simplify.module in Simplify 8
Same filename and directory in other branches
Hooks implemented by the simplify module.
simplify.moduleView source
* @file
* Hooks implemented by the simplify module.
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\user\Entity\Role;
use Drupal\user\RoleInterface;
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for node_type_form().
* @see simplify_form_node_type_form_submit()
function simplify_form_node_type_edit_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
$type = $form['type'];
// Nodes.
$form['simplify'] = [
'#type' => 'details',
'#title' => t('Simplify'),
'#description' => t('These fields will be hidden from <em>@type</em> node forms. Disabled checkboxes indicate fields that have been hidden globally on the <a href="@global">Simplify administration page</a>.', [
'@type' => $form['name']['#default_value'],
'@global' => Url::fromRoute('simplify.admin')
'#access' => \Drupal::currentUser()
->hasPermission('administer simplify'),
'#group' => 'additional_settings',
$form['simplify']['simplify_nodes'] = [
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => t('Simplify the following options'),
'#options' => simplify_get_fields('nodes'),
'#default_value' => _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_nodes', [], 'simplify.content_type.' . $type['#default_value']),
'#after_build' => [
// Add custom submit function.
$form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'simplify_form_node_type_edit_form_submit';
* Form submission handler for node_type_form().
* @see simplify_form_node_type_form_alter()
function simplify_form_node_type_edit_form_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$content_type = $form_state
// Get nodes fields.
$fields = $form_state
$fields = array_keys(array_filter($fields));
// Values aren't saved to a variable by default, so do it manually.
->getEditable('simplify.content_type.' . $content_type)
->set('simplify_nodes', $fields)
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for node_type_form().
* @see simplify_form_node_type_form_submit()
function simplify_form_comment_type_edit_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
$type = $form['id'];
// Comments.
$form['comment']['simplify'] = [
'#type' => 'details',
'#title' => t('Simplify'),
'#description' => t('These fields will be hidden from <em>@type</em> comment forms. Disabled checkboxes indicate fields that have been hidden globally on the <a href="@global">Simplify administration page</a>.', [
'@type' => $form['label']['#default_value'],
'@global' => Url::fromRoute('simplify.admin')
'#access' => \Drupal::currentUser()
->hasPermission('administer simplify'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
$form['comment']['simplify']['simplify_comments'] = [
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => t('Simplify the following options'),
'#options' => simplify_get_fields('comments'),
'#default_value' => _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_comments', [], 'simplify.comment_type.' . $type['#default_value']),
'#after_build' => [
// Add custom submit function.
$form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'simplify_form_comment_type_edit_form_submit';
* Form submission handler for comment_type_edit_form().
* @see simplify_form_comment_type_edit_form_alter()
function simplify_form_comment_type_edit_form_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$content_type = $form_state
// Get comments fields.
$fields = $form_state
$fields = array_keys(array_filter($fields));
// Values aren't saved to a variable by default, so do it manually.
->getEditable('simplify.comment_type.' . $content_type)
->set('simplify_comments', $fields)
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for taxonomy_form_vocabulary().
function simplify_form_taxonomy_vocabulary_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$vocabulary = $form['vid'];
// Taxonomy.
$form['simplify'] = [
'#type' => 'details',
'#title' => t('Simplify'),
'#description' => t('These fields will be hidden from <em>@vocabulary</em> taxonomy term forms. Disabled checkboxes indicate fields that have been hidden globally on the <a href="@global">Simplify administration page</a>.', [
'@vocabulary' => $form['name']['#default_value'],
'@global' => Url::fromRoute('simplify.admin')
'#access' => \Drupal::currentUser()
->hasPermission('administer simplify'),
'#group' => 'additional_settings',
$form['simplify']['simplify_taxonomies'] = [
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => t('Simplify the following options'),
'#options' => simplify_get_fields('taxonomy'),
'#default_value' => _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_taxonomies', [], 'simplify.vocabulary.' . $vocabulary['#default_value']),
'#after_build' => [
// Add custom submit function.
$form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'simplify_taxonomy_vocabulary_form_submit';
* Form submission handler for taxonomy_vocabulary_form().
