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smart_ip.module in Smart IP 6.2

Determines country, geo location (longitude/latitude), region, city and postal code of the user, based on IP address

This module uses the IP address that a user is connected from to extract the location information where the user is located. This method is not foolproof, because a user may connect through an anonymizing proxy, or may be in an unusual case, such as getting service from a neighboring country, or using an IP block leased from a company in another country. Additionaly, users accessing a server on a local network may be using an IP that is not assigned to any country (e.g. 192.168.x.x).

@author Roland Michael dela Peña.


View source

 * @file
 * Determines country, geo location (longitude/latitude), region, city and
 * postal code of the user, based on IP address
 * This module uses the IP address that a user is connected from to extract
 * the location information where the user is located.  This method is not
 * foolproof, because a user may connect through an anonymizing proxy, or may
 * be in an unusual case, such as getting service from a neighboring country,
 * or using an IP block leased from a company in another country.
 * Additionaly, users accessing a server on a local network may be using
 * an IP that is not assigned to any country (e.g. 192.168.x.x).
 * @author Roland Michael dela Peña.
define('SMART_IP_SOURCE_SMART_IP', 'smart_ip');
define('SMART_IP_SOURCE_GEOCODED_SMART_IP', 'geocoded_smart_ip');
define('SMART_IP_SOURCE_W3C', 'w3c');
define('SMART_IP_MAXMIND_LOCATION_CSV', 'Location.csv');
define('SMART_IP_MAXMIND_BLOCKS_CSV', 'Blocks.csv');

 * Drupal Hooks                                                               *

 * Implements hook_help().
function smart_ip_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#smart_ip':
      return '<p>' . t("Smart IP identify visitor's geographical location (longitude/latitude), country,\n      region, city and postal code based on the IP address of the user. These information\n      will be stored at session variable (&#36;_SESSION) with array key 'smart_ip' and Drupal\n      &#36;user->data object with array key 'geoip_location' of the user but optionally it can\n      be disabled (by role) at Smart IP admin page. Other modules can use the function\n      smart_ip_get_location(&#36;ip_address) that returns an array containing the visitor's\n      ISO 3166 2-character country code, longitude, latitude, region, city and postal code. It\n      provides a feature for you to perform your own IP lookup and admin spoofing of an arbitrary IP\n      for testing purposes.") . '</p><p>' . t("Maxmind's database is the source of Smart IP database that makes the association between IP\n      address and geographical location (longitude/latitude), region, city and postal code. It can\n      be found at !maxmind it has two versions: a very accurate\n      and up to date payable version and a not quite accurate free lite version. Smart IP downloads\n      and process the CSV files (GeoLiteCity-Location.csv and GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv) to store to\n      Smart IP database. An optional once a month (Maxmind updates its database every first day of\n      a month) automatic update of the Smart IP database is provided or it can be manually updated\n      at Smart IP admin page. The database of Maxmind is very huge, the two CSV files size is about\n      150MB and the size when stored to SQL database is about 450MB with almost 5 million rows and\n      about 600MB additional database space for temporary working table for Smart IP database\n      update. The process of downloading the archived CSV files from Maxmind's server, extracting\n      the downloaded zip file, parsing the CSV files and storing to the database will took more or\n      less eight hours (depends on server's speed). It uses the batch system process. If interrupted\n      by an unexpected error, it can recover from where it stopped or the administrator can manually\n      continue the broken process at Smart IP admin page.", array(
        '!maxmind' => l('', ''),
      )) . '</p><p>' . t("Another source of Smart IP is the service which also uses Maxmind's database, in\n      this case will handle database resource load instead of your server's database.\n      By default the use of service as source is enabled. If is desired to\n      handle database resource load, it can be configured at Smart IP admin page settings..") . '</p><div class="messages"><p>' . t('Note: The Smart IP database is empty upon initial installation of this module. Either manually
      update the Smart IP database at admin page or wait for the cron to run and update Smart IP
      database automatically for you.') . '</p></div>';

 * Implements hook_permission().
function smart_ip_perm() {
  return array(
    'administer smart_ip',

 * Implements hook_init()
 * Allows geo location of anonymous users
function smart_ip_init() {

  // Check to see if the page is one of those allowed for geolocation
  if (!smart_ip_check_allowed_page()) {

    // This page is not on the list to acquire/update user's geolocation

  // Save a database hit
  $smart_ip_session = smart_ip_session_get('smart_ip');
  if (isset($smart_ip_session['location'])) {

    // Make user geolocation available to javascript
      'smart_ip' => $smart_ip_session,
      'smart_ip_src' => array(
        'smart_ip' => SMART_IP_SOURCE_SMART_IP,
        'geocoded_smart_ip' => SMART_IP_SOURCE_GEOCODED_SMART_IP,
        'w3c' => SMART_IP_SOURCE_W3C,
    ), 'setting');

 * Implements hook_cron().
 * Updates the Smart IP database automatically on one month periodic basis.
function smart_ip_cron() {
  $time = (int) $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
  $data_source = variable_get('smart_ip_source', 'ipinfodb_service');
  if ($data_source == 'local_db') {
    if (variable_get('smart_ip_db_update_busy_timeout', 0) <= $time - 3600 && variable_get('smart_ip_db_update_busy', FALSE)) {

      // Reset busy flag after 1 hour
      variable_set('smart_ip_db_update_busy', FALSE);
    if (variable_get('smart_ip_auto_update', TRUE) && !variable_get('smart_ip_db_update_busy', FALSE)) {

      // One month and interval. Maxmind updates every first day of a month.
      if (variable_get('smart_ip_last_update', 0) <= $time - 2678400) {
        global $base_root;
        if (!variable_get('smart_ip_extract_zip_done', FALSE) && !variable_get('smart_ip_get_zip_done', FALSE)) {

          // Set an indicator that Smart IP database update has been started by cron
          variable_set('smart_ip_db_update_busy', TRUE);
          variable_set('smart_ip_db_update_busy_timeout', $time);
        $headers = array(
          'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
        $data = 'smart_ip_cron_key=' . rawurlencode(trim(variable_get('cron_key', 'drupal')));
        drupal_http_request($base_root . '/?q=smart_ip_batch', $headers, 'POST', $data);
  if ($data_source == 'maxmind_bin' && variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_bin_db_auto_update', TRUE)) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.utility');
    smart_ip_maxmind_bin_db_update(variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_license', ''), TRUE);
  if ($data_source == 'maxmindgeoip2_bin' && variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_db_auto_update', TRUE)) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.utility');
    smart_ip_maxmind_bin_db_update(variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_license', ''), TRUE);

 * Menu page callback for Smart IP batch operations.
function smart_ip_run_batch() {
  if (isset($_POST['smart_ip_cron_key']) && $_POST['smart_ip_cron_key'] == variable_get('cron_key', 'drupal')) {
    global $_smart_ip_db_update_access;
    $recover = !variable_get('smart_ip_db_update_busy', FALSE) & (variable_get('smart_ip_get_zip_done', FALSE) | variable_get('smart_ip_extract_zip_done', FALSE) | variable_get('smart_ip_store_location_csv_done', FALSE));
    $submit = $recover ? t('Recover database update') : t('Update database now');
    $form_state = array(
      'values' => array(
        'smart_ip_csv_source' => smart_ip_get_csv_source_filename(),
        'smart_ip_update_database' => $submit,
        'op' => $submit,

    // Set the db update access flag to allow cron to execute db update
    $_smart_ip_db_update_access = TRUE;
    drupal_execute('smart_ip_cron_db_update', $form_state);
  else {

 * Implement hook_forms().
function smart_ip_forms($form_id, $args) {
  $forms = array();
  if ($form_id == 'smart_ip_cron_db_update') {
    module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.admin');
    $forms[$form_id]['callback'] = 'smart_ip_admin_settings';
  return $forms;

