You are here in Smart IP 6.2

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 * Copyright (C) 2004 Maxmind LLC
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA

 * Changelog:
 * 2005-01-13   Andrew Hill, Awarez Ltd. (
 *              Formatted file according to PEAR library standards.
 *              Changed inclusion of file to require_once, so that
 *                  this library can be used in the same script as
define("FULL_RECORD_LENGTH", 50);
require_once '';
require_once 'geoipregionvars.php';
class geoiprecord {
  var $country_code;
  var $country_code3;
  var $country_name;
  var $region;
  var $city;
  var $postal_code;
  var $latitude;
  var $longitude;
  var $area_code;
  var $dma_code;

  # metro and dma code are the same. use metro_code
  var $metro_code;
  var $continent_code;

class geoipdnsrecord {
  var $country_code;
  var $country_code3;
  var $country_name;
  var $region;
  var $regionname;
  var $city;
  var $postal_code;
  var $latitude;
  var $longitude;
  var $areacode;
  var $dmacode;
  var $isp;
  var $org;
  var $metrocode;

function getrecordwithdnsservice($str) {
  $record = new geoipdnsrecord();
  $keyvalue = explode(";", $str);
  foreach ($keyvalue as $keyvalue2) {
    list($key, $value) = explode("=", $keyvalue2);
    if ($key == "co") {
      $record->country_code = $value;
    if ($key == "ci") {
      $record->city = $value;
    if ($key == "re") {
      $record->region = $value;
    if ($key == "ac") {
      $record->areacode = $value;
    if ($key == "dm" || $key == "me") {
      $record->dmacode = $value;
      $record->metrocode = $value;
    if ($key == "is") {
      $record->isp = $value;
    if ($key == "or") {
      $record->org = $value;
    if ($key == "zi") {
      $record->postal_code = $value;
    if ($key == "la") {
      $record->latitude = $value;
    if ($key == "lo") {
      $record->longitude = $value;
  $number = $GLOBALS['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE_TO_NUMBER'][$record->country_code];
  $record->country_code3 = $GLOBALS['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES3'][$number];
  $record->country_name = $GLOBALS['GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAMES'][$number];
  if ($record->region != "") {
    if ($record->country_code == "US" || $record->country_code == "CA") {
      $record->regionname = $GLOBALS['ISO'][$record->country_code][$record->region];
    else {
      $record->regionname = $GLOBALS['FIPS'][$record->country_code][$record->region];
  return $record;
function _get_record_v6($gi, $ipnum) {
  $seek_country = _geoip_seek_country_v6($gi, $ipnum);
  if ($seek_country == $gi->databaseSegments) {
    return NULL;
  return _common_get_record($gi, $seek_country);
function _common_get_record($gi, $seek_country) {

  // workaround php's broken substr, strpos, etc handling with
  // mbstring.func_overload and mbstring.internal_encoding
  $enc = mb_internal_encoding();
  $record_pointer = $seek_country + (2 * $gi->record_length - 1) * $gi->databaseSegments;
  if ($gi->flags & GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE) {
    $record_buf = substr($gi->memory_buffer, $record_pointer, FULL_RECORD_LENGTH);
  elseif ($gi->flags & GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY) {
    $record_buf = @shmop_read($gi->shmid, $record_pointer, FULL_RECORD_LENGTH);
  else {
    fseek($gi->filehandle, $record_pointer, SEEK_SET);
    $record_buf = fread($gi->filehandle, FULL_RECORD_LENGTH);
  $record = new geoiprecord();
  $record_buf_pos = 0;
  $char = ord(substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos, 1));
  $record->country_code = $gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES[$char];
  $record->country_code3 = $gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES3[$char];
  $record->country_name = $gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAMES[$char];
  $record->continent_code = $gi->GEOIP_CONTINENT_CODES[$char];
  $str_length = 0;

  // Get region
  $char = ord(substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1));
  while ($char != 0) {
    $char = ord(substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1));
  if ($str_length > 0) {
    $record->region = substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos, $str_length);
  $record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1;
  $str_length = 0;

  // Get city
  $char = ord(substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1));
  while ($char != 0) {
    $char = ord(substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1));
  if ($str_length > 0) {
    $record->city = substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos, $str_length);
  $record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1;
  $str_length = 0;

  // Get postal code
  $char = ord(substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1));
  while ($char != 0) {
    $char = ord(substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1));
  if ($str_length > 0) {
    $record->postal_code = substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos, $str_length);
  $record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1;
  $str_length = 0;

  // Get latitude and longitude
  $latitude = 0;
  $longitude = 0;
  for ($j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j) {
    $char = ord(substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos++, 1));
    $latitude += $char << $j * 8;
  $record->latitude = $latitude / 10000 - 180;
  for ($j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j) {
    $char = ord(substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos++, 1));
    $longitude += $char << $j * 8;
  $record->longitude = $longitude / 10000 - 180;
  if (GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1 == $gi->databaseType) {
    $metroarea_combo = 0;
    if ($record->country_code == "US") {
      for ($j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j) {
        $char = ord(substr($record_buf, $record_buf_pos++, 1));
        $metroarea_combo += $char << $j * 8;
      $record->metro_code = $record->dma_code = floor($metroarea_combo / 1000);
      $record->area_code = $metroarea_combo % 1000;
  return $record;
function GeoIP_record_by_addr_v6($gi, $addr) {
  if ($addr == NULL) {
    return 0;
  $ipnum = inet_pton($addr);
  return _get_record_v6($gi, $ipnum);
function _get_record($gi, $ipnum) {
  $seek_country = _geoip_seek_country($gi, $ipnum);
  if ($seek_country == $gi->databaseSegments) {
    return NULL;
  return _common_get_record($gi, $seek_country);
function GeoIP_record_by_addr($gi, $addr) {
  if ($addr == NULL) {
    return 0;
  $ipnum = ip2long($addr);
  return _get_record($gi, $ipnum);