* @see simplify_form_taxonomy_vocabulary_form_alter()
function simplify_taxonomy_vocabulary_form_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$vocabulary = $form_state
// Get fields.
$fields = $form_state
$fields = array_keys(array_filter($fields));
// Values aren't saved to a variable by default, so do it manually.
->getEditable('simplify.vocabulary.' . $vocabulary)
->set('simplify_taxonomies', $fields)
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for block_content_type_edit_form().
* Simplify settings "per block-type" for blocks.
function simplify_form_block_content_type_edit_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
// Blocks.
$form['simplify'] = [
'#type' => 'details',
'#title' => t('Simplify'),
'#description' => t('These fields will be hidden from <em>@type</em> block forms. Disabled checkboxes indicate fields that have been hidden globally on the <a href="@global">Simplify administration page</a>.', [
'@type' => $form['label']['#default_value'],
'@global' => Url::fromRoute('simplify.admin')
'#access' => \Drupal::currentUser()
->hasPermission('administer simplify'),
'#group' => 'additional_settings',
$form['simplify']['simplify_blocks'] = [
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => t('Simplify the following options'),
'#options' => simplify_get_fields('blocks'),
'#default_value' => _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_blocks', [], 'simplify.block_type.' . $form['id']['#default_value']),
'#after_build' => [
// Add custom submit function.
$form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'simplify_form_block_content_type_edit_form_submit';
* Form submission handler for block_content_type_edit_form().
* Save simplify settings "per block-type" for blocks.
function simplify_form_block_content_type_edit_form_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$block_type = $form_state
// Get nodes fields.
$fields = $form_state
$fields = array_keys(array_filter($fields));
// Values aren't saved to a variable by default, so do it manually.
->getEditable('simplify.block_type.' . $block_type)
->set('simplify_blocks', $fields)
* Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() for node_form().
* Overrides the node creation form to hide elements depending on settings.
function simplify_form_node_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// @todo This must be handled in a #process handler.
$node = $form_state
$node_type = $node->type->entity;
// Get array of fields to hide.
$global_fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_nodes_global');
$type_fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_nodes', [], 'simplify.content_type.' . $node_type
$fields = array_merge($global_fields, $type_fields);
// Hide fields.
simplify_hide_fields($fields, $form);
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for user_form().
* Simplifies the "user edition form" to hide elements depending on settings.
function simplify_form_user_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
// Get array of fields to hide.
$fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_users_global');
// Hide fields.
simplify_hide_fields($fields, $form);
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for user_register_form().
* Simplifies the "user registration form" to hide elements depending on
* settings.
function simplify_form_user_register_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
// Get array of fields to hide.
$fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_users_global');
// Hide fields.
simplify_hide_fields($fields, $form);
* Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() for comment_form().
* Simplifies the "comment" form on a node to hide elements depending on
* settings.
function simplify_form_comment_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
// @todo This must be handled in a #process handler.
$comment = $form_state
// Get array of fields to hide.
$global_fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_comments_global');
$type_fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_comments', [], 'simplify.comment_type.' . $comment
$fields = array_merge($global_fields, $type_fields);
// Hide fields.
simplify_hide_fields($fields, $form);
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for taxonomy_term_tags_form().
* Simplifies the taxonomy "edit term" page.
function simplify_form_taxonomy_term_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
$vid = $form['vid']['#value'];
// Get array of fields to hide.
$global_fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_taxonomies_global');
$vocabulary_fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_taxonomies', [], 'simplify.vocabulary.' . $vid);
$fields = array_merge($global_fields, $vocabulary_fields);
// Hide fields.
simplify_hide_fields($fields, $form);
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for block_add_block_form().
* Overrides the "create new block" form ti be simplified.
function simplify_form_block_content_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
// @todo This must be handled in a #process handler.
$block = $form_state
$block_type = $block->type->entity;
// Get array of fields to hide.
$global_fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_blocks_global');
$type_fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_blocks', [], 'simplify.block_type.' . $block_type
$fields = array_merge($global_fields, $type_fields);
// Hide fields.
simplify_hide_fields($fields, $form);
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for block_form().
* Overrides the block "configure" page.
function simplify_form_block_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
// Get array of fields to hide.