 * Implements hook_menu().
 * Called when Drupal is building menus.  Cache parameter lets module know
 * if Drupal intends to cache menu or not - different results may be
 * returned for either case.
 * @return
 *   An array with the menu path, callback, and parameters.
function smart_ip_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/settings/smart_ip'] = array(
    'title' => 'Smart IP',
    'description' => 'Configure the Smart IP settings',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer smart_ip',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'file' => 'includes/',

  // Default page for Smart IP batch operations during cron run.
  $items['smart_ip_batch'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'smart_ip_run_batch',
    'access callback' => TRUE,
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function smart_ip_theme() {
  return array(
    'smart_ip_latitude_dms' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'latitude' => NULL,
    'smart_ip_longitude_dms' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'longitude' => NULL,

 * Display latitude.
function theme_smart_ip_latitude_dms($latitude) {
  $output = '';
  list($degrees, $minutes, $seconds, $negative) = coordinates_dd_to_dms($latitude);
  $output .= "{$degrees}&deg; {$minutes}' {$seconds}\" ";
  if (!$negative) {
    $output .= 'N';
  else {
    $output .= 'S';
  return $output;

 * Display longitude.
function theme_smart_ip_longitude_dms($longitude) {
  $output = '';
  list($degrees, $minutes, $seconds, $negative) = coordinates_dd_to_dms($longitude);
  $output .= "{$degrees}&deg; {$minutes}' {$seconds}\" ";
  if (!$negative) {
    $output .= 'E';
  else {
    $output .= 'W';
  return $output;

 * Module API                                                                 *

 * Get the geo location from the IP address
 * @param string $ip_address
 *   IP address to query for geolocation. It will use current user's IP
 *   address if empty.
 * @return array
 *   Geolocation details of queried IP address
function smart_ip_get_location($ip_address = NULL) {
  $ip_address = trim($ip_address);

  // Options used in drupal_http_request().
  $timeout = variable_get('smart_ip_get_location_timeout', 2);
  if (empty($ip_address)) {
    $ip_address = ip_address();

  // Use a static cache if this function is called more often
  // for the same ip on the same page.
  static $results;
  if (isset($results[$ip_address])) {
    return $results[$ip_address];
  $result = array();
  $smart_ip_source = variable_get('smart_ip_source', 'ipinfodb_service');
  if ($smart_ip_source == 'local_db') {

    // Local database
    $ip = explode('.', $ip_address);
    if (count($ip) == 4) {
      $ipl = (($ip[0] * 256 + $ip[1]) * 256 + $ip[2]) * 256 + $ip[3];
      $result = db_fetch_array(db_query('SELECT * FROM {smart_ip} WHERE ip_ref <= %d ORDER BY ip_ref DESC LIMIT 1', array(
        '%d' => $ipl,
      if (!empty($result)) {
        module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.country_list');
        $countries = country_get_predefined_list();
        $result['country'] = $countries[$result['country_code']];
        $region = array();
        $result['region_code'] = $result['region'];
        $region = smart_ip_get_region_static($result['country_code'], $result['region_code']);
        $result['region'] = $region[$result['country_code']][$result['region_code']];
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'mod_geoip') {
    if (function_exists('apache_note')) {
      $result['country'] = apache_note('GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME');
      $result['country_code'] = apache_note('GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE');
      $result['country_code'] = strtoupper($result['country_code']);
      $result['region'] = apache_note('GEOIP_REGION_NAME');
      $result['region_code'] = apache_note('GEOIP_REGION');
      $result['city'] = apache_note('GEOIP_CITY');
      $result['zip'] = apache_note('GEOIP_POSTAL_CODE');
      $result['latitude'] = apache_note('GEOIP_LATITUDE');
      $result['longitude'] = apache_note('GEOIP_LONGITUDE');
      $result['time_zone'] = '';
    else {
      $result['country'] = isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME'] : '';
      $result['country_code'] = isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE'] : '';
      $result['region'] = isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_REGION_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['GEOIP_REGION_NAME'] : '';
      $result['region_code'] = isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_REGION']) ? strtoupper($_SERVER['GEOIP_REGION']) : '';
      $result['city'] = isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_CITY']) ? $_SERVER['GEOIP_CITY'] : '';
      $result['zip'] = isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_POSTAL_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['GEOIP_POSTAL_CODE'] : '';
      $result['latitude'] = isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_LATITUDE']) ? $_SERVER['GEOIP_LATITUDE'] : '';
      $result['longitude'] = isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_LONGITUDE']) ? $_SERVER['GEOIP_LONGITUDE'] : '';
      $result['time_zone'] = '';
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'maxmindgeoip_service') {

    // MaxMind GeoIP Legacy Web Services
    module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.country_list');
    $countries = country_get_predefined_list();
    $request = drupal_http_request(smart_ip_get_maxmindgeoip_url($ip_address), array(), 'GET', NULL, 3, $timeout);
    if (!empty($request->code) && $request->code == 200 && !empty($request->data)) {
      switch (variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_service', 'country')) {
        case 'country':

          // For MaxMind GeoIP Legacy Country Web Service
          // In case of errors the country code "(null),IP_NOT_FOUND" is returned,
          // so we need to check if the code is in our countries list.
          $result['country_code'] = isset($request->data) && isset($countries[$request->data]) ? strtoupper($request->data) : '';
          $result['country'] = empty($result['country_code']) ? '' : $countries[$request->data];
          $result['region'] = '';
          $result['region_code'] = '';
          $result['city'] = '';
          $result['zip'] = '';
          $result['latitude'] = '';
          $result['longitude'] = '';
          $result['time_zone'] = '';
        case 'city':

          // For MaxMind GeoIP Legacy City Web Service
          // In case of errors the country code "(null),IP_NOT_FOUND" is returned,
          // so we need to check if the code is in our countries list.
          $response = str_getcsv($request->data);
          $result['country_code'] = isset($request->data) && isset($countries[$response[0]]) ? strtoupper($response[0]) : '';
          $result['country'] = empty($result['country_code']) ? '' : $countries[$response[0]];
          $result['region'] = $response[1];
          $result['region_code'] = $response[1];
          $result['city'] = $response[2];
          $result['zip'] = '';
          $result['latitude'] = $response[3];
          $result['longitude'] = $response[4];
          $result['time_zone'] = '';
        case 'city_isp_org':

          // For MaxMind GeoIP Legacy City/ISP/Organization Web Service
          // In case of errors the country code "(null),IP_NOT_FOUND" is returned,
          // so we need to check if the code is in our countries list.
          $response = str_getcsv($request->data);
          $result['country_code'] = isset($request->data) && isset($countries[$response[0]]) ? strtoupper($response[0]) : '';
          $result['country'] = empty($result['country_code']) ? '' : $countries[$response[0]];
          $result['region'] = $response[1];
          $result['region_code'] = $response[1];
          $result['city'] = $response[2];
          $result['zip'] = $response[3];
          $result['latitude'] = $response[4];
          $result['longitude'] = $response[5];
          $result['time_zone'] = '';
          $result['metro_code'] = $response[6];
          $result['area_code'] = $response[7];
          $result['isp_name'] = $response[8];
          $result['organization_name'] = $response[9];
        case 'omni':

