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skinr_ui.test in Skinr 7.2

Tests for the Skinr UI module.


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 * @file
 * Tests for the Skinr UI module.

 * Base class for Skinr UI tests.
class SkinrUITestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $profile = 'testing';
  function setUp() {
    $modules = func_get_args();
    if (isset($modules[0]) && is_array($modules[0])) {
      $modules = $modules[0];
    ), $modules));
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'administer blocks',
      'access contextual links',
      'administer skinr',
      'edit skin settings',
      'edit advanced skin settings',

    // Enable main system block for content region and the user menu block for
    // the first sidebar.
    // @see
    $default_theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik');
      'theme' => $default_theme,
      'module' => 'system',
      'delta' => 'main',
      'status' => 1,
      'region' => 'content',
      'pages' => '',
      'theme' => $default_theme,
      'module' => 'system',
      'delta' => 'user-menu',
      'status' => 1,
      'region' => 'sidebar_first',
      'pages' => '',
      'theme' => $default_theme,
      'module' => 'search',
      'delta' => 'form',
      'status' => 1,
      'region' => 'sidebar_first',
      'pages' => '',

   * Asserts that a class is set for the given element id.
   * @param $id
   *   Id of the HTML element to check.
   * @param $class
   *   The class name to check for.
   * @param $message
   *   Message to display.
   * @return
   *   TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail.
  function assertSkinrClass($id, $class, $message = '') {
    $elements = $this
      ->xpath('//div[@id=:id]', array(
      ':id' => $id,
    $class_attr = (string) $elements[0]['class'];
      ->assertTrue(strpos($class_attr, ' ' . $class . ' '), $message);

   * Asserts that a class is not set for the given element id.
   * @param $id
   *   Id of the HTML element to check.
   * @param $class
   *   The class name to check for.
   * @param $message
   *   Message to display.
   * @return
   *   TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail.
  function assertNoSkinrClass($id, $class, $message = '') {
    $elements = $this
      ->xpath('//div[@id=:id]', array(
      ':id' => $id,
    $class_attr = (string) $elements[0]['class'];
      ->assertFalse(strpos($class_attr, ' ' . $class . ' '), $message);


 * Tests UI functionality.
class SkinrUIBasicTestCase extends SkinrUITestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'UI',
      'description' => 'Tests basic Skinr UI functionality.',
      'group' => 'Skinr',

   * Tests basic configuration and applying of a skin.
   * @todo Remove the overly verbose inline comments after the Skinr development
   *   team has figured out how to write tests.
  function testSkinEdit() {

    // Go to the front page, on which the user menu block should appear.

    // Click the first (index 0) 'Edit skin' link on the page, which should be
    // the link in the contextual links of the user menu block, since no other
    // skinnable elements are visible on the page.
    // For now, this is a simple way to assert and access Skinr links. In the
    // future, we want to be more explicit in testing; i.e., verify that there
    // is really only this link, its 'href' is correct, that it appears in the
    // right location, etc.pp; DrupalWebTestCase ($this) provides many helper
    // functions to assert such things.
      ->clickLink(t('Edit skin'), 0);

    // Verify that we end up on the expected URL to configure skins for the
    // user menu block.
    $front = variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node');
      ->assertUrl('admin/structure/skinr/edit/block/system__user-menu/configure', array(
      'query' => array(
        'destination' => $front,

    // skinr_ui_test.module got enabled in setUp(), so its skins should be
    // available.
    // Verify that we can apply the skinr_ui_test_border skin to the block.
    $edit = array(
      'skinr_settings[bartik][groups][general][skinr_ui_test_bgcolor]' => 'bgcolor_red',

    // NULL means that we want to post to the page that is still contained in
    // SimpleTest's internal browser; i.e., the page of the path above. Instead
    // of passing NULL, you can also pass a Drupal system path and SimpleTest
    // will automatically do a $this->drupalGet($path) for you before posting.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // After posting, we expect to be redirected to the originating page, due
    // to the 'destination' query parameter in the 'Edit skin' link. Since we
    // came from the front page, Drupal will redirect us to the actual path of
    // the front page, not ''.
    // Verify that we were redirected to the originating page.

