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smtp.post_update.php in SMTP Authentication Support 8

Post update functions for Smtp.


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 * @file
 * Post update functions for Smtp.

 * Rebuild caches to ensure services changes are read in.
function smtp_post_update_connection_tester() {

  // Empty update to cause a cache rebuild so that the service changes are read.

 * Add SMTP timeout configuration and change default to 30.
function smtp_post_update_set_smtp_timeout() {
    ->set('smtp_timeout', 30)

 * Add SMTP keepalive configuration and set default to FALSE.
function smtp_post_update_set_smtp_keepalive() {
    ->set('smtp_keepalive', FALSE)

 * Add SMTP Auto TLS configuration and set default to TRUE.
function smtp_post_update_set_smtp_autotls() {
    ->set('smtp_autotls', TRUE)

 * Rebuild caches to ensure the connection typo service change is updated.
function smtp_post_update_connection_typo() {

  // Empty update to cause a cache rebuild so that the service changes are read.
  // Caused by this typo:


Namesort descending Description
smtp_post_update_connection_tester Rebuild caches to ensure services changes are read in.
smtp_post_update_connection_typo Rebuild caches to ensure the connection typo service change is updated.
smtp_post_update_set_smtp_autotls Add SMTP Auto TLS configuration and set default to TRUE.
smtp_post_update_set_smtp_keepalive Add SMTP keepalive configuration and set default to FALSE.
smtp_post_update_set_smtp_timeout Add SMTP timeout configuration and change default to 30.