public function SlickManager::preRenderWrapper in Slick Carousel 7.3
- src/
SlickManager.php, line 507
- SlickManager
- Implements SlickManagerInterface.
public function preRenderWrapper($element) {
$build = $element['#build'];
// One slick_theme() to serve multiple displays: main, overlay, thumbnail.
$settings = array_merge(SlickDefault::htmlSettings(), $build['settings']);
$id = $settings['id'] ?: Blazy::getHtmlId('slick');
$thumb_id = $id . '-thumbnail';
$options = $build['options'];
$switch = $settings['media_switch'];
$thumbs = isset($build['thumb']) ? $build['thumb'] : [];
// Prevents unused thumb going through the main display.
// Supports programmatic options defined within skin definitions to allow
// addition of options with other libraries integrated with Slick without
// modifying optionset such as for Zoom, Reflection, Slicebox, Transit, etc.
if (!empty($settings['skin']) && ($skins = $this
->getSkinsByGroup('main'))) {
if (isset($skins[$settings['skin']]['options'])) {
$options = array_merge($options, $skins[$settings['skin']]['options']);
// Load the optionset to work with.
$optionset = $build['optionset'] ?: Slick::loadWithFallback($settings['optionset']);
$settings['count'] = empty($settings['count']) ? count($build['items']) : $settings['count'];
$settings['id'] = $id;
$settings['nav'] = $settings['nav'] ?: !empty($settings['optionset_thumbnail']) && isset($build['items'][1]);
$settings['navpos'] = $settings['nav'] && !empty($settings['thumbnail_position']);
$settings['vertical'] = $optionset
$mousewheel = $optionset
// If thumbnail navigation is required, build one.
if ($settings['nav']) {
$options['asNavFor'] = "#{$thumb_id}-slider";
$optionset_thumbnail = Slick::loadWithFallback($settings['optionset_thumbnail']);
$mousewheel = $optionset_thumbnail
$settings['vertical_tn'] = $optionset_thumbnail
else {
// Pass extra attributes such as those from Commerce product variations to
// theme_slick() since we have no asNavFor wrapper here.
if (isset($element['#attributes'])) {
$build['attributes'] = empty($build['attributes']) ? $element['#attributes'] : NestedArray::mergeDeep($build['attributes'], $element['#attributes']);
// Attach libraries.
if ($switch && $switch != 'content') {
$settings[$switch] = empty($settings[$switch]) ? $switch : $settings[$switch];
// Supports Blazy multi-breakpoint or lightbox images if provided.
// Cases: Blazy within Views gallery, or references without direct image.
if (!empty($settings['check_blazy']) && !empty($settings['first_image'])) {
->isBlazy($settings, $settings['first_image']);
// Pass needed build items into slick.
$settings['mousewheel'] = $mousewheel;
$settings['down_arrow'] = $optionset
$settings['lazy'] = $settings['lazy'] ?: $optionset
$settings['blazy'] = empty($settings['blazy']) ? $settings['lazy'] == 'blazy' : $settings['blazy'];
$settings = array_filter($settings);
$build['options'] = $options;
$build['optionset'] = $optionset;
$build['settings'] = $settings;
// Build the Slick wrapper elements, and add attachments.
$attachments = $this
$element['#settings'] = $settings;
$element['#attached'] = empty($build['attached']) ? $attachments : NestedArray::mergeDeep($build['attached'], $attachments);
$element['#attributes'] = $this
// Build the main Slick.
$slick[0] = $this
// Build the thumbnail Slick.
if (!empty($settings['nav']) && $thumbs) {
$build = [];
foreach ([
] as $key) {
$build[$key] = isset($thumbs[$key]) ? $thumbs[$key] : [];
$settings = array_merge($settings, $build['settings']);
$settings['optionset'] = $settings['optionset_thumbnail'];
$settings['skin'] = $settings['skin_thumbnail'];
$settings['display'] = 'thumbnail';
$build['optionset'] = $optionset_thumbnail;
$build['settings'] = array_filter($settings);
$build['options']['asNavFor'] = "#{$id}-slider";
$slick[1] = $this
// Reverse slicks if thumbnail position is provided to get CSS float work.
if (!empty($settings['navpos'])) {
$slick = array_reverse($slick);
// Collect the slick instances.
$element['#items'] = $slick;
return $element;