    // Verify that the skin has been applied.
      ->assertSkinrClass('block-system-user-menu', 'bgcolor-red', 'CSS class of configured skin option found.');

   * Tests access control for editing additional CSS classes.
  function testSkinAdditionalEdit() {

    // Verify that we can apply additional CSS classes.
    $edit = array(
      'skinr_settings[bartik][groups][_additional][_additional]' => 'additional',
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/skinr/edit/block/system__user-menu/configure', $edit, t('Save'));

    // Verify that the skin has been applied.
      ->assertSkinrClass('block-system-user-menu', 'additional', 'Additional CSS class <em>additional</em> of configured skin option found.');

    // Now let's check the same for a user that has no access to alter this.
    $user = $this
      'edit skin settings',

    // Verify that the additional CSS classes field is not enabled.
      ->assertNoFieldByName('skinr_settings[bartik][groups][_additional][_additional]', NULL, 'Additional CSS classes field is not enabled for this user.');

    // Save form when additional CSS classes is not set.
    $edit = array();
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Verify that the old class is still applied.
      ->assertSkinrClass('block-system-user-menu', 'additional', 'Additional CSS class <em>additional</em> of configured skin option found.');

   * Tests output of widgets on the skin configuration form.
  function testSkinEditWidgets() {

    // Go to the edit page for system__user_menu block.

    // Check for output from empty groups.
      ->assertNoRaw('id="edit-skinr-settings-block-group-bartik-box"', 'Resulting empty group is not displayed.');

    // Check the widgets.
      ->assertFieldByName('skinr_settings[bartik][groups][general][skinr_ui_test_bgcolor]', NULL, 'Widget with valid type is displayed.');
      ->assertNoFieldByName('skinr_settings[bartik][groups][box][skinr_ui_test_border]', NULL, 'Widget with invalid type is not displayed.');

    // Custom widget with form callback.
      ->assertFieldByName('skinr_settings[bartik][groups][general][skinr_ui_test_custom][custom]', NULL, 'Widget with form callback is displayed.');
      ->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-skinr-settings-bartik-groups-general-skinr-ui-test-custom-custom', 'Value for custom widget empty.');

    // Now make sure default values work for custom widgets.
    $skin = (object) array(
      'theme' => 'bartik',
      'module' => 'block',
      'element' => 'system__user-menu',
      'skin' => 'skinr_ui_test_custom',
      'options' => array(
      'status' => 1,
      ->assertFieldChecked('edit-skinr-settings-bartik-groups-general-skinr-ui-test-custom-custom', 'Value for custom widget set.');

   * Tests access control for editing additional CSS classes.
  function testSkinEditThemeHooks() {

    // Widget should appear for system blocks.
      ->assertField('edit-skinr-settings-bartik-groups-general-skinr-ui-test-color-color-white', 'The widget, which is limited to system blocks, appeared on the configuration form for system\'s user-menu block.');

    // Widget should not appear search blocks.
      ->assertNoField('edit-skinr-settings-bartik-groups-general-skinr-ui-test-color-color-white', 'The widget, which is limited to system blocks, did not appear on the configuration form for search\'s form block.');

    // Widget should appear for page node comments.
      ->assertField('edit-skinr-settings-bartik-groups-general-skinr-ui-test-color-color-white', 'The widget, which is limited to page node comments, appeared on the configuration form for page node comments.');

    // Widget should not appear for article node comments.
      ->assertNoField('edit-skinr-settings-bartik-groups-general-skinr-ui-test-color-color-white', 'The widget, which is limited to page node comments, did not appear on the configuration form for article node comments.');

    // Widget should appear for page nodes.
      ->assertField('edit-skinr-settings-bartik-groups-general-skinr-ui-test-color-color-white', 'The widget, which is limited to page node types, appeared on the configuration form for page node types.');

    // Widget should not appear for article nodes.
      ->assertNoField('edit-skinr-settings-bartik-groups-general-skinr-ui-test-color-color-white', 'The widget, which is limited to page node types, did not appear on the configuration form for article node types.');


 * Tests whether or not elements are skinable in Skinr UI.
class SkinrUISkinableTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'UI - Is Skinable',
      'description' => 'Tests whether or not elements are skinable in Skinr UI.',
      'group' => 'Skinr',
  function setUp() {
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'administer blocks',
      'access contextual links',
      'administer skinr',
      'edit skin settings',
      'edit advanced skin settings',

   * Tests if hooks are properly identified as skinable.
  function testHookSkinable() {

    // This test doesn't include the * (all) theme hook option.
    // Only page nodes are allowed.
      ->assertText('true', t('Element node__page is skinable.'));
      ->assertText('false', t('Element node__article is not skinable.'));

    // All blocks are allowed.
      ->assertText('true', t('Element block__system__navigation is skinable.'));

    // Only page comments are allowed.
      ->assertText('true', t('Element comment__page is skinable.'));
      ->assertText('false', t('Element comment__panel is not skinable.'));

    // No regions are allowed.
      ->assertText('false', t('Element region__sidebar_first is not skinable.'));


 * Tests administrative pages functionality.
class SkinrUIAdminTestCase extends SkinrUITestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'UI - Administration',
      'description' => 'Tests administrative Skinr UI functionality.',
      'group' => 'Skinr',
  function setUp() {
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'administer skinr',
      'edit skin settings',
      'edit advanced skin settings',

    // Enable Garland and skinr_test_subtheme without enabling its base theme in
    // order to test subtheme inheritance functionality.

