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SocialLazyLoadingTextFormatOverride.php in Open Social 10.1.x


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namespace Drupal\social_lazy_loading;

use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface;

 * Class SocialLazyLoadingTextFormatOverride.
 * @package Drupal\social_lazy_loading
class SocialLazyLoadingTextFormatOverride implements ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface {

   * The module handler.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
  protected $moduleHandler;

   * Constructs the configuration override.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler
   *   The module handler.
  public function __construct(ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler) {
    $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadOverrides($names) {
    $overrides = [];
    $formats = [
      'basic_html' => TRUE,
      'full_html' => TRUE,
      'plain_text' => TRUE,
      'simple_text' => TRUE,
      'restricted_html' => TRUE,
      'mail_html' => TRUE,
      ->alter('social_lazy_loading_formats', $formats);
    foreach ($formats as $format => $convert_url) {
      if (in_array('filter.format.' . $format, $names, FALSE)) {
          ->addFilterOverride($format, $convert_url, $overrides);

    // Set lazy loading settings.
    if (in_array('lazy.settings', $names, FALSE)) {
      $overrides['lazy.settings']['alter_tag'] = [
        'img' => 'img',
        'iframe' => 'iframe',
    return $overrides;

   * Alters the filter settings for the text format.
   * @param string $text_format
   *   A config name.
   * @param bool $convert_url
   *   TRUE if filter should be used.
   * @param array $overrides
   *   An override configuration.
  protected function addFilterOverride($text_format, $convert_url, array &$overrides) {
    $config_name = 'filter.format.' . $text_format;
    if ($convert_url) {
      $overrides[$config_name]['dependencies']['module']['lazy'] = 'lazy';
      $overrides[$config_name]['filters']['lazy_filter'] = [
        'id' => 'lazy_filter',
        'provider' => 'lazy',
        'status' => TRUE,
        'weight' => 999,
        'settings' => [],

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCacheableMetadata($name) {
    return new CacheableMetadata();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function createConfigObject($name, $collection = StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION) {
    return NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCacheSuffix() {
    return 'SocialLazyLoadingTextFormatOverride';



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SocialLazyLoadingTextFormatOverride Class SocialLazyLoadingTextFormatOverride.