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Functions in Skinr 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
skinr_menu ./skinr.module Implementation of hook_menu().
skinr_module_include ./skinr.module Load views files on behalf of modules. 1
skinr_perm ./skinr.module Implementation of hook_perm().
skinr_preprocess ./skinr.module Implementation of hook_preprocess().
skinr_process_info_files ./skinr.module Themes are allowed to set Skinr styles in their .info files. 2
skinr_set ./skinr.module Save an entry to Skinr. 5
skinr_skinr_api includes/ Implementation of hook_skinr_api(). 5
skinr_skinr_panels_styles modules/panels/ Implementation of hook_panels_style_info().
skinr_style_array_to_string ./skinr.module Helper function to convert an array of classes settings into a string, usable in HTML. 3
skinr_submit_handler includes/ Skinr submit handler. 1
skinr_uninstall ./skinr.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
skinr_update_6100 ./skinr.install Update old Skinr variables per
theme_panels_skinr_style_render_pane modules/panels/ Render pane callback.
theme_panels_skinr_style_render_region modules/panels/ Render panel callback.
views_skinr_access_handler_display modules/ Skinr access handler. 1
views_skinr_access_handler_view modules/ 1
views_skinr_api includes/
views_skinr_data modules/ Implementation of hook_skinr_data().
views_skinr_data_handler modules/ Skinr data handler. This is the data that populates the skinr form. 1
views_skinr_form_index_handler modules/ Skinr form index handler. 1
views_skinr_preprocess_index_handler modules/ Skinr preprocess index handler. 1
views_skinr_submit_handler_display modules/ Skinr submit handler. 1
views_skinr_submit_handler_view modules/ 1
_panels_skinr_save_and_clear_cache modules/ 1
_skinr_add_file ./skinr.module Helper function to add CSS and JS files. 1
_skinr_array_strip_empty includes/ Helper function to remove unchecked entries from checkbox form element. 3
_skinr_fetch_data_defaults ./skinr.module Fetch default configuration data for modules. 3


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