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simplified_modules.api.php in Simplified Modules 7

Hooks provided by the Simplified Modules module.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by the Simplified Modules module.

 * @addtogroup hooks
 * @{

 * Define modules that will be auto-enabled when all their dependencies are met.
 * These modules are typically part of a package that contains many submodules,
 * but on certain sites you just want to have one choice on the modules page,
 * with the submodules turned on automatically whenever they are able to be.
 * Any modules which you return from this hook will be hidden from the modules
 * page, and turned on automatically whenever all their dependencies are met.
 * (They will also be turned off automatically when their dependencies are no
 * longer met.)
 * @return
 *   An array of module names.
 * @see hook_simplified_modules_hidden_submodules_alter()
function hook_simplified_modules_hidden_submodules() {
  return array(
    // Prevent the Views UI module from appearing on the Modules page, but turn
    // it on automatically whenever Views (which it depends on) is enabled.
    // Prevent a number of the component modules from the XML Sitemap package
    // from appearing on the Modules page, and enable their functionality
    // automatically whenever available. (For example, the 'xmlsitemap_menu'
    // module will automatically turn on whenever XML Sitemap and Menu are both
    // enabled, since it depends on both of them.)

 * Alter the modules that will be auto-enabled when all their dependencies are met.
 * @param $modules
 *   An array of module names returned from implementations of
 *   hook_simplified_modules_hidden_submodules().
 * @see hook_simplified_modules_hidden_submodules()
function hook_simplified_modules_hidden_submodules_alter(&$modules) {

  // Remove any occurrences of 'xmlsitemap_menu' from the list and make it go
  // back to appearing on the modules page like it normally would.
  $modules = array_diff($modules, array(

 * Define modules that will be auto-enabled whenever any dependents modules are turned on.
 * These are typically modules which are required for a major site feature to
 * work correctly, but which might be confusing if exposed on the modules page
 * (for example, an API-only module).
 * Any modules which you return from this hook will be hidden from the modules
 * page and turned on automatically whenever another module that depends on
 * them is enabled. (They will also be turned off automatically when they are
 * no longer needed.)
 * @return
 *   An array of module names.
 * @see hook_simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies_alter()
function hook_simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies() {
  return array(
    // Prevent the Date API module from appearing on the Modules page, but turn
    // it on automatically whenever any date-related module that depends on it
    // is enabled.
    // The modules listed below are the full list of requirements for the
    // Webform Alternate UI module (an integration module which provides an
    // alternate interface for editing webforms). By listing them here, they
    // will all be hidden from the Modules page, and when the user enables
    // Webform Alternate UI, all its requirements will automatically be turned
    // on in one click.

 * Alter the modules that will be auto-enabled whenever any dependents modules are turned on.
 * @param $modules
 *   An array of module names returned from implementations of
 *   hook_simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies().
 * @see hook_simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies()
function hook_simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies_alter(&$modules) {

  // Remove any occurrences of 'webform' from the list and make the Webform
  // module go back to appearing on the modules page like it normally would.
  $modules = array_diff($modules, array(

 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".


Namesort descending Description
hook_simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies Define modules that will be auto-enabled whenever any dependents modules are turned on.
hook_simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies_alter Alter the modules that will be auto-enabled whenever any dependents modules are turned on.
hook_simplified_modules_hidden_submodules Define modules that will be auto-enabled when all their dependencies are met.
hook_simplified_modules_hidden_submodules_alter Alter the modules that will be auto-enabled when all their dependencies are met.