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8 methods override DemoContent::getEntry() in Open Social 10.3.x

DemoComment::getEntry in modules/custom/social_demo/src/DemoComment.php
Makes an array with data of an entity.
DemoEntity::getEntry in modules/custom/social_demo/src/DemoEntity.php
Makes an array with data of an entity.
DemoFile::getEntry in modules/custom/social_demo/src/DemoFile.php
Makes an array with data of an entity.
DemoGroup::getEntry in modules/custom/social_demo/src/DemoGroup.php
Makes an array with data of an entity.
DemoNode::getEntry in modules/custom/social_demo/src/DemoNode.php
Makes an array with data of an entity.
DemoSystem::getEntry in modules/custom/social_demo/src/DemoSystem.php
Makes an array with data of an entity.
DemoTaxonomyTerm::getEntry in modules/custom/social_demo/src/DemoTaxonomyTerm.php
Makes an array with data of an entity.
DemoUser::getEntry in modules/custom/social_demo/src/DemoUser.php
Makes an array with data of an entity.