          // For MaxMind GeoIP Legacy Insights (formerly Omni) Web Service
          // In case of errors the country code "(null),IP_NOT_FOUND" is returned,
          // so we need to check if the code is in our countries list.
          $response = str_getcsv($request->data);
          $result['country_code'] = $response[0];
          $result['country'] = $response[1];
          $result['region'] = $response[3];
          $result['region_code'] = $response[2];
          $result['city'] = $response[4];
          $result['zip'] = $response[11];
          $result['latitude'] = $response[5];
          $result['longitude'] = $response[6];
          $result['time_zone'] = $response[9];
          $result['metro_code'] = $response[7];
          $result['area_code'] = $response[8];
          $result['isp_name'] = $response[12];
          $result['domain'] = $response[14];
          $result['autonomous_system_number'] = $response[15];
          $result['netspeed'] = $response[16];
          $result['user_type'] = $response[17];
          $result['country_confidence_factor'] = $response[19];
          $result['city_confidence_factor'] = $response[20];
          $result['region_confidence_factor'] = $response[21];
          $result['zip_confidence_factor'] = $response[22];
          $result['accuracy_radius'] = $response[18];
          $result['continent_code'] = $response[10];
          $result['organization_name'] = $response[13];
    else {
      watchdog('smart_ip', 'The MaxMind GeoIP Legacy Web Service request from %site seems to be broken, due to "%error".', array(
        '%site' => $smart_ip_source,
        '%error' => "{$request->code} {$request->error}",
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'maxmindgeoip2_service') {

    // MaxMind GeoIP2 Precision Web Services
    global $language;
    $lang = $language->language;
    $request = drupal_http_request(smart_ip_get_maxmindgeoip2_url($ip_address), array(), 'GET', NULL, 3, $timeout);
    if (!empty($request->code) && $request->code == 200 && !empty($request->data)) {
      $response = json_decode($request->data, TRUE);
      $result['country_code'] = isset($response['country']['iso_code']) ? $response['country']['iso_code'] : '';
      if (isset($response['country']['names']['en'])) {
        $result['country'] = isset($response['country']['names'][$lang]) ? $response['country']['names'][$lang] : $response['country']['names']['en'];
      else {
        $result['country'] = '';
      if (isset($response['subdivisions'][0]['names']['en'])) {
        $result['region'] = isset($response['subdivisions'][0]['names'][$lang]) ? $response['subdivisions'][0]['names'][$lang] : $response['subdivisions'][0]['names']['en'];
      else {
        $result['region'] = '';
      $result['region_code'] = isset($response['subdivisions'][0]['iso_code']) ? $response['subdivisions'][0]['iso_code'] : '';
      if (isset($response['city']['names']['en'])) {
        $result['city'] = isset($response['city']['names'][$lang]) ? $response['city']['names'][$lang] : $response['city']['names']['en'];
      else {
        $result['city'] = '';
      $result['zip'] = isset($response['postal']['code']) ? $response['postal']['code'] : '';
      $result['latitude'] = isset($response['location']['latitude']) ? $response['location']['latitude'] : '';
      $result['longitude'] = isset($response['location']['longitude']) ? $response['location']['longitude'] : '';
      $result['time_zone'] = isset($response['location']['time_zone']) ? $response['location']['time_zone'] : '';
      $result['is_eu_country'] = isset($response['country']['is_in_european_union']) ? $response['country']['is_in_european_union'] : '';
      if (isset($response['location']['metro_code'])) {
        $result['metro_code'] = $response['location']['metro_code'];
      if (isset($response['location']['accuracy_radius'])) {
        $result['accuracy_radius'] = $response['location']['accuracy_radius'];
      if (isset($response['location']['average_income'])) {
        $result['average_income'] = $response['location']['average_income'];
      if (isset($response['location']['population_density'])) {
        $result['population_density'] = $response['location']['population_density'];
      if (isset($response['continent']['names'][$lang])) {
        $result['continent'] = $response['continent']['names'][$lang];
      elseif (isset($response['continent']['names']['en'])) {
        $result['continent'] = $response['continent']['names']['en'];
      if (isset($response['continent']['code'])) {
        $result['continent'] = $response['continent']['code'];
      if (isset($response['traits']['isp'])) {
        $result['isp_name'] = $response['traits']['isp'];
      if (isset($response['traits']['domain'])) {
        $result['domain'] = $response['traits']['domain'];
      if (isset($response['traits']['netspeed'])) {
        $result['netspeed'] = $response['traits']['netspeed'];
      if (isset($response['traits']['user_type'])) {
        $result['user_type'] = $response['traits']['user_type'];
      if (isset($response['traits']['organization'])) {
        $result['organization_name'] = $response['traits']['organization'];
      if (isset($response['traits']['autonomous_system_number'])) {
        $result['autonomous_system_number'] = $response['traits']['autonomous_system_number'];
      if (isset($response['traits']['autonomous_system_organization'])) {
        $result['autonomous_system_organization'] = $response['traits']['autonomous_system_organization'];
      if (isset($response['traits']['is_anonymous_proxy'])) {
        $result['is_anonymous_proxy'] = $response['traits']['is_anonymous_proxy'];
      if (isset($response['traits']['is_satellite_provider'])) {
        $result['is_satellite_provider'] = $response['traits']['is_satellite_provider'];
      if (isset($response['country']['confidence'])) {
        $result['country_confidence_factor'] = $response['country']['confidence'];
      if (isset($response['city']['confidence'])) {
        $result['city_confidence_factor'] = $response['city']['confidence'];
      if (isset($response['postal']['confidence'])) {
        $result['zip_confidence_factor'] = $response['postal']['confidence'];
      if (isset($response['subdivisions'][0]['confidence'])) {
        $result['region_confidence_factor'] = $response['subdivisions'][0]['confidence'];
    else {
      watchdog('smart_ip', 'The Maxmind GeoIP2 Precision Web Service request from %site seems to be broken, due to "%error".', array(
        '%site' => $smart_ip_source,
        '%error' => "{$request->code} {$request->error}",
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'maxmind_bin') {

    // MaxMind GeoIP Legacy binary database
    module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/geoipcity');
    $db_path = variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_bin_custom_path', '');
    if (empty($db_path) || variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_bin_db_auto_update', TRUE)) {
      $db_path = file_directory_path() . '/smart_ip';
    $version = variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_bin_version', SMART_IP_MAXMIND_BIN_LICENSED_VERSION);
    $edition = variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_bin_edition', SMART_IP_MAXMIND_BIN_EDITION_CITY);
    $filename = smart_ip_get_bin_source_filename($version, $edition);
    $db_path = "{$db_path}/{$filename}.dat";
    if (file_exists($db_path)) {
      require 'includes/geoipregionvars.php';
      $gi = geoip_open($db_path, GEOIP_STANDARD);
      switch ($edition) {
          $rec = geoip_record_by_addr($gi, $ip_address);
          if ($rec) {
            $result['country'] = $rec->country_name;
            $result['country_code'] = strtoupper($rec->country_code);
            $result['city'] = $rec->city;
            $result['zip'] = $rec->postal_code;
            $result['region_code'] = $rec->region;
            $result['region'] = isset($GEOIP_REGION_NAME[$rec->country_code][$rec->region]) ? $GEOIP_REGION_NAME[$rec->country_code][$rec->region] : '';
            $result['latitude'] = $rec->latitude;
            $result['longitude'] = $rec->longitude;
            $result['time_zone'] = '';
          $rec = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $ip_address);
          if ($rec) {
            module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.country_list');
            $countries = country_get_predefined_list();
            $result['country_code'] = strtoupper($rec);
            $result['country'] = $countries[$result['country_code']];
            $result['region'] = '';
            $result['region_code'] = '';
            $result['city'] = '';
            $result['zip'] = '';
            $result['latitude'] = '';
            $result['longitude'] = '';
            $result['time_zone'] = '';
    else {
      watchdog('smart_ip', 'Maxmind bin database has not been downloaded yet', array(), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
      variable_set('smart_ip_maxmind_bin_db_update_error', t('Maxmind bin database does not exist (you can download the database now to get rid of this message).'));
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'maxmindgeoip2_bin') {

