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SitemapTaxonomyTermsTest.php in Sitemap 8.2


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namespace Drupal\sitemap\Tests;

use Drupal\sitemap\Plugin\Sitemap\Vocabulary;

 * Tests the display of taxonomies based on sitemap settings.
 * @group sitemap
class SitemapTaxonomyTermsTest extends SitemapTaxonomyTestBase {

   * Tests the term_threshold setting.
  public function testTermThreshold() {

    // Create terms.
    $this->terms = $this

    // The vocabulary is already configured to display in parent ::setUp().
    $vocab = $this->vocabulary;
    $vid = $vocab

    // Get term names from terms.
    $names = [];
    foreach ($this->terms as $term) {
      $names[] = $term

    // Confirm that terms without content are displayed by default.
    foreach ($names as $term_name) {

    // Create test node with terms.

    // @TODO: Figure out proper cache tags.

    // Require at least one node for taxonomy terms to show up.
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][term_count_threshold]" => 1,

    // Assert that terms with content are displayed on the sitemap as links.
    foreach ($names as $term_name) {

    // Require at least two nodes for taxonomy terms to show up.
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][term_count_threshold]" => 2,
    $terms = $this->terms;

    // Create a second test node with only two terms.

    // TODO: Check for empty <li>s as well.

   * Tests appearance of node counts.
  public function testNodeCounts() {
    $this->terms = $this

    // The vocabulary is already configured to display in parent ::setUp().
    $vocab = $this->vocabulary;
    $vid = $vocab

    // Create test node with terms.

    // Assert that node counts are not included in the sitemap by default.
    $elements = $this
      ->cssSelect(".sitemap-plugin--vocabulary .count:contains('(1)')");
      ->assertEquals(count($elements), 0, 'Node counts not included.');

    // Configure module to display node counts.
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][show_count]" => TRUE,

    // Assert that node counts are included in the sitemap.
    $elements = $this
      ->cssSelect(".sitemap-plugin--vocabulary .count:contains('(1)')");
      ->assertEquals(count($elements), 3, 'Node counts included.');

    // TODO: Add another node and check counts.

    //@TODO: Test count display when parent term does not meet threshold.

   * Tests vocabulary depth settings.
  public function testVocabularyDepth() {

    // Create terms.
    $this->terms = $this

    // Set to show all taxonomy terms, even if they are not assigned to content.
    $vid = $this->vocabulary
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][term_count_threshold]" => Vocabulary::THRESHOLD_DISABLED,

    // Change vocabulary depth to its maximum (9).
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][term_depth]" => Vocabulary::DEPTH_MAX,

    // Assert that all tags are listed in the sitemap.
    foreach ($this->terms as $term) {

    // Change vocabulary depth to 0.
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][term_depth]" => Vocabulary::DEPTH_DISABLED,

    // Assert that no tags are listed in the sitemap.
    foreach ($this->terms as $term) {

    // Change vocabulary depth to 1.
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][term_depth]" => 1,

    // Assert that only tag 1 is listed in the sitemap.

    // Change vocabulary depth to 2.
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][term_depth]" => 2,

    // Assert that tag 1 and tag 2 are listed in the sitemap.

    // Change vocabulary depth to 3.
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][term_depth]" => 3,

    // Assert that all tags are listed in the sitemap.
    foreach ($this->terms as $term) {

    // Test display when parent term does not meet threshold.
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][term_count_threshold]" => 1,
    $childTerms = $this->terms;
    foreach ($this->terms as $term) {

    // TODO: Check for empty <li>s as well.
    // Test show_count when parent term does not meet threshold.
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][show_count]" => TRUE,
    $elements = $this
      ->cssSelect(".sitemap-plugin--vocabulary .count:contains('(1)')");
      ->assertEquals(count($elements), 2, 'Node counts included.');

   * Tests the term link settings.
  public function testTermLinks() {
    $this->terms = $this

   * Tests the nested term link settings.
  public function testNestedTermLinks() {

    // Create terms.
    $this->terms = $this

    // Test link when parent term does not meet threshold.
    $vid = $this->vocabulary
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][term_count_threshold]" => 2,
    $childTerms = $this->terms;
    foreach ($childTerms as $term) {

    // Test 'always display links'.
    $vid = $this->vocabulary
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][always_link]" => TRUE,
    foreach ($this->terms as $term) {

   * @TODO: Tests customized term links.

    public function testTermCustomLinks() {

   * Helper function for testing link settings.
  protected function linkSettingsTest() {

    // Confirm that terms without content are not linked by default.
    foreach ($this->terms as $term) {

    // Test 'always display links'.
    $vid = $this->vocabulary
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][always_link]" => TRUE,
    foreach ($this->terms as $term) {

    // Test that terms with content are linked...
    foreach ($this->terms as $term) {

    // ... even when always_link is disabled.
      "plugins[vocabulary:{$vid}][settings][always_link]" => FALSE,
    foreach ($this->terms as $term) {



Namesort descending Description
SitemapTaxonomyTermsTest Tests the display of taxonomies based on sitemap settings.