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syntax.html in Skinr 6.2

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  1. 8.2 help/syntax.html
  2. 7.2 help/syntax.html


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<p>These are the basic building blocks of a Skin. If you are already familiar
  with this, you might want to see some quick <a href="topic:skinr/examples">examples</a>.</p>
    <h3 id="syntax-machine-name">Machine Name</h3>
    <p>Each skin begins with the prefix <code>skinr</code> in your .info file.
      This allows Drupal and Skinr to easily identify and access information
      about your skins. It will not show up in the UI or in any markup.
    <h3 id="syntax-title">Title</h3>
    <p>Every skin has one title. This title will appear in the UI as the form
      element label, so it should be descriptive of what the Skin is/does.
    <pre>skinr[skin_system_name][title] = Example</pre>
    <h3 id="syntax-description">Description</h3>
    <p>Descriptions are optional, but recommended. They will show in the UI just
      as regular form item descriptions do. They may contain HTML.
    <pre>skinr[skin_system_name][description] = This should be a description of my Skin.</pre>
    <h3 id="syntax-type">Type</h3>
    <p>There are 3 different options for displaying your Skinr styles in the UI.
      These <strong>types</strong> correspond to Drupal's form API widgets. They
      were created to allow you to better present your skins in the UI and to
      allow fine-grained control over the options you provide.
        <p><em>checkboxes (default)</em> &ndash; Can be used for singular or
          multiple options. Do not use "checkbox" as it will not work. Also
          note: Skinr applies checkboxes by default, so it's not necessary to
          specify if that's what you want to use.
        <pre>skinr[skin_system_name][type] = checkboxes</pre>
        <p><em>select</em> &ndash; Good for presenting many options when only
          one can be selected. Note: multiple selects are not supported;
          checkboxes should be used instead.
        <pre>skinr[skin_system_name][type] = select</pre>
        <p><em>radios</em> &ndash; Can be used for single options.</p>
        <pre>skinr[skin_system_name][type] = radios</pre>
    <h3 id="syntax-options">Options</h3>
    <p>After deciding upon a widget type, you'll need to define your
      options. You'll always need to have at least one option.  Each option is
      keyed, and consists of both a label and a class. The label will appear in
      the UI and the class is the CSS class(es) you want to use. See <a
      href="topic:skinr/css">CSS</a> for more information.
    <h4 id="syntax-options-singular">Singular</h4>
skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][label] = Foo
skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][class] = foo-class</pre>
    <h4 id="syntax-options-multiple">Multiple</h4>
    <p><em>Note:</em> Skinr will include a <code>&lt;none&gt;</code> option
      automatically for skins that have multiple options so the skin can be
      unselected by the user.</p>
skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][label] = Foo
skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][class] = foo-class
skinr[skin_system_name][options][2][label] = Bar
skinr[skin_system_name][options][2][class] = bar-class</pre>
    <h4>Adding files</h4>
    <p>More information on adding files can be found <a href="topic:skinr/css-js">here</a>, but a brief overview of the syntax is below.
skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][stylesheets][all][] = foo.css
skinr[skin_system_name][options][1][scripts][] = foo.js</pre>
    <h3 id="syntax-groups">Groups</h3>
    <p>Groups allow you to place skins inside a fieldset.  This is useful when
      trying to present a bunch of related Skins.  You may also choose to show
      the fieldset as collapsed by default.
    <h4 id="syntax-group">Defining a group</h4>
skinr[options][groups][skin_group_name][title] = Example Group
skinr[options][groups][skin_group_name][description] = Set font-family and size options.
skinr[options][groups][skin_group_name][collapsible] = 1 // Defaults to 1. Options are 1 or 0.
skinr[options][groups][skin_group_name][collapsed] = 0 //  // Defaults to 0. Options are 1 or 0.
    <h4 id="syntax-group-skin">Associating a skin with a group</h4>
skinr[skin_name][title] = Example Skin
skinr[skin_name][description] = This should be a description of my Skin.
skinr[skin_name][group] = skin_group_name