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social_group.api.php in Open Social 10.0.x

Hooks provided by the Social Group module.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by the Social Group module.
use Drupal\group\Entity\GroupInterface;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;

 * @addtogroup hooks
 * @{

 * Provide a method to alter array of group types used in open social.
 * @param array $social_group_types
 *   List of group types used in open social.
 * @ingroup social_group_api
function hook_social_group_types_alter(array &$social_group_types) {
  $social_group_types[] = 'challenge';

 * Provide a method to alter the default content visibility for a group type.
 * @param string $visibility
 *   The visibility option that is default.
 * @param string $group_type_id
 *   The group type we alter the visibility setting for.
 * @ingroup social_group_api
function hook_social_group_default_visibility_alter(&$visibility, $group_type_id) {
  switch ($group_type_id) {
    case 'custom_public_group':
      $visibility = 'public';
    case 'custom_open_group':
      $visibility = 'community';
    case 'custom_closed_group':
      $visibility = 'group';

 * Provide a method to alter the allowed content visibility for a group type.
 * @param array $visibilities
 *   The visibilities list.
 * @param string $group_type_id
 *   The group type we alter the visibility setting for.
 * @see social_group_get_allowed_visibility_options_per_group_type()
 * @ingroup social_group_api
function hook_social_group_allowed_visibilities_alter(array &$visibilities, $group_type_id) {
  if ($group_type_id === 'custom_public_group') {
    $visibilities['community'] = TRUE;

 * Provide a method to alter default group overview route.
 * @param array $route
 *   An array with route name and parameters.
 * @param \Drupal\group\Entity\GroupInterface $group
 *   Current group entity.
 * @ingroup social_group_api
function hook_social_group_overview_route_alter(array &$route, GroupInterface $group) {
  if ($group
    ->bundle() === 'challenge') {
    $route = [
      'name' => '',
      'parameters' => [
        'user' => \Drupal::currentUser()

 * Provide a method to return node which was moved to another group.
 * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node
 *   The event or topic node.
 * @ingroup social_group_api
function hook_social_group_move(NodeInterface $node) {
    ->addStatus(t('@title is moved.', [
    '@title' => $node

 * Provide a description for a given key from the content visibility #options.
 * @param string $description
 *   The descriptive.
 * @ingroup social_group_api
function hook_social_group_content_visibility_description_alter($key, &$description) {
  switch ($key) {
    case 'custom_role_1':
      $description = '<p><strong><svg class="icon-small"><use xlink:href="#icon-lock"></use></svg></strong>';
      $description .= '<strong>' . t('Custom role 1')
        ->render() . '</strong>';
      $description .= '-' . t('All users with this role can see it')
      $description .= '</p>';
    case 'custom_role_2':
      $description = '<p><strong><svg class="icon-small"><use xlink:href="#icon-community"></use></svg></strong>';
      $description .= '<strong>' . t('Custom role 2')
        ->render() . '</strong>';
      $description .= '-' . t('All users with this role can change it')
      $description .= '</p>';

 * Provide a description for a given key from the group_visibility #options.
 * @param string $description
 *   The descriptive.
 * @ingroup social_group_api
function hook_social_group_group_visibility_description_alter($key, &$description) {
  switch ($key) {
    case 'custom_role_1':
      $description = '<p><strong><svg class="icon-small"><use xlink:href="#icon-lock"></use></svg></strong>';
      $description .= '<strong>' . t('Custom role 1')
        ->render() . '</strong>';
      $description .= '-' . t('All users with this role can see it')
      $description .= '</p>';
    case 'custom_role_2':
      $description = '<p><strong><svg class="icon-small"><use xlink:href="#icon-community"></use></svg></strong>';
      $description .= '<strong>' . t('Custom role 2')
        ->render() . '</strong>';
      $description .= '-' . t('All users with this role can change it')
      $description .= '</p>';

 * Provide a description for a given key from the content visibility #options.
 * @param string $description
 *   The descriptive.
 * @ingroup social_group_api
function hook_social_group_allowed_join_method_description_alter($key, &$description) {
  switch ($key) {
    case 'join_method_extra':
      $description = '<strong>' . t('QR Code')
        ->render() . '</strong>';
      $description .= '-' . t('All users can join by scanning a QR code')
      $description .= '</p>';
    case 'single_sign_on':
      $description = '<strong>' . t('Single Sign on')
        ->render() . '</strong>';
      $description .= '-' . t('All users can join by SSO')
      $description .= '</p>';

 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".


Namesort descending Description
hook_social_group_allowed_join_method_description_alter Provide a description for a given key from the content visibility #options.
hook_social_group_allowed_visibilities_alter Provide a method to alter the allowed content visibility for a group type.
hook_social_group_content_visibility_description_alter Provide a description for a given key from the content visibility #options.
hook_social_group_default_visibility_alter Provide a method to alter the default content visibility for a group type.
hook_social_group_group_visibility_description_alter Provide a description for a given key from the group_visibility #options.
hook_social_group_move Provide a method to return node which was moved to another group.
hook_social_group_overview_route_alter Provide a method to alter default group overview route.
hook_social_group_types_alter Provide a method to alter array of group types used in open social.