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constant SmsEvents::MESSAGE_GATEWAY in SMS Framework 2.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Event/SmsEvents.php \Drupal\sms\Event\SmsEvents::MESSAGE_GATEWAY
  2. 2.1.x src/Event/SmsEvents.php \Drupal\sms\Event\SmsEvents::MESSAGE_GATEWAY

Determines valid gateways for a recipient phone number.

This event is not always dispatched. It is only dispatch if no other preprocessors have added a gateway to a message.

If you don't know whether you should add a gateway for a recipient, then it is best to not do anything at all. Let the rest of the framework continue to try to find a gateway.

Only one gateway will be applied to the message for the recipient. The gateway with the largest priority wins.

See also



src/Event/SmsEvents.php, line 29


Defines SMS Framework events.




const MESSAGE_GATEWAY = 'sms.message.gateway';