user_id.
SocialContentInstagram::getRowsHashtag in modules/instagram/
Get rows from a list of hashtags.
SocialContentInstagram::saveInstanceSettings in modules/instagram/
Save instance settings.
SocialContentLinkedin::getRows in modules/linkedin/
Get the rows to import.
SocialContentPicasa::getRows in modules/picasa/
Get the rows to import.
SocialContentSoundCloud::getRows in modules/soundcloud/
Get the rows to import.
SocialContentSoundCloud::prepareRow in modules/soundcloud/
Do the uploads and attach expected fields to a row about to be imported.
SocialContentTwitter::request in modules/twitter/
Make a request out to Twitter.
SocialContentVK::getRows in modules/vk/
Get the rows to import.
SocialContentYoutube::getRows in modules/youtube/
Get the rows to import.
SocialContentYoutube::saveInstanceSettings in modules/youtube/
Save instance settings.