   * Tests default status of skins.
   * The skinr_test_basetheme skin defined by the skinr_test_basetheme theme
   * specifies a default status for itself. Its subtheme should inherit the
   * status of the basetheme.
   * @todo Add assertions for 'default status' itself.
  function testSkinDefaultStatus() {

    // Verify that it is enabled for the skinr_test_subtheme.
      ->assertFieldChecked('edit-skins-general-skinr-test-basetheme-enable', 'skinr_test_basetheme skin is enabled for skinr_test_subtheme.');

    // Verify that it is disabled for Bartik by default.
      ->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-skins-general-skinr-test-basetheme-enable', 'skinr_test_basetheme skin is disabled for Bartik.');

    // Verify that it is disabled for Garland by default.
      ->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-skins-general-skinr-test-basetheme-enable', 'skinr_test_basetheme skin is disabled for Garland.');

    // Override the status for skinr_test_subtheme and Bartik, then verify them.
    $skin = (object) array(
      'theme' => 'skinr_test_subtheme',
      'module' => 'block',
      'element' => 'system__user-menu',
      'skin' => 'skinr_test_subtheme',
      'options' => array(
      'status' => 1,
    $skin = skinr_skin_load($skin->sid);

    // Override the default skin.
    $skin->element = 'system-main';
      ->clickLink(t('disable'), 1);

    // Unaltered skin configuration object should have been saved with only the status updated.
    // Load an uncached version of the skin configuration object.
    $skin = skinr_skin_load_unchanged($skin->sid);
      ->assertFalse($skin->status, 'Status was disabled successfully.');
      ->assertEqual($skin->element, 'system__user-menu', 'Only status was updated, even though the object was modified before updating status.');

    // Enable the skin configuration.
      ->clickLink(t('enable'), 0);

    // Load an uncached version of the skin configuration object.
    $skin = skinr_skin_load_unchanged($skin->sid);
      ->assertTrue($skin->status, 'Status was enabled successfully.');

   * Tests skin group functionality.
  function testSkinGroups() {

    // Verify that the 'General' (default) group appears.

    // Verify that the 'Box styles' group appears, since skinr_ui_test module
    // registers a skin in that group.
      ->assertText(t('Box styles'));

   * Tests skin configuration listing functionality.
  function testSkinListing() {
    $skin = (object) array(
      'theme' => 'skinr_test_subtheme',
      'module' => 'block',
      'element' => 'system__user-menu',
      'skin' => 'skinr_test_subtheme',
      'options' => array(
      'status' => 1,

    // Verify that the skin configuration appears on the skin configurations
    // overview page.
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/structure/skinr/skin/' . $skin->sid . '/delete', 0, 'Skin configuration was found on overview page.');

    // Test that revert link doesn't appear for default skin configurations.
    $default_skin = skinr_skin_load_by_uuid('501ff0c3-db03-0944-9910-3a788f38097a');
      ->assertNoLinkByHref('admin/structure/skinr/skin/' . $default_skin->sid . '/revert', 0, 'No revert operation is available for default skin configuration.');

    // Test that delete link does not appear for default skin configurations.
      ->assertNoLinkByHref('admin/structure/skinr/skin/' . $default_skin->sid . '/delete', 0, 'No delete operation is available for default skin configuration.');

    // Test that revert link appears for skin configurations in code that are
    // overridden in databse.
    $default_skin->options = array(
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/structure/skinr/skin/' . $default_skin->sid . '/revert', 0, 'Revert operation is available for overridden skin configuration.');

    // Test that delete link does not appear for overridden skin configurations.
      ->assertNoLinkByHref('admin/structure/skinr/skin/' . $default_skin->sid . '/delete', 0, 'No delete operation is available for overridden skin configuration.');

    // Test reverting overridden skin.
      ->clickLink(t('revert'), 0);
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Revert'));

    // Load an uncached version of the skin configuration object.
    $default_skin = skinr_skin_load_unchanged($default_skin->sid);
      ->assertTrue(skinr_skin_storage($default_skin) == SKINR_STORAGE_IN_CODE, 'Overridden skin configuration was reverted to default.');

    // @todo Should we check the filtering and update options functionality?