$fields = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_blocks_global');
// Hide fields.
simplify_hide_fields($fields, $form);
* Implements hook_form_alter().
* Empty implementation. This allows to trick hook_module_implements_alter() in
* order to run the various hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() last.
function simplify_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
* Implements hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter().
* Because of [#2937730] we want to visually-hidden the fields. The comment field
* in form display actually add the 'comment_default' widget which needs to be
* preprocessed to hide.
function simplify_field_widget_comment_default_form_alter(&$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, $context) {
$entity = $form_state
$entity_type = $entity
$entity_bundle_type = NULL;
if ($entity instanceof \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase) {
$type = $entity->type;
$entity_bundle_type = $type ? $type->entity : NULL;
// Get array of fields to hide.
$global_fields = _simplify_get_config_value("simplify_{$entity_type}s_global");
$type_fields = $entity_bundle_type ? _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_nodes', [], 'simplify.content_type.' . $entity_bundle_type
->get('type')) : [];
$fields = array_merge($global_fields, $type_fields);
if (isset($fields['comment']) && $fields['comment']) {
$element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'visually-hidden';
$element['status']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'visually-hidden';
* Implements hook_field_widget_form_alter().
function simplify_field_widget_form_alter(&$element, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state, $context) {
* Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
* Make sure that our form alter is called AFTER the same hook provided in xxx.
function simplify_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
if ($hook == 'form_alter') {
// Move my_module_form_alter() to the end of the list. module_implements()
// iterates through $implementations with a foreach loop which PHP iterates
// in the order that the items were added, so to move an item to the end of
// the array, we remove it and then add it.
$group = $implementations['simplify'];
$implementations['simplify'] = $group;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* Get an array of fields (by type) that can be hidden.
* @param string $type
* The category type of fields to build.
* @return array
* An array of cehckbox option fields.
function simplify_get_fields($type) {
$fields = [];
switch ($type) {
// Nodes.
case 'nodes':
// Drupal core:
$fields['author'] = t('Authoring information');
$fields['format'] = t('Text format selection');
$fields['options'] = t('Promotion options');
$fields['revision_information'] = t('Revision information');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('book')) {
$fields['book'] = t('Book outline');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('comment')) {
$fields['comment'] = t('Comment settings');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('menu_ui')) {
$fields['menu'] = t('Menu settings');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('path')) {
$fields['path_settings'] = t('URL path settings');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('content_translation')) {
$fields['content_translation'] = t('Content translation');
// Third-party modules:
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('domain_access')) {
$fields['domain'] = t('Domain access');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('entity_translation') && entity_translation_enabled('node')) {
$fields['entity_translation'] = t('Entity translation');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('metatag')) {
$fields['metatags'] = t('Meta tags');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('node_noindex')) {
$fields['node_noindex'] = t('Node noindex');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('redirect')) {
$fields['url_redirects'] = t('URL redirects');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('xmlsitemap')) {
$fields['xmlsitemap'] = t('XML sitemap');
// Users.
case 'users':
// Drupal core:
$fields['format'] = t('Text format selection');
$fields['status'] = t('Status (blocked/active)');
$fields['timezone'] = t('Locale settings');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('contact')) {
$fields['contact'] = t('Contact settings');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('overlay')) {
$fields['overlay_control'] = t('Administrative overlay');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('content_translation')) {
$fields['content_translation'] = t('Content translation');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('comment')) {
$fields['comment'] = t('Comment settings');
// Third-party modules:
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('domain_access')) {
$fields['domain'] = t('Domain access');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('metatag')) {
$fields['metatags'] = t('Meta tags');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('redirect')) {
$fields['url_redirects'] = t('URL redirects');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('xmlsitemap')) {
$fields['xmlsitemap'] = t('XML sitemap');
// Comments.
case 'comments':
// Drupal core:
$fields['format'] = t('Text format selection');
// Taxonomy.
case 'taxonomy':
// Drupal core:
$fields['format'] = t('Text format selection');
$fields['relations'] = t('Relations');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('path')) {
$fields['path'] = t('URL alias');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('content_translation')) {
$fields['content_translation'] = t('Content translation');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('comment')) {
$fields['comment'] = t('Comment settings');
// Third-party modules:
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('metatag')) {
$fields['metatags'] = t('Meta tags');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('redirect')) {
$fields['url_redirects'] = t('URL redirects');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('xmlsitemap')) {
$fields['xmlsitemap'] = t('XML sitemap');
// Blocks.
case 'blocks':
// Drupal core:
$fields['format'] = t('Text format selection');
$fields['revision_information'] = t('Revision information');
// Profiles.
case 'profiles':
$fields['format'] = t('Text format selection');
// Allow other modules to alter the array of fields that can be hidden.
