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14 uses of SiteAuditCheckAbstract::AUDIT_CHECK_SCORE_PASS in Site Audit 8.2

BestPracticesReportCase::testFast404Two in tests/bestPracticesReportTest.php
Fast_404 enabled and fast_404 paths not empty in fast_404, check passes.
CacheReportCase::testPageExpireThree in tests/cacheReportTest.php
Set greater than 900. Check should Pass.
CacheReportCase::testPreprocessCssPass in tests/cacheReportTest.php
Set js.preprocess to true. Check should Pass.
CacheReportCase::testPreprocessJsPass in tests/cacheReportTest.php
Set js.preprocess to true. Check should Pass.
ContentReportCase::testContentContentEntityTypesUnusedPass in tests/contentReportTest.php
Pass if no unused content entity type.
ContentReportCase::testContentDuplicateTitlesPass in tests/contentReportTest.php
Pass if no nodes with duplicate titles.
ContentReportCase::testVocabulariesUnusedPass in tests/contentReportTest.php
Pass if no empty vocabularies present.
CronReportCase::testEnabledPassOne in tests/cronReportTest.php
Run the cron and set cron frequency to < 24 hours. Check should Pass.
CronReportCase::testEnabledPassTwo in tests/cronReportTest.php
Set cron frequency to 0 and run cron. Check should Pass.
ExtensionsReportCase::testDevPass in tests/extensionsReportTest.php
Check should pass on a default installation.
ExtensionsReportCase::testDuplicatePass in tests/extensionsReportTest.php
Multiple versions of the same module, one in profile and enabled. Pass.
ExtensionsReportCase::testUnrecommendedPass in tests/extensionsReportTest.php
Check should pass on a default installation.
SecurityReportCase::testMenuRouterPass in tests/securityReportTest.php
Check should pass on a default installation.
UsersReportCase::testBlockedNumberOnePass in tests/usersReportTest.php
UnBlock the user with uid 1. Check should Pass.