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FormElement.php in Open Social 8


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namespace Drupal\socialbase\Plugin\Preprocess;

use Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Preprocess\FormElement as BaseFormElement;
use Drupal\bootstrap\Utility\Element;
use Drupal\bootstrap\Utility\Variables;

 * Pre-processes variables for the "form_element" theme hook.
 * @ingroup plugins_preprocess
 * @BootstrapPreprocess("form_element")
class FormElement extends BaseFormElement {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function preprocessElement(Element $element, Variables $variables) {

    // Check if form element is part of
    // email_notifications and add class to label.
    if (in_array('email_notifications', $element['#parents'])) {
      $variables['label']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'control-label--wide';

    // Tell the label it is in a switch form element.
    if (!empty($variables['element']['#attributes']['data-switch'])) {
      $variables['label']['#switch'] = TRUE;

    // Use cards for the vertical tabs component.
    if ($variables['element']['#type'] === 'vertical_tabs') {
      $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'card';
    parent::preprocessElement($element, $variables);



Namesort descending Description
FormElement Pre-processes variables for the "form_element" theme hook.