    // MaxMind GeoIP2 binary database
    module_load_include('php', 'smart_ip', 'includes/vendor/autoload');
    $version = variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_version', SMART_IP_MAXMIND_BIN_LICENSED_VERSION);
    $edition = variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_edition', SMART_IP_MAXMIND_GEOIP2_BIN_EDITION_CITY);
    $filename = smart_ip_get_geoip2_bin_source_filename($version, $edition);
    $db_path = variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_custom_path', '');
    if (empty($db_path)) {
      $db_path = file_directory_path() . '/smart_ip';
    $db_path = "{$db_path}/{$filename}";
    if (file_exists($db_path)) {
      if (class_exists('MaxMind\\Db\\Reader')) {
        $reader = new MaxMind\Db\Reader($db_path);
        $raw = $reader
      else {
        $reader = new GeoIp2\Database\Reader($db_path);
        if ($edition == SMART_IP_MAXMIND_GEOIP2_BIN_EDITION_CITY) {
          $record = $reader
        elseif ($edition == SMART_IP_MAXMIND_GEOIP2_BIN_EDITION_COUNTRY) {
          $record = $reader
        if (!empty($record)) {
          $raw = $record
      if (!empty($raw)) {
        global $language;
        $lang = $language->language;
        if (!isset($raw['country']['names'][$lang])) {

          // The current language is not yet supported by MaxMind, use English as
          // default language.
          $lang = 'en';
        $result['original_data'] = $raw;
        $result['country'] = isset($raw['country']['names'][$lang]) ? $raw['country']['names'][$lang] : '';
        $result['country_code'] = isset($raw['country']['iso_code']) ? strtoupper($raw['country']['iso_code']) : '';
        $result['city'] = isset($raw['city']['names'][$lang]) ? $raw['city']['names'][$lang] : '';
        $result['zip'] = isset($raw['postal']['code']) ? $raw['postal']['code'] : '';
        $result['region_code'] = isset($raw['subdivisions'][0]['iso_code']) ? $raw['subdivisions'][0]['iso_code'] : '';
        $result['region'] = isset($raw['subdivisions'][0]['names'][$lang]) ? $raw['subdivisions'][0]['names'][$lang] : '';
        $result['latitude'] = isset($raw['location']['latitude']) ? $raw['location']['latitude'] : '';
        $result['longitude'] = isset($raw['location']['longitude']) ? $raw['location']['longitude'] : '';
        $result['time_zone'] = isset($raw['location']['time_zone']) ? $raw['location']['time_zone'] : '';
        $result['is_eu_country'] = isset($raw['country']['is_in_european_union']) ? $raw['country']['is_in_european_union'] : '';
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'ip2location_bin') {

    // IP2Location binary database
    module_load_include('php', 'smart_ip', 'includes/vendor/autoload');
    $ip_ver = smart_ip_get_ip_address_version($ip_address);
    if ($ip_ver == 4) {
      $custom_path = variable_get('smart_ip_ip2location_bin_path', '');
    elseif ($ip_ver == 6) {
      $custom_path = variable_get('smart_ip_ip2location_ipv6_bin_path', '');
    if (!empty($custom_path)) {
      switch (variable_get('smart_ip_ip2location_bin_cache', 'no_cache')) {
        case 'shared_memory':
          $location_data = new IP2Location\Database($custom_path, IP2Location\Database::SHARED_MEMORY);
        case 'memory_cache':
          $location_data = new IP2Location\Database($custom_path, IP2Location\Database::MEMORY_CACHE);
        case 'no_cache':
          $location_data = new IP2Location\Database($custom_path, IP2Location\Database::FILE_IO);
      $record = $location_data
        ->lookup($ip_address, IP2Location\Database::ALL);
      foreach ($record as &$item) {
        if (strpos($item, 'Please upgrade') !== FALSE || strpos($item, 'Invalid IP address') !== FALSE || $item == '-') {

          // Make the value "This parameter is unavailable in selected .BIN
          // data file. Please upgrade." or "Invalid IP address" or "-" as
          // NULL.
          $item = NULL;
      $result['original_data'] = $record;
      $result['country_code'] = isset($record['countryCode']) ? strtoupper($record['countryCode']) : '';
      $result['country'] = isset($record['countryName']) ? $record['countryName'] : '';
      $result['region'] = isset($record['regionName']) ? $record['regionName'] : '';
      $result['region_code'] = '';
      $result['city'] = isset($record['cityName']) ? $record['cityName'] : '';
      $result['zip'] = isset($record['zipCode']) ? $record['zipCode'] : '';
      $result['latitude'] = isset($record['latitude']) ? $record['latitude'] : '';
      $result['longitude'] = isset($record['longitude']) ? $record['longitude'] : '';
      $result['time_zone'] = isset($record['timeZone']) ? $record['timeZone'] : '';
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'ipinfodb_service') {

    // service
    $ipinfodb_key = variable_get('smart_ip_ipinfodb_key', 0);
    $version = variable_get('smart_ip_use_ipinfodb_api_version', 3);
    $request = drupal_http_request(smart_ip_get_ipinfodb_url($ipinfodb_key, $ip_address, $version), array(), 'GET', NULL, 3, $timeout);
    $request_data = isset($request->data) ? (array) json_decode($request->data) : '';
    if (!empty($request_data)) {
      foreach ($request_data as &$datum) {
        if (strpos($datum, 'Please upgrade') !== FALSE || strpos($datum, 'Invalid IP address') !== FALSE || $datum == '-') {

          // Make the value "This parameter is unavailable in selected .BIN
          // data file. Please upgrade." or "Invalid IP address" or "-" as
          // NULL.
          $datum = NULL;
      if ($version == 3) {

        // IPInfoDB version 3
        $result['country'] = isset($request_data['countryName']) ? ucwords(strtolower($request_data['countryName'])) : '';
        $result['country_code'] = isset($request_data['countryCode']) ? strtoupper($request_data['countryCode']) : '';
        $result['region'] = isset($request_data['regionName']) ? ucwords(strtolower($request_data['regionName'])) : '';
        $result['region_code'] = '';
        $result['city'] = isset($request_data['cityName']) ? ucwords(strtolower($request_data['cityName'])) : '';
        $result['zip'] = isset($request_data['zipCode']) ? $request_data['zipCode'] : '';
        $result['latitude'] = isset($request_data['latitude']) ? $request_data['latitude'] : '';
        $result['longitude'] = isset($request_data['longitude']) ? $request_data['longitude'] : '';
        $result['time_zone'] = isset($request_data['timeZone']) ? $request_data['timeZone'] : '';
      else {

        // IPInfoDB version 2
        $region = '';
        if (isset($request_data['RegionCode']) && isset($request_data['CountryCode'])) {
          $region_result = array();
          $region_result = smart_ip_get_region_static($request_data['CountryCode'], $request_data['RegionCode']);
          $region = $region_result[$request_data['CountryCode']][$request_data['RegionCode']];
        elseif (isset($request_data['RegionName'])) {
          $region = $request_data['RegionName'];
        $result['country'] = isset($request_data['CountryName']) ? $request_data['CountryName'] : '';
        $result['country_code'] = isset($request_data['CountryCode']) ? strtoupper($request_data['CountryCode']) : '';
        $result['region'] = $region;
        $result['region_code'] = isset($request_data['RegionCode']) ? $request_data['RegionCode'] : '';
        $result['city'] = isset($request_data['City']) ? $request_data['City'] : '';
        $result['zip'] = isset($request_data['ZipPostalCode']) ? $request_data['ZipPostalCode'] : '';
        $result['latitude'] = isset($request_data['Latitude']) ? $request_data['Latitude'] : '';
        $result['longitude'] = isset($request_data['Longitude']) ? $request_data['Longitude'] : '';
        $result['time_zone'] = '';
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'abstract_service') {