->alter('simplify_get_fields', $fields, $type);
return $fields;
* Hide fields from all users without the 'View hidden fields' permission.
* @param array $fields
* The array of fields to simplify within the given form.
* @param array $form
* The form in which to simplify the given fields.
function simplify_hide_fields(array $fields, array &$form) {
// Check if current user can view the hidden fields.
$user_can_view_hidden = \Drupal::currentUser()
->hasPermission('view hidden fields');
// Check if even admin users must be simplified.
$hide_to_admin = _simplify_get_config_value('simplify_admin', 0);
// Depending on previous settings, simplify the $fields in the $form.
if (!empty($fields) && (!$user_can_view_hidden || _is_user_admin() && $hide_to_admin)) {
foreach ($fields as $field) {
simplify_hide_field($field, $form);
* Hide a given field in a form.
* @param string $field
* The key for the field to simplify within a given form.
* @param array $form
* The form in which to simplify the given fields.
function simplify_hide_field(string $field, array &$form) {
switch ($field) {
// Entity translation.
case 'entity_translation':
$form['translation']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'visually-hidden';
// Domain Access.
case 'domain':
$form['domain']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'visually-hidden';
$form['field_domain_access']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'visually-hidden';
$form['field_domain_admin']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'visually-hidden';
$form['field_domain_all_affiliates']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'visually-hidden';
// Text format selection.
case 'format':
// Status.
case 'status':
$form['account']['status']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'visually-hidden';
$form[$field]['#attributes']['class'][] = 'visually-hidden';
// Allow other modules to alter the way fields are hidden.
->alter('simplify_hide_field', $form, $field);
* Recurse through the provided form and hide any text_format elements.
* @param array $form
* The form in which to interate to hide the text_format elements.
function simplify_hide_text_format_elements(array &$form) {
foreach (Element::children($form) as $key) {
if (!isset($form[$key]['#type']) || $form[$key]['#type'] == 'container') {
elseif ($form[$key]['#type'] == 'text_format') {
$form[$key]['#after_build'][] = 'simplify_hide_text_format_element';
* Hide a given text_format element.
* @param array $element
* The element to hide.
* @return array
* The hidden element.
function simplify_hide_text_format_element(array $element) {
if (!empty($element['format'])) {
$element['format']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'hidden';
return $element;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* Disable checkboxes to indicate fields have been hidden globally.
function _simplify_disable_globally_hidden_checkboxes($element, &$form_state) {
// Get globally hidden fields.
$global_fields = _simplify_get_config_value($element['#name'] . '_global');
// Disable any globally hidden fields.
foreach (Element::children($element) as $field) {
if (in_array($field, $global_fields) && $global_fields[$field]) {
$element[$field]['#checked'] = TRUE;
$element[$field]['#attributes']['disabled'] = 'disabled';
return $element;
* Gets an array representing the configuration form values.
* @param string $config_key
* The configuration name to be retrieved.
* @param object $default
* A default value.
* @return array
* An array representing the configuration or empty array if the
* configuration is not applicable.
function _simplify_get_config_value($config_key, $default = [], $config_name = '') {
$simplify_config = \Drupal::config($config_name);
$value = $simplify_config
return !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
* Checks if this user is a super admin, ie as the admin role or is user1.
* @return bool
* TRUE is super admin or user1, FALSE otherwise.
function _is_user_admin() {
$user = \Drupal::currentUser();
if ($user
->id() == 1) {
return TRUE;
foreach ($user
->getRoles(TRUE) as $rid) {
$role = Role::load($rid);
if ($role instanceof RoleInterface && $role
->isAdmin()) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;