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6 calls to SmartIpEventSubscriber::configName() in Smart IP 8.4

DatabaseFileUtility::downloadDatabaseFile in modules/smart_ip_ip2location_bin_db/src/DatabaseFileUtility.php
Download IP2Location binary database file and extract it. Only perform this action when the database is out of date or under specific direction.
SmartIpEventSubscriber::cronRun in modules/smart_ip_ip2location_bin_db/src/EventSubscriber/SmartIpEventSubscriber.php
Act on Drupal cron run.
SmartIpEventSubscriber::formSettings in modules/smart_ip_ip2location_bin_db/src/EventSubscriber/SmartIpEventSubscriber.php
Add the form elements of this Smart IP data source to main admin settings page of Smart IP.
SmartIpEventSubscriber::processQuery in modules/smart_ip_ip2location_bin_db/src/EventSubscriber/SmartIpEventSubscriber.php
Act on \Drupal\smart_ip\SmartIp::query() when executed and if selected as Smart IP data source, query the IP address against its database.
SmartIpEventSubscriber::submitFormSettings in modules/smart_ip_ip2location_bin_db/src/EventSubscriber/SmartIpEventSubscriber.php
Act on submission of main Smart IP admin settings form.
smart_ip_ip2location_bin_db_update_8301 in modules/smart_ip_ip2location_bin_db/smart_ip_ip2location_bin_db.install
Merge the two separate custom paths for IPV4 and IPV6 binary files into one path. Change the default value of db_auto_update to FALSE.