    // Abstract IP Geolocation service
    $abstract_key = variable_get('smart_ip_abstract_key', 0);
    $version = variable_get('smart_ip_abstract_version', 1);
    $request = drupal_http_request(smart_ip_get_abstract_url($abstract_key, $ip_address, $version), array(), 'GET', NULL, 3, $timeout);
    $request_data = isset($request->data) ? (array) json_decode($request->data) : '';
    if (!empty($request_data) && !isset($request_data['error'])) {
      if ($version == 1) {

        // Abstract IP Geolocation service version 1
        $result['country'] = isset($request_data['country']) ? $request_data['country'] : '';
        $result['country_code'] = isset($request_data['country_code']) ? strtoupper($request_data['country_code']) : '';
        $result['region'] = isset($request_data['region']) ? $request_data['region'] : '';
        $result['region_code'] = isset($request_data['region_iso_code']) ? $request_data['region_iso_code'] : '';
        $result['city'] = isset($request_data['city']) ? $request_data['city'] : '';
        $result['zip'] = isset($request_data['postal_code']) ? $request_data['postal_code'] : '';
        $result['latitude'] = isset($request_data['latitude']) ? $request_data['latitude'] : '';
        $result['longitude'] = isset($request_data['longitude']) ? $request_data['longitude'] : '';
        $result['time_zone'] = isset($request_data['timezone']->name) ? $request_data['timezone']->name : '';
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'x_header') {

    // X-GeoIP
    module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.country_list');
    $countries = country_get_predefined_list();
    $result['country_code'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_GEOIP_COUNTRY']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_GEOIP_COUNTRY'] : '';
    $result['country'] = empty($result['country_code']) ? '' : $countries[$result['country_code']];
    $result['region'] = '';
    $result['region_code'] = '';
    $result['city'] = '';
    $result['zip'] = '';
    $result['latitude'] = '';
    $result['longitude'] = '';
    $result['time_zone'] = '';
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'es_header') {

    // Akamai EdgeScape IP Geolocation
    module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.country_list');
    $countries = country_get_predefined_list();
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_AKAMAI_EDGESCAPE'])) {
      parse_str(str_replace(',', '&', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_AKAMAI_EDGESCAPE']), $es_header);
    $result['country_code'] = isset($es_header['country_code']) ? $es_header['country_code'] : '';
    $result['country_code'] = strtoupper($result['country_code']);
    $result['country'] = empty($result['country_code']) ? '' : $countries[$result['country_code']];
    $result['region_code'] = isset($es_header['region_code']) ? $es_header['region_code'] : '';
    $region = '';
    if (isset($result['region_code']) && isset($result['country_code'])) {
      $region_result = array();
      $region_result = smart_ip_get_region_static($result['country_code'], $result['region_code']);
      $region = $region_result[$result['country_code']][$result['region_code']];
    $result['region'] = $region;
    $result['city'] = isset($es_header['city']) ? $es_header['city'] : '';
    $result['zip'] = isset($es_header['zip']) ? $es_header['zip'] : '';
    $result['latitude'] = isset($es_header['lat']) ? $es_header['lat'] : '';
    $result['longitude'] = isset($es_header['long']) ? $es_header['long'] : '';
    $result['time_zone'] = isset($es_header['timezone']) ? $es_header['timezone'] : '';
  elseif ($smart_ip_source == 'cf_header') {

    // Cloudflare IP Geolocation
    module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.country_list');
    $countries = country_get_predefined_list();
    $result['country_code'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY'] : '';
    $result['country_code'] = strtoupper($result['country_code']);
    $result['country'] = empty($result['country_code']) ? '' : $countries[$result['country_code']];
    $result['region'] = '';
    $result['region_code'] = '';
    $result['city'] = '';
    $result['zip'] = '';
    $result['latitude'] = '';
    $result['longitude'] = '';
    $result['time_zone'] = '';
  $result['source'] = SMART_IP_SOURCE_SMART_IP;
  $result['ip_address'] = $ip_address;
  $result['timestamp'] = (int) $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];

  // Allow other modules to modify result via hook_smart_ip_get_location_alter()
  drupal_alter('smart_ip_get_location', $result);
  $results[$ip_address] = $result;
  return $result;

 * Update the values of location fields.
 * @param array $fields
 *   Location fields.
function smart_ip_update_fields(&$fields) {
  $coordinates_exist = isset($fields['latitude']) && isset($fields['longitude']);
  if ($coordinates_exist) {

    // If coordinates are (0, 0) there was no match
    if ($fields['latitude'] === 0 && $fields['longitude'] === 0) {
      $fields['latitude'] = NULL;
      $fields['longitude'] = NULL;

  // Determine if EU member country.
  if (isset($fields['country_code']) && (!isset($fields['is_eu_country']) || isset($fields['is_eu_country']) && empty($fields['is_eu_country']))) {
    $eu_country = smart_ip_is_eu_gdpr_country($fields['country_code']);
    $fields['is_eu_country'] = !empty($eu_country);
    if ($fields['is_eu_country']) {
      $fields['is_gdpr_country'] = TRUE;

  // Determine if GDPR country.
  if (isset($fields['country_code']) && (!isset($fields['is_gdpr_country']) || isset($fields['is_gdpr_country']) && empty($fields['is_gdpr_country']))) {
    $gdpr_country = smart_ip_is_eu_gdpr_country($fields['country_code'], FALSE);
    $fields['is_gdpr_country'] = !empty($gdpr_country);

  // Update the format of time zone field according to user's preference.
  $tz_format = variable_get('smart_ip_timezone_format', 'identifier');
  $geotimezone_exists = module_exists('geotimezone');
  if ($geotimezone_exists && empty($fields['time_zone']) && ($coordinates_exist || isset($fields['country_code']))) {

    // Time zone is empty, get value from Geo Time Zone.
    $location = $fields;
    $location['countryCode'] = $fields['country_code'];
    $location['regionCode'] = $fields['region_code'];
    $time_zone = geotimezone_query($location, $tz_format);
    if (is_array($time_zone)) {
      $fields['time_zone'] = !empty($time_zone) ? implode(', ', $time_zone) : '';
    else {
      $fields['time_zone'] = $time_zone;
  elseif (!empty($fields['time_zone'])) {
    if ($geotimezone_exists && $tz_format == 'identifier' && (strpos($fields['time_zone'], '+') === 0 || strpos($fields['time_zone'], '-') === 0) && ($coordinates_exist || isset($fields['country_code']))) {

      // Convert to time zone identifier.
      $location = $fields;
      $location['countryCode'] = $fields['country_code'];
      $location['regionCode'] = $fields['region_code'];
      $tz_format = geotimezone_query($location, $tz_format);
      if (is_array($tz_format)) {
        $fields['time_zone'] = !empty($tz_format) ? implode(', ', $tz_format) : '';
      else {
        $fields['time_zone'] = $tz_format;
    elseif ($tz_format == 'offset' && strpos($fields['time_zone'], '+') === FALSE) {

      // Convert to time zone offset.
      $time = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($fields['time_zone']));
      $fields['time_zone'] = $time

  // Make sure external data in UTF-8.
  if (!empty($fields)) {
    foreach ($fields as &$item) {
      if (is_string($item) && !mb_detect_encoding($item, 'UTF-8', TRUE)) {
        $item = mb_convert_encoding($item, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1');

 * Get the total count of IP ranges in database
function smart_ip_get_count() {
  $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {smart_ip}';
  $count = db_fetch_array(db_query($sql));
  return (int) $count['COUNT(*)'];

