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social_content_block.install in Open Social 8.8

Install, update and uninstall functions for the social_content_block module.


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 * @file
 * Install, update and uninstall functions for the social_content_block module.
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\field\FieldConfigInterface;

 * Implements hook_modules_installed().
function social_content_block_modules_installed() {

  // When the set of installed modules change, reload the sorting optios.

 * Update the allowed values in the sorting options field based on plugins.
function _social_content_block_update_sorting_options() {

  /** @var \Drupal\social_content_block\ContentBlockManagerInterface $content_block_manager */
  $content_block_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.content_block');

  // Retrieve all sort options, removing duplicates and format them to the
  // format of field storage configuration.
  $sort_options_raw = [];
  foreach ($content_block_manager
    ->getDefinitions() as $plugin_id => $plugin_definition) {

    /** @var \Drupal\social_content_block\ContentBlockPluginInterface $plugin */
    $plugin = $content_block_manager
    $sort_options_raw += $plugin
  $sort_options = [];
  foreach ($sort_options_raw as $value => $label) {
    $sort_options[] = [
      'value' => $value,
      'label' => $label,

  // Load the existing cnofiguration and update it if it's different.
  $config_name = '';
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  $config_data = $config
  if ($sort_options !== $config_data['settings']['allowed_values']) {
    $config_data['settings']['allowed_values'] = $sort_options;

 * Add fields for plugin ID and plugin fields to the block content form.
function social_content_block_update_8001(&$sandbox) {
  if (!isset($sandbox['total'])) {
    $sandbox['configs'] = [
      '' => [
        'id' => 'block_content.field_plugin_id',
        'field_name' => 'field_plugin_id',
        'entity_type' => 'block_content',
        'type' => 'string',
        'settings' => [
          'max_length' => 255,
          'is_ascii' => FALSE,
          'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
        'cardinality' => 1,
        'translatable' => TRUE,
      '' => [
        'id' => 'block_content.field_plugin_field',
        'field_name' => 'field_plugin_field',
        'entity_type' => 'block_content',
        'type' => 'string',
        'settings' => [
          'max_length' => 255,
          'is_ascii' => FALSE,
          'case_sensitive' => FALSE,
        'cardinality' => 1,
        'translatable' => TRUE,
      'field.field.block_content.custom_content_list.field_sorting' => 'Select in what order selected content should be displayed',
      'field.field.block_content.custom_content_list.field_plugin_id' => [
        'id' => 'block_content.custom_content_list.field_plugin_id',
        'field_name' => 'field_plugin_id',
        'entity_type' => 'block_content',
        'bundle' => 'custom_content_list',
        'label' => 'Type of content',
        'description' => 'Select the type of content which will be shown in this block',
        'required' => TRUE,
        'translatable' => FALSE,
        'default_value' => [],
        'default_value_callback' => '',
        'settings' => [],
        'field_type' => 'string',
      'field.field.block_content.custom_content_list.field_plugin_field' => [
        'id' => 'block_content.custom_content_list.field_plugin_field',
        'field_name' => 'field_plugin_field',
        'entity_type' => 'block_content',
        'bundle' => 'custom_content_list',
        'label' => 'Content selection',
        'description' => 'Further specify how the content should be selected',
        'required' => FALSE,
        'translatable' => FALSE,
        'default_value' => [],
        'default_value_callback' => '',
        'settings' => [],
        'field_type' => 'string',
      'core.entity_form_display.block_content.custom_content_list.default' => [
        'langcode' => 'en',
        'status' => TRUE,
        'dependencies' => [
          'config' => [
          'module' => [
        'third_party_settings' => [
          'field_group' => [
            'group_display_options' => [
              'children' => [
              'parent_name' => '',
              'weight' => 2,
              'format_type' => 'fieldset',
              'format_settings' => [
                'label' => 'Sorting',
                'description' => '',
                'required_fields' => TRUE,
                'id' => '',
                'classes' => '',
              'label' => 'Sorting',
              'region' => 'content',
            'group_filter_options' => [
              'children' => [
              'parent_name' => '',
              'weight' => 1,
              'format_type' => 'fieldset',
              'format_settings' => [
                'label' => 'Content',
                'description' => '',
                'required_fields' => TRUE,
                'id' => '',
                'classes' => '',
              'label' => 'Content',
              'region' => 'content',
            'group_information' => [
              'children' => [
              'parent_name' => '',
              'weight' => 0,
              'format_type' => 'fieldset',
              'format_settings' => [
                'id' => '',
                'classes' => '',
                'description' => '',
                'required_fields' => TRUE,
              'label' => 'Information',
              'region' => 'content',
        'id' => 'block_content.custom_content_list.default',
        'targetEntityType' => 'block_content',
        'bundle' => 'custom_content_list',
        'mode' => 'default',
        'content' => [
          'field_item_amount' => [
            'weight' => 11,
            'settings' => [
              'placeholder' => '',
            'third_party_settings' => [],
            'type' => 'number',
            'region' => 'content',
          'field_link' => [
            'weight' => 3,
            'settings' => [
              'placeholder_url' => '',
              'placeholder_title' => '',
            'third_party_settings' => [],
            'type' => 'link_default',
            'region' => 'content',
          'field_plugin_field' => [
            'weight' => 1,
            'settings' => [],
            'third_party_settings' => [],
            'type' => 'content_block_plugin_field',
            'region' => 'content',
          'field_plugin_id' => [
            'weight' => 0,
            'settings' => [],
            'third_party_settings' => [],
            'type' => 'content_block_plugin_id',
            'region' => 'content',
          'field_sorting' => [
            'weight' => 10,
            'settings' => [],
            'third_party_settings' => [],
            'type' => 'options_select',
            'region' => 'content',
          'field_subtitle' => [
            'weight' => 2,
            'settings' => [
              'size' => 60,
              'placeholder' => '',
            'third_party_settings' => [],
            'type' => 'string_textfield',
            'region' => 'content',
          'info' => [
            'type' => 'string_textfield',
            'weight' => 1,
            'region' => 'content',
            'settings' => [
              'size' => 60,
              'placeholder' => '',
            'third_party_settings' => [],
        'hidden' => [],
      'core.entity_view_display.block_content.custom_content_list.default' => [
    $sandbox['total'] = count($sandbox['configs']);
    $sandbox['current'] = 0;
  $names = array_keys($sandbox['configs']);
  $name = $names[$sandbox['current']++];
  $data = $sandbox['configs'][$name];
  $parts = explode('.', $name);
  switch ($parts[0] . '.' . $parts[1]) {
    case '':
    case 'field.field':
      $field_config = FieldConfig::loadByName($parts[2], $parts[3], $parts[4]);
      if ($field_config instanceof FieldConfigInterface) {
      else {
        $field_config = FieldConfig::create($data);
    case 'core.entity_view_display':

