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6 string references to YAML keys in skinr_ui.routing.yml in Skinr 8.2

LibraryListForm::getCancelUrl in skinr_ui/src/Form/LibraryListForm.php
Returns the route to go to if the user cancels the action.
SkinDeleteForm::getCancelUrl in skinr_ui/src/Form/SkinDeleteForm.php
Returns the route to go to if the user cancels the action.
SkinEditForm::save in skinr_ui/src/Form/SkinEditForm.php
Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
SkinrUIController::performOperation in skinr_ui/src/Controller/SkinrUIController.php
Performs an operation on the skin entity.
skinr_ui_help in skinr_ui/skinr_ui.module
Implements hook_help().
ThemeLocalTask::getDerivativeDefinitions in skinr_ui/src/Plugin/Derivative/ThemeLocalTask.php
Gets the definition of all derivatives of a base plugin.