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SocialProfileTrait.php in Open Social 10.0.x


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namespace Drupal\social_profile;

use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface;

 * Trait SocialProfileTrait.
 * @package Drupal\social_profile
trait SocialProfileTrait {

   * Add Nickname.
   * @return bool
   *   Whether or not the nickname needs to be added.
  private function addNickname() {
    return \Drupal::moduleHandler()

   * Check if can use the full name for the search.
   * Allow using the full name for search when the limitation is disabled or
   * user has permission to see the full name.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if a user can use the full name for the search.
  private function useFullName() {
    return !\Drupal::config('social_profile_privacy.settings')
      ->get('limit_search_and_mention') || \Drupal::currentUser()
      ->hasPermission('social profile privacy always show full name');

   * Get a list of account IDs whose account names begin with the given string.
   * @param string $name
   *   The string to search for.
   * @param int $count
   *   The number of results to return.
   * @param string $suggestion_format
   *   (optional) The suggestion format.
   * @return int[]
   *   An array of account IDs for accounts whose account names begin with the
   *   given string.
  public function getUserIdsFromName($name, $count, $suggestion_format = SOCIAL_PROFILE_SUGGESTIONS_ALL) {
    $query = $this
    $name = '%' . ltrim($query
      ->escapeLike($name)) . '%';
    switch ($suggestion_format) {
          ->condition('', $name, 'LIKE');
        if ($this
          ->useFullName()) {
          $strings = explode(' ', $name);
          if (count($strings) > 1) {
              ->where("CONCAT(TRIM(fn.field_profile_first_name_value), ' ', TRIM(ln.field_profile_last_name_value)) LIKE :full_name", [
              ':full_name' => $name,
            $query = $this
              ->sortQuery($query, $name, $suggestion_format);
            $results = $this
              ->endQuery($query, $count);
            if (count($results) > 0) {
              return $results;

            // Fallback to creating a new query if there is no hit on full name.
            $query = $this
        $or_query = $query
        if ($this
          ->useFullName()) {
            ->condition('fn.field_profile_first_name_value', $name, 'LIKE')
            ->condition('ln.field_profile_last_name_value', $name, 'LIKE');

        // Add name only when needed.
        if ($suggestion_format === SOCIAL_PROFILE_SUGGESTIONS_ALL) {
            ->condition('', $name, 'LIKE');
        if ($this
          ->addNickName() === TRUE) {
            ->condition('nn.field_profile_nick_name_value', $name, 'LIKE');

    // Now we sort the query.
    $query = $this
      ->sortQuery($query, $name, $suggestion_format);
    return $this
      ->endQuery($query, $count);

   * Start a Social Profile Mention Query.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface
   *   Returns the query object.
  private function startQuery() {
    $connection = \Drupal::database();
    $query = $connection
      ->select('users', 'u')
      ->fields('u', [
      ->join('users_field_data', 'uf', 'uf.uid = u.uid');
      ->leftJoin('profile', 'p', 'p.uid = u.uid');
    if ($this
      ->useFullName()) {
        ->leftJoin('profile__field_profile_first_name', 'fn', 'fn.entity_id = p.profile_id');
        ->leftJoin('profile__field_profile_last_name', 'ln', 'ln.entity_id = p.profile_id');
    if ($this
      ->addNickName() === TRUE) {
        ->leftJoin('profile__field_profile_nick_name', 'nn', 'nn.entity_id = p.profile_id');
      ->condition('uf.status', 1);
    return $query;

   * Sorts the query.
   * Following the rules:
   * 1. Users whose have first name starting by the given string;
   * 2. Users whose have last name starting by the given string;
   * 3. Users whose have nickname starting by the given string;
   * 4. Users whose have username  starting by the given string;
   * 5. Users containing the string.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $query
   *   The select query.
   * @param string $name
   *   The sanitized string to search for.
   * @param string $suggestion_format
   *   (optional) The suggestion format.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface
   *   The select query.
  private function sortQuery(SelectInterface $query, $name, $suggestion_format) {
    if ($suggestion_format !== SOCIAL_PROFILE_SUGGESTIONS_USERNAME && $this
      ->useFullName()) {

      // Delete percent symbol on the beginning of the phrase for search from
      // the start of field values.
      $name = substr($name, 1);
        ->addExpression("\n    CASE WHEN fn.field_profile_first_name_value LIKE :name THEN 0\n      WHEN ln.field_profile_last_name_value LIKE :name THEN 1\n      ELSE 2\n    END\n  ", 'mention_sort', [
        ':name' => $name,
    if ($this
      ->addNickName() === TRUE) {
    return $query;

   * End a Social Profile Mention Query.
   * @return int[]
   *   An array of account IDs for accounts whose account names begin with the
   *   given string.
  private function endQuery(SelectInterface $query, $count) {
    $result = $query
      ->range(0, $count)
    return !empty($result) ? $result : [];



Namesort descending Description
SocialProfileTrait Trait SocialProfileTrait.