 * Get current visitor's location information
 * @param bool $direct_query
 *   If TRUE, directly query from the data source and bypass the debug mode
 *   If FALSE, get data from session variable
 * @return mixed
 *   User's location details
function smart_ip_get_current_visitor_location_data($direct_query = FALSE) {
  if ($direct_query) {
    $location = smart_ip_get_location();
  else {
    $smart_ip_session = smart_ip_session_get('smart_ip');
    $location = $smart_ip_session['location'];
  return $location;

 * Use server's mod_geoip, X-GeoIP and Cloudflare IP Geolocation as fallback
 * if the user's geolocation is empty
 * @param array $location
function user_location_fallback(&$location) {
  if (!isset($location['country']) && !isset($location['country_code']) && !isset($location['region']) && !isset($location['region_code']) && !isset($location['city']) && !isset($location['zip']) && !isset($location['latitude']) && !isset($location['longitude'])) {

    // Use server's mod_geoip user's geolocation info as fallback
    if (function_exists('apache_note')) {
      if ($country = apache_note('GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME')) {
        $location['country'] = $country;
      if ($country_code = apache_note('GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE')) {
        $location['country_code'] = $country_code;
      if ($region = apache_note('GEOIP_REGION_NAME')) {
        $location['region'] = $region;
      if ($region_code = apache_note('GEOIP_REGION')) {
        $location['region_code'] = $region_code;
      if ($city = apache_note('GEOIP_CITY')) {
        $location['city'] = $city;
      if ($zip = apache_note('GEOIP_POSTAL_CODE')) {
        $location['zip'] = $zip;
      if ($latitude = apache_note('GEOIP_LATITUDE')) {
        $location['latitude'] = $latitude;
      if ($longitude = apache_note('GEOIP_LONGITUDE')) {
        $location['longitude'] = $longitude;
    else {
      if (isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME'])) {
        $location['country'] = $_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME'];
      elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_GEOIP_COUNTRY'])) {
        module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.country_list');
        $countries = country_get_predefined_list();
        $location['country'] = $countries[$_SERVER['HTTP_X_GEOIP_COUNTRY']];
      elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY'])) {
        module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.country_list');
        $countries = country_get_predefined_list();
        $location['country'] = $countries[$_SERVER['HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY']];
      if (isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE'])) {
        $location['country_code'] = $_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE'];
      elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_GEOIP_COUNTRY'])) {
        $location['country_code'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_GEOIP_COUNTRY'];
      elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY'])) {
        $location['country_code'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY'];
      if (isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_REGION_NAME'])) {
        $location['region'] = $_SERVER['GEOIP_REGION_NAME'];
      if (isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_REGION'])) {
        $location['region_code'] = $_SERVER['GEOIP_REGION'];
      if (isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_CITY'])) {
        $location['city'] = $_SERVER['GEOIP_CITY'];
      if (isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_POSTAL_CODE'])) {
        $location['zip'] = $_SERVER['GEOIP_POSTAL_CODE'];
      if (isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_LATITUDE'])) {
        $location['latitude'] = $_SERVER['GEOIP_LATITUDE'];
      if (isset($_SERVER['GEOIP_LONGITUDE'])) {
        $location['longitude'] = $_SERVER['GEOIP_LONGITUDE'];

 * Set the user's location information
function smart_ip_set_location_data($account, $location) {
  global $user;
  if ($account->uid == $user->uid) {
  smart_ip_set_user_data($account, $location);

 * Set the user's session information
function smart_ip_set_session_data($location) {

  // Store the location information in the session, merging any old data not overridden
  $smart_ip_session = smart_ip_session_get('smart_ip');
  if (isset($smart_ip_session['location'])) {
    $smart_ip_session['location'] = array_merge((array) $smart_ip_session['location'], $location);
  else {
    $smart_ip_session['location'] = $location;
  smart_ip_session_set('smart_ip', $smart_ip_session);

 * Set the $user data
 * @param mixed $account
 *   User account object.
 * @param array $location
 *   User location data.
function smart_ip_set_user_data($account, $location) {

  // Determine if saving location details of visitor from EU countries are
  // permitted.
  $eu_visitor_dont_save = FALSE;
  if (isset($location['is_gdpr_country'])) {
    $eu_visitor_dont_save = variable_get('smart_ip_eu_visitor_dont_save', FALSE) && $location['is_gdpr_country'];

  // Check if the user permitted to share location
  $share_location = smart_ip_session_get('smart_ip_user_share_location_permitted', FALSE, TRUE);
  if ($account->uid != 0 && $share_location && !$eu_visitor_dont_save) {
    $user_obj = user_load($account->uid);
    drupal_alter('smart_ip_user_save', $user_obj, $location);
    user_save($user_obj, array(
      'geoip_location' => $location,

 * Delete the $user data
function smart_ip_delete_location_data() {
  global $user;
  if ($user->uid != 0) {
    $user_obj = user_load($user->uid);
    $data = unserialize($user_obj->data);
    $user_obj->data = serialize($data);
    smart_ip_session_set('smart_ip', NULL);
    if (module_exists('device_geolocation')) {
      smart_ip_session_set('device_geolocation', NULL);
    drupal_alter('smart_ip_user_delete', $user_obj);

 * Check if the current user is in debug mode.
 * @param int $uid
 *   User ID.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if the current user is in debug mode and FALSE if not.
function is_user_debug_mode($uid = NULL) {
  global $user;
  $in_debug_mode = FALSE;
  $current_user = $uid ? user_load($uid) : user_load($user->uid);
  $roles_debug = variable_get('smart_ip_roles_in_debug_mode', array());
  foreach ($current_user->roles as $role_id => $role) {
    if (isset($roles_debug[$role_id]) && $roles_debug[$role_id]) {
      $in_debug_mode = TRUE;
  return $in_debug_mode;

 * Update user's location only if the IP address stored in session is not the
 * same as the IP address detected by the server or debug mode IP.
function smart_ip_update_user_location() {

  // Check if the user permitted to share location
  $share_location = smart_ip_session_get('smart_ip_user_share_location_permitted', FALSE, TRUE);
  if ($share_location) {
    global $user;
    $in_debug_mode = FALSE;
    $dont_geolocate = TRUE;
    $debug_mode_ip = '';
    $roles_debug = variable_get('smart_ip_roles_in_debug_mode', array());
    $roles_debug_ip = variable_get('smart_ip_roles_in_debug_mode_ip', array());
    $roles_geolocate = variable_get('smart_ip_roles_to_geolocate', array(
    foreach ($user->roles as $role_id => $role) {
      if (in_array($role_id, $roles_geolocate)) {

        // This user role is in the list of "Roles to Geolocate"
        $dont_geolocate = FALSE;
      if ($role_id != DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID && isset($roles_debug[$role_id]) && $roles_debug[$role_id]) {

        // Prioritize other roles than 'authenticated'
        $in_debug_mode = TRUE;
        $debug_mode_ip = $roles_debug_ip[$role_id];
    if (!$dont_geolocate) {
      if ($in_debug_mode) {

        // Use debug information instead of real information
        $ip = $debug_mode_ip;
      elseif (user_is_logged_in() && isset($roles_debug[DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID]) && $roles_debug[DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID]) {

        // The 'authenticated' role should be the last to check if it is in
        // debug mode then use debug information instead of real information
        $ip = $roles_debug_ip[DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID];
      else {
        $ip = ip_address();
      $smart_ip_session = smart_ip_session_get('smart_ip', FALSE);
      if (!isset($smart_ip_session['location']['ip_address']) || isset($smart_ip_session['location']['ip_address']) && $smart_ip_session['location']['ip_address'] != $ip) {

