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GitContributions.php in Site Audit 8.2

Contains \SiteAudit\Check\Codebase\GitContributions.


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 * @file
 * Contains \SiteAudit\Check\Codebase\GitContributions.

 * Class SiteAuditCheckCodebaseGitContributions.
class SiteAuditCheckCodebaseGitContributions extends SiteAuditCheckAbstract {

   * Implements \SiteAudit\Check\Abstract\getLabel().
  public function getLabel() {
    return dt('Git Contributions');

   * Implements \SiteAudit\Check\Abstract\getDescription().
  public function getDescription() {
    return dt('Determine lines of code added and removed by each contributor.');

   * Implements \SiteAudit\Check\Abstract\getResultFail().
  public function getResultFail() {

   * Implements \SiteAudit\Check\Abstract\getResultInfo().
  public function getResultInfo() {
    if (isset($this->registry['not_git'])) {
      return dt('The site is not stored in Git.');
    if (isset($this->registry['git_remote'])) {
      return dt("The repository contains the entire Drupal contribution history and will be ignored.");
    $ret_val = '';
    if (drush_get_option('html') == TRUE) {
      $ret_val .= '<table class="table table-condensed">';
      $ret_val .= '<thead><tr><th>' . dt('Author') . '</th><th>' . dt('Lines Inserted') . '</th><th>' . dt('Lines Deleted') . '</th><th>' . dt('Percentage Contribution') . '</th></tr></thead>';
      foreach ($this->registry['git_contribution_percentage'] as $user => $percentage) {
        $added = number_format($this->registry['git_contribution'][$user]['inserted']);
        $deleted = number_format($this->registry['git_contribution'][$user]['deleted']);
        $ret_val .= "<tr><td>{$user}</td><td>{$added}</td><td>{$deleted}</td><td>{$percentage}%</td></tr>";
      $ret_val .= '</table>';
    else {
      $ret_val = dt('Author: Inserted | Deleted | Percentage') . PHP_EOL;
      if (!drush_get_option('json')) {
        $ret_val .= str_repeat(' ', 4);
      $ret_val .= '-----------------------------';
      foreach ($this->registry['git_contribution_percentage'] as $user => $percentage) {
        $ret_val .= PHP_EOL;
        if (!drush_get_option('json')) {
          $ret_val .= str_repeat(' ', 4);
        $added = number_format($this->registry['git_contribution'][$user]['inserted']);
        $deleted = number_format($this->registry['git_contribution'][$user]['deleted']);
        $ret_val .= "{$user}: {$added} | {$deleted} | {$percentage}%";
    return $ret_val;

   * Implements \SiteAudit\Check\Abstract\getResultPass().
  public function getResultPass() {

   * Implements \SiteAudit\Check\Abstract\getResultWarn().
  public function getResultWarn() {

   * Implements \SiteAudit\Check\Abstract\getAction().
  public function getAction() {

   * Implements \SiteAudit\Check\Abstract\calculateScore().
  public function calculateScore() {

    // Check if site is a git repository.
    $is_git = exec('git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null');
    if ($is_git !== 'true') {
      $this->registry['not_git'] = TRUE;
      return SiteAuditCheckAbstract::AUDIT_CHECK_SCORE_INFO;

    // Check if the repository is from
    $output = array();
    $remote_url = array(
    exec('git remote -v', $output);
    foreach ($output as $line) {
      $line = explode("\t", $line);
      foreach ($remote_url as $url) {
        if (strpos($line, $url) !== FALSE) {
          $this->registry['git_remote'] = TRUE;
          return SiteAuditCheckAbstract::AUDIT_CHECK_SCORE_INFO;

    // Get all users.
    $users = array();
    exec("git log --format='%aN' | sort -u", $users);

    // Get the lines of code for each user.
    $total = 0;
    foreach ($users as $user) {
      $command = "git log --no-merges --shortstat --author '{$user}' 2> /dev/null ";
      $command .= "| grep 'files\\? changed' 2> /dev/null ";
      $command .= "| awk '{if (\$5==\"insertions(+)\" || \$5==\"insertion(+)\") inserted+=\$4; else deleted+=\$4; deleted+=\$6} END {print inserted, deleted}' 2> /dev/null";
      $output = explode(' ', exec($command));
      $this->registry['git_contribution'][$user] = array(
        'inserted' => $output[0],
        'deleted' => $output[1],
      $total += intval($output[0]) + intval($output[1]);
    foreach ($users as $user) {
      $inserted = intval($this->registry['git_contribution'][$user]['inserted']);
      $deleted = intval($this->registry['git_contribution'][$user]['deleted']);
      $percentage = number_format(($inserted + $deleted) / $total * 100, 2);
      $this->registry['git_contribution_percentage'][$user] = $percentage;
    return SiteAuditCheckAbstract::AUDIT_CHECK_SCORE_INFO;



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SiteAuditCheckCodebaseGitContributions Class SiteAuditCheckCodebaseGitContributions.