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social_core.api.php in Open Social 10.3.x

Hooks provided by the Social core module.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by the Social core module.

 * @addtogroup hooks
 * @{

 * Provide a method to alter the default filter format for a content type.
 * @param string $filter_format
 *   The filter format that is default.
 * @ingroup social_core_api
function hook_social_filter_format_default_alter(&$filter_format) {
  $filter_format = 'full_html';

 * Provide a method to alter the article for a node. If it's a, or an or the.
 * @param array $node_types
 *   The filter format that is default.
 * @ingroup social_core_api
function hook_social_node_title_prefix_articles_alter(array &$node_types) {

  // The default is set to a.
  // See SocialCoreController::addPageTitle for example.
  $node_types['discussions'] = 'an';

 * Provides route for node page where should be displayed simple title.
 * @return string
 *   The route name.
 * @see \Drupal\social_core\Plugin\Block\SocialPageTitleBlock::build()
function hook_social_core_node_default_title_route() {
  return 'entity.node.edit_form';

 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".

 * Hooks to alter the visibility of blocks by denying access.
 * @denyaccesstoblock hooks
 * @{

 * Provide a method to alter array of blocks to hide.
 * This way we can also make sure that if another modules alter the same
 * block that it will merge the array in one.
 * @return array
 *   Blocks in this array will be hidden from the associated paths.
 * @ingroup social_core_block_api
function hook_social_core_block_visibility_path() {
  $blocks = [
    'block_plugin_id_1' => [
    'block_plugin_id_2' => [
  return $blocks;

 * @} End of "denyaccesstoblock hooks".

 * Hooks to alter excluded CT for default title.
 * @hidedefaultitle hooks
 * @{

 * Provide a method to alter array on content types used in open social.
 * @param array $page_to_exclude
 *   Array of content types.
 * @ingroup social_core_api
function hook_social_content_type_alter(array &$page_to_exclude) {
  $page_to_exclude[] = 'article';

 * Provide method to allows extensions to use the new content style on a node.
 * @param array $compatible_content_type_forms
 *   Array of the nodes.
 * @see social_core_form_node_form_alter()
 * @ingroup social_core_api
function hook_social_core_compatible_content_forms(array &$compatible_content_type_forms) {
  $compatible_content_type_forms[] = 'node_landing_page_form';

 * @} End of "hidedefaultitle hooks".


Namesort descending Description
hook_social_content_type_alter Provide a method to alter array on content types used in open social.
hook_social_core_block_visibility_path Provide a method to alter array of blocks to hide.
hook_social_core_compatible_content_forms Provide method to allows extensions to use the new content style on a node.
hook_social_core_node_default_title_route Provides route for node page where should be displayed simple title.
hook_social_filter_format_default_alter Provide a method to alter the default filter format for a content type.
hook_social_node_title_prefix_articles_alter Provide a method to alter the article for a node. If it's a, or an or the.