        // Update the user's location if the IP address stored in session
        // is not the same as the IP address detected by the server
        $location = smart_ip_get_location($ip);
        $smart_ip_session['location'] = $location;
        smart_ip_session_set('smart_ip', $smart_ip_session);
        smart_ip_set_user_data($user, $location);

 * Write session variable.
 * @param string $key
 *   Key of session variable.
 * @param mixed $value
 *   Value of session variable to be set.
function smart_ip_session_set($key, $value) {
  $eu_visitor_dont_save = FALSE;
  if ($key == 'smart_ip') {
    $location = $value['location'];

    // Determine if saving location details of visitor from EU countries are
    // permitted.
    if (isset($location['is_gdpr_country'])) {
      $eu_visitor_dont_save = variable_get('smart_ip_eu_visitor_dont_save', FALSE) && $location['is_gdpr_country'];

  // Check if the user permitted to share location
  $share_location = smart_ip_session_get('smart_ip_user_share_location_permitted', FALSE, TRUE);
  if ($key != 'smart_ip' || $key == 'smart_ip' && $share_location && !$eu_visitor_dont_save) {
    if (module_exists('session_cache')) {
      session_cache_set($key, $value);
    else {
      $_SESSION[$key] = $value;

 * Read session variable.
 * @param string $key
 *   The session variable to read. Pass 'smart_ip' to read the smart_ip data.
 * @param bool $locate
 *   (optional) If the key is 'smart_ip' and the data is not set, whether to
 *   trigger a location lookup as fallback. Defaults to TRUE
 * @param mixed $default
 *  (optional) Default value if the session variable is not set.
 * @return mixed
 *   The session variable value.
function smart_ip_session_get($key, $locate = TRUE, $default = NULL) {
  if ($key == 'smart_ip' && $locate) {
  if (module_exists('session_cache')) {
    $smart_ip_session = session_cache_get($key);
  else {
    $smart_ip_session = isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION[$key]) ? $_SESSION[$key] : NULL;
  if ($smart_ip_session === NULL) {
    $smart_ip_session = $default;
  return $smart_ip_session;

 * Check page URL in allowed geolocate list.
 * @return string
function smart_ip_check_allowed_page() {
  $pages = variable_get('smart_ip_allowed_pages', '');
  if (empty($pages)) {

    // No pages specified then all pages are allowed
    return TRUE;
  else {
    if (isset($_GET['uri'])) {

      // Handle "uri" from ajax request
      if (empty($_GET['uri'])) {
        $url = variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node');
      else {
        $url = $_GET['uri'];
    else {
      $url = $_GET['q'];

    // Convert the Drupal path to lowercase
    $path = drupal_strtolower(drupal_get_path_alias($url));
    foreach ($pages as $page) {

      // Compare the lowercase internal and lowercase path alias (if any).
      $page_match = drupal_match_path($path, $page);
      if ($page_match) {
        return TRUE;
      if ($path != $url) {
        $page_match = drupal_match_path($url, $page);
      elseif ($path == $url) {
        $url = drupal_get_normal_path($url);
        $page_match = $page_match | drupal_match_path($url, $page);
      if ($page_match) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

 * Helper Functions                                                           *

 * Get Abstract IP Geolocation URL
 * @param String $abstract_key Abstract unique API key
 * @param String $ip_adress IP address to geolocate
 * @param Interger $version Version number of Abstract IP Geolocation service to use
function smart_ip_get_abstract_url($abstract_key, $ip_address, $version = 1) {
  if ($version == 1) {

    // Version 1
    return "{$abstract_key}&ip_address={$ip_address}";

 * Get IPInfoDB URL
 * @param String $ipinfodb_key IPInfoDB key
 * @param String $ip_adress IP address to geolocate
 * @param Interger $version Version number of IPInfoDB service to use
function smart_ip_get_ipinfodb_url($ipinfodb_key, $ip_address, $version = 3) {
  if ($version == 3) {

    // Version 3
    return "{$ipinfodb_key}&ip={$ip_address}&format=json";
  else {

    // Version 2
    return "{$ipinfodb_key}&ip={$ip_address}&output=json&timezone=false";

 * Get Maxmind GeoIP Legacy Web Services URL
 * Reference:
 * @param String $ip_adress IP address to geolocate
function smart_ip_get_maxmindgeoip_url($ip_address) {
  $maxmind_license = variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_key', '');
  switch (variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_service', 'country')) {
    case 'country':
      return SMART_IP_MAXMIND_GEOIP_BASE_URL . "/a?l={$maxmind_license}&i={$ip_address}";
    case 'city':
      return SMART_IP_MAXMIND_GEOIP_BASE_URL . "/b?l={$maxmind_license}&i={$ip_address}";
    case 'city_isp_org':
      return SMART_IP_MAXMIND_GEOIP_BASE_URL . "/f?l={$maxmind_license}&i={$ip_address}";
    case 'omni':
      return SMART_IP_MAXMIND_GEOIP_BASE_URL . "/e?l={$maxmind_license}&i={$ip_address}";
  return '';

 * Get Maxmind GeoIP2 Precision Web Services URL
 * Reference:
 * @param String $ip_adress IP address to geolocate
function smart_ip_get_maxmindgeoip2_url($ip_address) {
  $maxmind_uid = variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_geoip_uid', '');
  $maxmind_license = variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_geoip_license', '');
  $service_type = variable_get('smart_ip_maxmind_geoip_service', 'country');
  $url = str_replace('://', "://{$maxmind_uid}:{$maxmind_license}@", SMART_IP_MAXMIND_GEOIP_BASE_URL) . "/geoip/v2.1/{$service_type}/{$ip_address}";
  return $url;

 * Helper function for grabbing Maxmind's CSV archive filename.
function smart_ip_get_csv_source_filename() {
  static $maxmind_csv;
  if (empty($maxmind_csv)) {

    // Get CSV list of zip files
    $html = smart_ip_file_get_contents(SMART_IP_MAXMIND_LITE_CSV_DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL);
    $regex = '/GeoLiteCity_' . format_date((int) $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 'custom', 'Ym') . '.{2}\\.zip/';
    preg_match($regex, $html, $match);

    // Check if Maxmind CSV file not updated, then fallback to the previous month
    if (empty($match)) {
      $regex = '/GeoLiteCity_' . format_date((int) $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 2764800, 'custom', 'Ym') . '.{2}\\.zip/';
      preg_match($regex, $html, $match);
      $maxmind_csv = check_url(SMART_IP_MAXMIND_LITE_CSV_DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL . '/' . $match[0]);
    else {
      $maxmind_csv = check_url(SMART_IP_MAXMIND_LITE_CSV_DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL . '/');
  return $maxmind_csv;

 * Helper function for grabbing MaxMind GeoIP Legacy's binary archive filename.
function smart_ip_get_bin_source_filename($version, $edition) {
  else {
    $file .= 'City';
  return $file;

 * Helper function for grabbing MaxMind GeoIP2's binary archive filename.
function smart_ip_get_geoip2_bin_source_filename($version = SMART_IP_MAXMIND_BIN_LITE_VERSION, $edition = SMART_IP_MAXMIND_GEOIP2_BIN_EDITION_CITY) {
  else {
  return $file;

 * Helper function for grabbing region name (FIPS).
function smart_ip_get_region_static($country_code, $region_code) {
  static $region;
  if (!isset($region[$country_code][$region_code])) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'smart_ip', 'includes/smart_ip.region_lookup');
    $region[$country_code][$region_code] = smart_ip_get_region($country_code, $region_code);
  return $region;

