protected function SmtpUnitTest::getQueueCount in SMTP Authentication Support 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 tests/smtp.unit.test \SmtpUnitTest::getQueueCount()
Get the number of emails in a specific queue.
string $queue: The name of the queue to add the emails to.
Return value
int The number of messages found in the requested queue.
2 calls to SmtpUnitTest::getQueueCount()
- SmtpUnitTest::testFailQueue in tests/
smtp.unit.test - Confirm the queue works.
- SmtpUnitTest::testQueue in tests/
smtp.unit.test - Confirm the queue works.
- tests/
smtp.unit.test, line 261 - Some tests for the SMTP module.
- SmtpUnitTest
- @file Some tests for the SMTP module.
protected function getQueueCount($queue = 'smtp_send_queue') {
return db_query("SELECT count('name') FROM {queue} WHERE name = :queue", array(
':queue' => $queue,