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7 calls to SmartIpEventSubscriber::sourceId() in Smart IP 8.3

DatabaseFileUtility::downloadDatabaseFile in modules/smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_db/src/DatabaseFileUtility.php
Download MaxMind GeoIP2 binary database file and extract it. Only perform this action when the database is out of date or under specific direction.
SmartIpEventSubscriber::cronRun in modules/smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_db/src/EventSubscriber/SmartIpEventSubscriber.php
MaxMind GeoIP2 updates the binary database every Tuesday (both lite and licensed versions), and we download every Wednesday. That means that we only want to download if the current database was downloaded prior to the most recently available version.
SmartIpEventSubscriber::formSettings in modules/smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_db/src/EventSubscriber/SmartIpEventSubscriber.php
Add the form elements of this Smart IP data source to main admin settings page of Smart IP.
SmartIpEventSubscriber::manualUpdate in modules/smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_db/src/EventSubscriber/SmartIpEventSubscriber.php
Act on manual database update.
SmartIpEventSubscriber::processQuery in modules/smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_db/src/EventSubscriber/SmartIpEventSubscriber.php
Act on \Drupal\smart_ip\SmartIp::query() when executed and if selected as Smart IP data source, query the IP address against its database.
SmartIpEventSubscriber::submitFormSettings in modules/smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_db/src/EventSubscriber/SmartIpEventSubscriber.php
Act on submission of main Smart IP admin settings form.
SmartIpEventSubscriber::validateFormSettings in modules/smart_ip_maxmind_geoip2_bin_db/src/EventSubscriber/SmartIpEventSubscriber.php
Act on validation of main Smart IP admin settings form.