 * Helper function for checking if EU member country and if country follows
 * GDPR.
 * @see
 * @see
function smart_ip_is_eu_gdpr_country($country_code, $eu_member_only = TRUE) {
  static $eu_gdpr_country;
  if (!isset($eu_gdpr_country[$country_code][$eu_member_only])) {
    $eu_member_list = array(
      'AT' => 'Austria',
      'BE' => 'Belgium',
      'BG' => 'Bulgaria',
      'HR' => 'Croatia',
      'CY' => 'Cyprus',
      'CZ' => 'Czech Republic',
      'DK' => 'Denmark',
      'EE' => 'Estonia',
      'FI' => 'Finland',
      'FR' => 'France',
      'DE' => 'Germany',
      'GR' => 'Greece',
      'HU' => 'Hungary',
      'IE' => 'Ireland, Republic of (EIRE)',
      'IT' => 'Italy',
      'LV' => 'Latvia',
      'LT' => 'Lithuania',
      'LU' => 'Luxembourg',
      'MT' => 'Malta',
      'NL' => 'Netherlands',
      'PL' => 'Poland',
      'PT' => 'Portugal',
      'RO' => 'Romania',
      'SK' => 'Slovakia',
      'SI' => 'Slovenia',
      'ES' => 'Spain',
      'SE' => 'Sweden',
    $additional_gdpr_list = array(
      'GF' => 'French Guiana',
      'GP' => 'Guadeloupe',
      'MQ' => 'Martinique',
      'ME' => 'Montenegro',
      'YT' => 'Mayotte',
      'RE' => 'Réunion',
      'MF' => 'Saint Martin',
      'GI' => 'Gibraltar',
      'AX' => 'Åland Islands',
      'PM' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
      'GL' => 'Greenland',
      'BL' => 'Saint Bartelemey',
      'SX' => 'Sint Maarten',
      'AW' => 'Aruba',
      'CW' => 'Curacao',
      'WF' => 'Wallis and Futuna',
      'PF' => 'French Polynesia',
      'NC' => 'New Caledonia',
      'TF' => 'French Southern Territories',
      'AI' => 'Anguilla',
      'BM' => 'Bermuda',
      'IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
      'VG' => 'Virgin Islands, British',
      'KY' => 'Cayman Islands',
      'FK' => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
      'MS' => 'Montserrat',
      'PN' => 'Pitcairn',
      'SH' => 'Saint Helena',
      'GS' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
      'TC' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
      'AD' => 'Andorra',
      'LI' => 'Liechtenstein',
      'MC' => 'Monaco',
      'SM' => 'San Marino',
      'VA' => 'Vatican City',
      'JE' => 'Jersey',
      'GG' => 'Guernsey',
      'GI' => 'Gibraltar',
    $eu_gdpr_country[$country_code][$eu_member_only] = isset($eu_member_list[$country_code]) ? $eu_member_list[$country_code] : NULL;
    if (!$eu_member_only && empty($eu_gdpr_country[$country_code][$eu_member_only])) {

      // The country is not EU member now check if the country follows GDPR.
      $eu_gdpr_country[$country_code][$eu_member_only] = isset($additional_gdpr_list[$country_code]) ? $additional_gdpr_list[$country_code] : NULL;
  return $eu_gdpr_country[$country_code][$eu_member_only];

 * Ensure smart_ip table exist
function smart_ip_check_fix_local_db() {
  if (!db_table_exists('smart_ip')) {
    $ret = array();
    if (db_table_exists('smart_ip_update_table')) {

      // Database update was broken in the middle and smart_ip table was dropped but
      // staging smart_ip_update_table failed to rename to production smart_ip table
      db_rename_table($ret, 'smart_ip_update_table', 'smart_ip');
    else {

      // smart_ip table dropped then re-create one
      db_create_table($ret, 'smart_ip', smart_ip_schema_definition_array());

 * Get contents of given path
function smart_ip_file_get_contents($url) {
  if (function_exists('curl_version')) {
    $curl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $contents = curl_exec($curl);
  else {
    $contents = file_get_contents($url);
  return $contents;

 * Convert decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds.
function coordinates_dd_to_dms($coord) {
  $negative = $coord < 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
  $coord = abs($coord);
  $degrees = floor($coord);
  $coord -= $degrees;
  $coord *= 60;
  $minutes = floor($coord);
  $coord -= $minutes;
  $coord *= 60;
  $seconds = round($coord, 6);
  return array(

 * Determine IP address version.
function smart_ip_get_ip_address_version($ip_address) {
  if (filter_var($ip_address, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {
    return 4;
  elseif (filter_var($ip_address, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
    return 6;

 * Reset meta data of Smart IP database update process.
function smart_ip_reset_db_update_meta_data() {
  if (db_table_exists('smart_ip_update_table') && db_table_exists('smart_ip')) {
    $ret = array();

    // Remove the temporary table "smart_ip_update_table" if the final "smart_ip" table exist
    db_drop_table($ret, 'smart_ip_update_table');
  cache_clear_all('smart_ip:', 'cache_smart_ip', TRUE);
  variable_set('smart_ip_blocks_csv_pointer', 0);
  variable_set('smart_ip_db_update_busy', FALSE);
  variable_set('smart_ip_get_zip_done', FALSE);
  variable_set('smart_ip_extract_zip_done', FALSE);
  variable_set('smart_ip_store_location_csv_done', FALSE);


Namesort descending Description
coordinates_dd_to_dms Convert decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds.
is_user_debug_mode Check if the current user is in debug mode.
smart_ip_check_allowed_page Check page URL in allowed geolocate list.
smart_ip_check_fix_local_db Ensure smart_ip table exist
smart_ip_cron Implements hook_cron().
smart_ip_delete_location_data Delete the $user data
smart_ip_file_get_contents Get contents of given path
smart_ip_forms Implement hook_forms().
smart_ip_get_abstract_url Get Abstract IP Geolocation URL
smart_ip_get_bin_source_filename Helper function for grabbing MaxMind GeoIP Legacy's binary archive filename.
smart_ip_get_count Get the total count of IP ranges in database
smart_ip_get_csv_source_filename Helper function for grabbing Maxmind's CSV archive filename.
smart_ip_get_current_visitor_location_data Get current visitor's location information
smart_ip_get_geoip2_bin_source_filename Helper function for grabbing MaxMind GeoIP2's binary archive filename.
smart_ip_get_ipinfodb_url Get IPInfoDB URL
smart_ip_get_ip_address_version Determine IP address version.
smart_ip_get_location Get the geo location from the IP address
smart_ip_get_maxmindgeoip2_url Get Maxmind GeoIP2 Precision Web Services URL Reference:
smart_ip_get_maxmindgeoip_url Get Maxmind GeoIP Legacy Web Services URL Reference:
smart_ip_get_region_static Helper function for grabbing region name (FIPS).
smart_ip_help Implements hook_help().
smart_ip_init Implements hook_init()
smart_ip_is_eu_gdpr_country Helper function for checking if EU member country and if country follows GDPR.
smart_ip_menu Implements hook_menu().
smart_ip_perm Implements hook_permission().
smart_ip_reset_db_update_meta_data Reset meta data of Smart IP database update process.
smart_ip_run_batch Menu page callback for Smart IP batch operations.
smart_ip_session_get Read session variable.
smart_ip_session_set Write session variable.
smart_ip_set_location_data Set the user's location information
smart_ip_set_session_data Set the user's session information
smart_ip_set_user_data Set the $user data
smart_ip_theme Implements hook_theme().
smart_ip_update_fields Update the values of location fields.
smart_ip_update_user_location Update user's location only if the IP address stored in session is not the same as the IP address detected by the server or debug mode IP.
theme_smart_ip_latitude_dms Display latitude.
theme_smart_ip_longitude_dms Display longitude.
user_location_fallback Use server's mod_geoip, X-GeoIP and Cloudflare IP Geolocation as fallback if the user's geolocation is empty
