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static function SmsParserBase::checkAccess in SMS Framework 7

Checks access to parser for incoming SMS.

Providers usually do this by checking against an allowed (range of) IP addresses. It could also be with a request parameter.

Remember when implementing if you use variables that these may not be loaded from the database, and would have to be set in the settings.php file, in the case of a configuration parsing and queuing without bootstrapping the database.


string $originator: The originator of the SMS. Usually the IP address.

array $request: $_REQUEST array, or replacement.

Return value

bool|array TRUE to allow access. Response array if denied, @see this::response() for format.

Overrides SmsParserInterface::checkAccess


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Base implementation of SmsParserInterface().


static function checkAccess($originator, $request) {
  return TRUE;