   * Tests skin configuration import and export forms.
  function testSkinImportExport() {
    $uuid1 = '16daa322-5ac0-49e4-cda2-809a13bb965b';
    $uuid2 = '7384adb8-50a8-67d4-2dcd-5acda9b5c76e';
    $edit = array(
      'skinr_skins' => "\$skin = new stdClass();\n\$skin->status = TRUE; /* Edit this to false to make a default skin disabled initially */\n\$skin->api_version = " . SKINR_VERSION . ";\n\$skin->uuid = '" . $uuid1 . "';\n\$skin->theme = 'bartik';\n\$skin->module = 'block';\n\$skin->element = 'system__main';\n\$skin->skin = 'skinr_test_example';\n\$skin->options = array(\n  'option1' => 'option1',\n);\n\$skins['" . $uuid1 . "'] = \$skin;\n\n\$skin = new stdClass();\n\$skin->status = TRUE; /* Edit this to false to make a default skin disabled initially */\n\$skin->api_version = " . SKINR_VERSION . ";\n\$skin->uuid = '" . $uuid2 . "';\n\$skin->theme = 'bartik';\n\$skin->module = 'block';\n\$skin->element = 'system__user-menu';\n\$skin->skin = 'skinr_test_subtheme';\n\$skin->options = array(\n  'option1' => 'option1',\n  'option2' => 'option2',\n);\n\$skins['" . $uuid2 . "'] = \$skin;\n",
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Import'));

    // Now check if the imported skin configurations exist.
    $skin1 = skinr_skin_load_by_uuid($uuid1);
    $skin2 = skinr_skin_load_by_uuid($uuid2);
      ->assertTrue(isset($skin1->uuid) && $skin1->uuid == $uuid1 && isset($skin2->uuid) && $skin2->uuid == $uuid2, 'Successfully imported skin configurations.');

    // Test export.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'theme' => 'bartik',
    ), t('Export'));
      ->assertFieldByName('skinr_skins', $edit['skinr_skins'], 'Export value is correct.');


 * Tests UI functionality for Block plugin.
class SkinrUIPluginTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins UI - Core',
      'description' => 'Tests Skinr UI functionality for functionality plugins from Drupal core.',
      'group' => 'Skinr',
  function setUp() {
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'administer blocks',
      'access comments',
      'access content',
      'post comments',
      'skip comment approval',
      'access contextual links',
      'administer skinr',
      'edit skin settings',
      'edit advanced skin settings',
      'bypass node access',

   * Asserts that a select option in the current page exists.
   * @param $name
   *   Id of select field to assert.
   * @param $option
   *   Option to assert.
   * @param $message
   *   Message to display.
   * @return
   *   TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail.
  protected function assertOptionExists($name, $option, $message = '') {
    $elements = $this
      ->xpath('//select[@name=:name]//option[@value=:option]', array(
      ':name' => $name,
      ':option' => $option,
    return $this
      ->assertTrue(isset($elements[0]), $message ? $message : t('Option @option for field @name exists.', array(
      '@option' => $option,
      '@name' => $name,
    )), t('Browser'));

   * Tests block plugin.
  function testBlock() {

    // Enable user menu block for the first sidebar.
    // @see
    $default_theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik');
      'theme' => $default_theme,
      'module' => 'system',
      'delta' => 'user-menu',
      'status' => 1,
      'region' => 'sidebar_first',
      'pages' => '',

    // Get front page.

    // Make sure our contextual link appears on the page.
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/structure/skinr/edit/block/system__user-menu/configure', 0, 'Contexual link to edit block\'s skin configuration was found.');

    // Make sure this block's options are returned.
      ->assertOptionExists('element', 'system__user-menu', 'User menu block was returned by block_skinr_ui_element_options().');

    // Test the returned element title.
    $skin = (object) array(
      'theme' => $default_theme,
      'module' => 'block',
      'element' => 'system__user-menu',
      'skin' => 'skinr_ui_test_bgcolor',
      'options' => array(
      'status' => 1,
    $title = skinr_invoke_all('skinr_ui_element_title', $skin->module, $skin->element, $skin->theme);
    $title = reset($title);
      ->assertTrue($title == 'User menu', 'Block title was returned.');

   * Tests comment plugin.
  function testComment() {
    $default_theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik');

    // Create a node.
    $node1 = $this
      'type' => 'page',

    // Go to node.
    $uri = entity_uri('node', $node1);

