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Builds placeholder replacement tokens for Social Comment module.


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 * @file
 * Builds placeholder replacement tokens for Social Comment module.
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode;
use Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\social_post\Entity\PostInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup;

 * Implements hook_token_info().
function social_comment_token_info() {
  $type = [
    'name' => t('Social Comment'),
    'description' => t('Tokens from the social comment module.'),
  $social_comment['parent_entity_author'] = [
    'name' => t('The author of the parent entity.'),
    'description' => t('The author of the content type that was commented on.'),
  $social_comment['commented_content_type'] = [
    'name' => t('The commented content type.'),
    'description' => t('The type of the content that was commented on.'),
  $social_mentions['commented_entity_link_html'] = [
    'name' => t('The (html) link to the commented entity.'),
    'description' => t('The link to the commented entity, can be post or node, will include raw HTML.'),
  return [
    'types' => [
      'social_comment' => $type,
    'tokens' => [
      'social_comment' => $social_comment,

 * Implements hook_tokens().
function social_comment_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data, array $options, BubbleableMetadata $bubbleable_metadata) {
  $replacements = [];
  if ($type == 'social_comment' && !empty($data['message'])) {

    /** @var \Drupal\message\Entity\Message $message */
    $message = $data['message'];
    foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) {
      switch ($name) {
        case 'parent_entity_author':
          if (isset($message->field_message_related_object)) {
            $target_type = $message->field_message_related_object->target_type;
            $target_id = $message->field_message_related_object->target_id;
            $comment = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

            // Or special handling for post entities. \Drupal::logger('commented_content_type')->notice(var_dump($comment));
            if (!empty($comment)) {
              if ($comment
                ->getEntityTypeId() == 'comment') {
                if (!empty($comment
                  ->getCommentedEntity())) {
                  $node = $comment
                  $owner = $node
                  $name = $owner
                  if (!empty($name)) {
                    $replacements[$original] = $name;
        case 'commented_content_type':
        case 'commented_entity_link_html':
          if (isset($message->field_message_related_object)) {
            $target_type = $message->field_message_related_object->target_type;
            $target_id = $message->field_message_related_object->target_id;

            /** @var \Drupal\comment\Entity\Comment $comment */
            $comment = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
            if (!empty($comment) && $comment
              ->getEntityTypeId() == 'comment') {

              /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity $entity */
              $entity = $comment
              if (!empty($entity)) {
                if ($entity instanceof PostInterface) {
                  $commented_content_type = Unicode::strtolower($entity
                elseif (is_callable([
                ])) {
                  $commented_content_type = $entity
                else {
                  if ($entity instanceof NodeInterface) {
                    $commented_content_type = strtolower($entity->type->entity
                  else {
                    $commented_content_type = $entity
                if ($name === 'commented_content_type') {
                  if (!empty($commented_content_type)) {
                    $replacements[$original] = $commented_content_type;
                else {
                  $url_options = [
                    'absolute' => TRUE,
                  $link = $entity
                    ->toUrl('canonical', $url_options)

                  // We should only use the label of entities who have a label.
                  if ($link_label = $entity
                    ->label()) {
                    $entity_link_html = $commented_content_type . ' <a href="' . $link . '">' . $link_label . '</a>';
                  else {
                    $entity_link_html = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $commented_content_type . '</a>';
                  $replacements[$original] = Markup::create($entity_link_html);
  return $replacements;
