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7 string references to 'City' in Smart IP 7.2

Client::city in includes/vendor/geoip2/geoip2/src/WebService/Client.php
This method calls the GeoIP2 Precision: City service.
Reader::city in includes/vendor/geoip2/geoip2/src/Database/Reader.php
This method returns a GeoIP2 City model.
SmartIPViewsBridgeTestHelper::setUp in modules/smart_ip_views_bridge/tests/smart_ip_views_bridge.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
smart_ip_admin_settings in includes/
Smart IP administration settings.
smart_ip_get_bin_source_filename in ./smart_ip.module
Helper function for grabbing MaxMind GeoIP Legacy's binary archive filename.
smart_ip_rules_condition_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
smart_ip_views_bridge_views_data in modules/smart_ip_views_bridge/views/
Implements hook_views_data().