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ActivityVisibilityAccess.php in Open Social 8.3


View source

namespace Drupal\activity_viewer\Plugin\views\filter;

use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter\FilterPluginBase;

 * Filters activity based on visibility settings.
 * @ingroup views_filter_handlers
 * @ViewsFilter("activity_visibility_access")
class ActivityVisibilityAccess extends FilterPluginBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function canExpose() {
    return FALSE;

   * Currently use similar access as for the entity.
   * Probably want to extend this to entity access based on the node grant
   * system when this is implemented.
   * See
  public function query() {

    // We have a few scenarios:
    // 1. There is a recipient user and destination is only notification,
    // if current user is not recipient always deny access.
    // 2. There is a recipient group:
    // Check if the user has access to the related entity.
    // 3. There is a related entity of type node
    // Check if user has access to the related entity,
    // use node_access_grants system.
    // views filter content access with relationship to node
    // 4. There is a related entity of type post
    // Check if user has access to the post, we can use PostVisibilityAccess.
    // Note: in future we should implement entity grant system instead!
    // to support other entities as well.



Namesort descending Description
ActivityVisibilityAccess Filters activity based on visibility settings.