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public function SlickManagerInterface::build in Slick Carousel 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/SlickManagerInterface.php \Drupal\slick\SlickManagerInterface::build()
  2. 7.3 src/SlickManagerInterface.php \Drupal\slick\SlickManagerInterface::build()

Returns a renderable array of both main and thumbnail slick instances.


array $build: An associative array containing:

  • items: An array of slick contents: text, image or media.
  • options: An array of key:value pairs of custom JS overrides.
  • optionset: The cached optionset object to avoid multiple invocations.
  • settings: An array of key:value pairs of HTML/layout related settings.
  • thumb: An associative array of slick thumbnail following the same structure as the main display: $build['thumb']['items'], etc.

Return value

array The renderable array of both main and thumbnail slick instances.

1 method overrides SlickManagerInterface::build()
SlickManager::build in src/SlickManager.php
Returns a renderable array of both main and thumbnail slick instances.


src/SlickManagerInterface.php, line 43


Defines re-usable services and functions for slick plugins.




public function build(array $build = []);