11 calls to smart_ip_session_get() in Smart IP 7
- device_geolocation_check_geolocation_attempt in modules/
device_geolocation/ device_geolocation.module - Check Geolocation attempt.
- device_geolocation_contents in modules/
device_geolocation/ device_geolocation.module - Device geolocation block content function.
- device_geolocation_detector_ajax in modules/
device_geolocation/ device_geolocation.module - Google Geocoding ajax callback function data recipient.
- device_geolocation_get_coordinates in modules/
device_geolocation/ device_geolocation.module - Get Visitor's coordinates.
- device_geolocation_init in modules/
device_geolocation/ device_geolocation.module - Implements hook_init().
- smart_ip_admin_settings_submit in includes/
smart_ip.admin.inc - Process Forms submitted by IP to Country administration page
- smart_ip_init in ./
smart_ip.module - Implements hook_init()
- smart_ip_set_session_data in ./
smart_ip.module - Set the user's session information
- smart_ip_tokens in ./
smart_ip.module - Implements hook_tokens().
- smart_ip_user_login in ./
smart_ip.module - Implements hook_user_login().
- smart_ip_user_presave in ./
smart_ip.module - Implements hook_user_presave().