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface $view_display */
      $view_display = \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository')
        ->getViewDisplay($parts[2], $parts[3], $parts[4]);
      foreach ($data as $field) {
        ->write($name, $data);
  $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['current'] / $sandbox['total'];

 * Fill in fields for plugin ID and plugin fields in existing blocks.
function social_content_block_update_8002(&$sandbox) {
  if (!isset($sandbox['total'])) {
    $sandbox['total'] = \Drupal::entityQuery('block_content')
      ->condition('type', 'custom_content_list')
    if (!$sandbox['total']) {
    $sandbox['processed'] = 0;
    $sandbox['plugin_id'] = 'topic_content_block';
    $sandbox['limit'] = Settings::get('entity_update_batch_size', 50);

    /** @var \Drupal\social_content_block\ContentBlockManagerInterface $content_block_manager */
    $content_block_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.content_block');
    $definition = $content_block_manager
    $sandbox['fields'] = $definition['fields'];
  $entity_ids = \Drupal::entityQuery('block_content')
    ->condition('type', 'custom_content_list')
    ->range(0, $sandbox['limit'])
  $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  foreach ($entity_ids as $entity_id) {

    /** @var \Drupal\block_content\BlockContentInterface $entity */
    $entity = $storage
    $entity->field_plugin_id->value = $sandbox['plugin_id'];
    $fields = [];
    foreach ($sandbox['fields'] as $field) {
      if (!$entity
        ->isEmpty()) {
        $fields[] = $field;
    if (count($fields) === 1) {
      $entity->field_plugin_field->value = reset($fields);
  $sandbox['processed'] += count($entity_ids);
  $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['processed'] / $sandbox['total'];

 * Change the weight of fields for correct order.
function social_content_block_update_8003() {

  /** @var \Drupal\update_helper\Updater $updateHelper */
  $updateHelper = \Drupal::service('update_helper.updater');

  // Execute configuration update definitions with logging of success.
    ->executeUpdate('social_content_block', 'social_content_block_update_8003');

  // Output logged messages to related channel of update execution.
  return $updateHelper

 * Add an extra allowed values to the sorting field.
function social_content_block_update_8004() {

  // Update hook removed and replaced by 8006.

 * Move the "Number of items" field to the "Content" section.
function social_content_block_update_8005() {

  /** @var \Drupal\update_helper\UpdaterInterface $update_helper */
  $update_helper = \Drupal::service('update_helper.updater');

  // Execute configuration update definitions with logging of success.
    ->executeUpdate('social_content_block', 'social_content_block_update_8005');

  // Output logged messages to related channel of update execution.
  return $update_helper

 * Add event date as sorting option for events.
function social_content_block_update_8006() {

 * Change allowed value label.
function social_content_block_update_8801(&$sandbox) {

  // Get content block sorting field.
  $field_purchasers = FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('block_content', 'field_sorting');

  // Get allowed values.
  $allowed_values = $field_purchasers

  // Update label.
  $allowed_values['created'] = 'Last created';

  // Set updated allowed values and save.
    ->setSetting('allowed_values', $allowed_values);


Namesort descending Description
social_content_block_modules_installed Implements hook_modules_installed().
social_content_block_update_8001 Add fields for plugin ID and plugin fields to the block content form.
social_content_block_update_8002 Fill in fields for plugin ID and plugin fields in existing blocks.
social_content_block_update_8003 Change the weight of fields for correct order.
social_content_block_update_8004 Add an extra allowed values to the sorting field.
social_content_block_update_8005 Move the "Number of items" field to the "Content" section.
social_content_block_update_8006 Add event date as sorting option for events.
social_content_block_update_8801 Change allowed value label.
_social_content_block_update_sorting_options Update the allowed values in the sorting options field based on plugins.