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  1. ---
  2. e154d17d-63c7-41ac-8edc-97a49e81d7c5:
  3. uuid: e154d17d-63c7-41ac-8edc-97a49e81d7c5
  4. title: About EEA
  5. created: -120 day|13:50
  6. type: book
  7. langcode: und
  8. uid: 10477c08-f850-4c1d-bbaa-13413afa7055
  9. body: >
  10. <p>This manual explains the ins and outs of the EEA community. Please take the time to read through it carefully. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the EEA staff members. </p>
  11. <p>The Environmental Education Association is an NGO that empowers people and organizations to take action to create a more sustainable planet. We connect volunteers that help ensure that people have the motivation, knowledge, and skills to develop and share their environmental values. We do this by partnering up with schools, education, and other environmental organizations to organize educational events, experiences, and workshops. We also provide practical support by connecting volunteers with educators and helping to organize protests for improvements to the educational system about sustainability. Together, we want to work together towards creating a better world.</p>
  12. <p>Read more about:</p>
  13. <ol>
  14. <li><a href="/about/community-goal">Community Goal</a></li>
  15. <li><a href="/about/history">History</li>
  16. <li><a href="/about/management-team">Management Team</li>
  17. </ol>
  18. field_content_visibility: public
  19. alias: /about
  20. image: Adccefcc-5c20-44cc-9944-5993c5f2f759
  21. image_alt: About this platform
  22. book:
  23. id: e154d17d-63c7-41ac-8edc-97a49e81d7c5
  24. D384d887-3ae3-4562-b444-ae2dd8bba44c:
  25. uuid: D384d887-3ae3-4562-b444-ae2dd8bba44c
  26. title: Community Goal
  27. created: -120 day|13:53
  28. type: book
  29. langcode: und
  30. uid: 10477c08-f850-4c1d-bbaa-13413afa7055
  31. body: >
  32. <p>Our goal is to engage and educate people as environmental citizens. </p>
  33. <p>We do this by:</p>
  34. <ol>
  35. <li>Creating a community for volunteers to learn and contribute </li>
  36. <li>Organizing events for volunteering, teaching, and spreading awareness </li>
  37. <li>Provide materials for other organizations to educate </li>
  38. <li>And more! </li>
  39. </ol>
  40. field_content_visibility: public
  41. alias: /about/community-goal
  42. book:
  43. id: e154d17d-63c7-41ac-8edc-97a49e81d7c5
  44. weight: 0
  45. F3f350c1-8cfa-4304-9da3-9c8a1a892357:
  46. uuid: F3f350c1-8cfa-4304-9da3-9c8a1a892357
  47. title: History
  48. created: -120 day|13:55
  49. type: book
  50. langcode: und
  51. uid: 10477c08-f850-4c1d-bbaa-13413afa7055
  52. body: >
  53. <p>The community has been live since 2015 and has been moderately active since with the Community Manager posting about 50% of the content while the other 50% is User Generated. This is also partly due to the fact that the EEA wants to use its community platform as a source to spread its own information such as educational tools and events. </p>
  54. <p> We are now a community of staff, volunteers and other interested parties, (parents, students and people with an educational or political background). We welcome anyone that’s interested in helping to make the planet a better place. </p>
  55. field_content_visibility: public
  56. alias: /about/history
  57. book:
  58. id: e154d17d-63c7-41ac-8edc-97a49e81d7c5
  59. weight: 1
  60. 6b22302a-125a-4753-a609-7793bed7684d:
  61. uuid: 6b22302a-125a-4753-a609-7793bed7684d
  62. title: Management Team
  63. created: -120 day|14:15
  64. type: book
  65. langcode: und
  66. uid: 10477c08-f850-4c1d-bbaa-13413afa7055
  67. body: >
  68. <p>The management team of EAA community consists of</p>
  69. <ol>
  70. <li><a href="/about/management-team/community-manager">Community Manager</a></li>
  71. <li><a href="/about/management-team/site-manager">Site Manager</a></li>
  72. </ol>
  73. field_content_visibility: public
  74. alias: /about/management-team
  75. book:
  76. id: e154d17d-63c7-41ac-8edc-97a49e81d7c5
  77. weight: 2
  78. C1040c18-dc63-46e5-afae-869ef7e5e8ff:
  79. uuid: C1040c18-dc63-46e5-afae-869ef7e5e8ff
  80. title: Community Manager
  81. created: -10 months|14:40
  82. type: book
  83. langcode: und
  84. uid: 10477c08-f850-4c1d-bbaa-13413afa7055
  85. body: >
  86. <h2>Community Manager: Esther Smith</h2>
  87. <p>Esther Smith is the EEA Online Community Manager. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the goings-on of this community please contact her through her profile or, for more private matters, via email:</p>
  88. <p>Esther can also refer you to other EEA staff if you need help getting educational assistance. </p>
  89. field_content_visibility: public
  90. alias: /about/management-team/community-manager
  91. book:
  92. id: e154d17d-63c7-41ac-8edc-97a49e81d7c5
  93. parent: 6b22302a-125a-4753-a609-7793bed7684d
  94. weight: 0
  95. Dc921843-cab7-4b92-a6a8-8e472603ff0b:
  96. uuid: Dc921843-cab7-4b92-a6a8-8e472603ff0b
  97. title: Site Manager
  98. created: -10 months|14:53
  99. type: book
  100. langcode: und
  101. uid: 10477c08-f850-4c1d-bbaa-13413afa7055
  102. body: >
  103. <h2>Site Manager: Peter Parker</h2>
  104. <p>Peter Parker is the Site Manager for the EEA Online Community. If you are experiencing any technical difficulties with the platform contact him through his profile, for account issues please contact him from the email address you have registered to the EEA Community with on</p>
  105. field_content_visibility: public
  106. alias: /about/management-team/site-manager
  107. book:
  108. id: e154d17d-63c7-41ac-8edc-97a49e81d7c5
  109. parent: 6b22302a-125a-4753-a609-7793bed7684d
  110. weight: 1