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social_event_content_block.api.php in Open Social 10.3.x

Hooks for the Social Event Content Block module.


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 * @file
 * Hooks for the Social Event Content Block module.

 * Change the filter range for a content list block of events.
 * @param array $range
 *   An array containing a `start` and `end` value that can be set to control
 *   the start and end dates of the result.
 * @param string $value
 *   The value that the user chose in the date filter value.
function hook_social_event_content_block_date_range_alter(array &$range, $value) {

  // We only care about the 'example' choice, other choices are handled by other
  // modules.
  if ($value === 'example') {

    // Only show events that occur on april 1st of this year.
    $range['start'] = new DateTime('1 april this year 00:00');
    $range['end'] = new DateTime('1 april this year 23:59');


Namesort descending Description
hook_social_event_content_block_date_range_alter Change the filter range for a content list block of events.