    // Add a comment to the node. With bartik the contextual links won't
    // display until there is at least one comment.
    $edit = array(
      'comment_body[und][0][value]' => $this
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Make sure our contextual link appears on the page.
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/structure/skinr/edit/comment/page/configure', 0, 'Contexual link to edit comment\'s skin configuration was found.');

    // Make sure this block's options are returned.
      ->assertOptionExists('element', 'page', 'Node type was returned by node_skinr_ui_element_options().');

    // Test the returned element title.
    $skin = (object) array(
      'theme' => $default_theme,
      'module' => 'comment',
      'element' => 'page',
      'skin' => 'skinr_ui_test_bgcolor',
      'options' => array(
      'status' => 1,
    $title = skinr_invoke_all('skinr_ui_element_title', $skin->module, $skin->element, $skin->theme);
    $title = reset($title);
      ->assertEqual($title, 'Basic page', 'Node type title was returned.');

   * Tests node plugin.
  function testNode() {
    $default_theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik');

    // Create a node.
    $node = $this
      'type' => 'article',

    // Go to node.
    $uri = entity_uri('node', $node);

    // Make sure our contextual link appears on the page.
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/structure/skinr/edit/node/article/configure', 0, 'Contexual link to edit node\'s skin configuration was found.');

    // Make sure this block's options are returned.
      ->assertOptionExists('element', 'article', 'Node type was returned by node_skinr_ui_element_options().');

    // Test the returned element title.
    $skin = (object) array(
      'theme' => $default_theme,
      'module' => 'node',
      'element' => 'article',
      'skin' => 'skinr_ui_test_bgcolor',
      'options' => array(
      'status' => 1,
    $title = skinr_invoke_all('skinr_ui_element_title', $skin->module, $skin->element, $skin->theme);
    $title = reset($title);
      ->assertEqual($title, 'Article', 'Node type title was returned.');

   * Tests node plugin.
  function testSystem() {

    // @todo Add tests for html and region hooks.


 * Tests UI functionality for Block plugin.

 * Tests UI functionality for Block plugin.
class SkinrUIPluginViewsTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Plugins UI - Views',
      'description' => 'Tests Skinr UI functionality for functionality plugin from Views.',
      'dependencies' => array(
      'group' => 'Skinr',
  function setUp() {
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'administer views',
      'access all views',
      'access contextual links',
      'administer skinr',
      'edit skin settings',
      'edit advanced skin settings',

   * Asserts that a select option in the current page exists.
   * @param $name
   *   Id of select field to assert.
   * @param $option
   *   Option to assert.
   * @param $message
   *   Message to display.
   * @return
   *   TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail.
  protected function assertOptionExists($name, $option, $message = '') {
    $elements = $this
      ->xpath('//select[@name=:name]//option[@value=:option]', array(
      ':name' => $name,
      ':option' => $option,
    return $this
      ->assertTrue(isset($elements[0]), $message ? $message : t('Option @option for field @name exists.', array(
      '@option' => $option,
      '@name' => $name,
    )), t('Browser'));

   * Tests views plugin.
  function testViews() {
    $default_theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik');

    // Go to the view's page.

    // Make sure our contextual link appears on the page.
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/structure/skinr/edit/views/skinr_ui_test__page/configure', 0, "Contexual link to edit view's skin configuration was found.");

    // Make sure this view's options are returned.
      ->assertOptionExists('element', 'skinr_ui_test__default', 'Default display for our view was returned by views_skinr_ui_element_options().');
      ->assertOptionExists('element', 'skinr_ui_test__page', 'Page display for our view was returned by views_skinr_ui_element_options().');

    // Test the returned element title.
    $skin = (object) array(
      'theme' => $default_theme,
      'module' => 'views',
      'element' => 'skinr_ui_test__page',
      'skin' => 'skinr_ui_test_bgcolor',
      'options' => array(
      'status' => 1,
    $title = skinr_invoke_all('skinr_ui_element_title', $skin->module, $skin->element, $skin->theme);
    $title = reset($title);
      ->assertEqual($title, 'Skinr UI Test', 'View title was returned.');



Namesort descending Description
SkinrUIAdminTestCase Tests administrative pages functionality.
SkinrUIBasicTestCase Tests UI functionality.
SkinrUIPluginTestCase Tests UI functionality for Block plugin.
SkinrUIPluginViewsTestCase Tests UI functionality for Block plugin.
SkinrUISkinableTestCase Tests whether or not elements are skinable in Skinr UI.
SkinrUITestCase Base class for Skinr UI tests.