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Files in SimpleTest 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description tests/ name = "Module test" description = "Support module for module system testing." package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = module_test.module hidden = TRUE
module_test.module tests/module_test.module
path.test tests/path.test Tests for
php-1.txt files/php-1.txt <?php print 'SimpleTest PHP was executed!'; ?>
php-2.php files/php-2.php
README.txt files/README.txt These files are use in some tests that upload files or other operations were a file is useful. These files are copied to the files directory as specified in the site settings. Other tests files are generated in order to save space.
registry.test tests/registry.test
schema.test tests/schema.test Tests for the Database Schema API.
session.test tests/session.test Provides SimpleTests for core session handling functionality. tests/ name = "Session test" description = "Support module for session data testing." package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = session_test.module hidden = TRUE
session_test.module tests/session_test.module
simpletest.api.php simpletest.api.php Hooks provided by the SimpleTest module.
simpletest.css simpletest.css /* Addon for the simpletest module */ #simpletest { } /* Test Table */ #simpletest-form-table { width: 25px; } th.simpletest_test { width: 160px; } table#simpletest-form-table tr td { background-color: white; color:… name = Testing description = Provides a framework for unit and functional testing. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = simpletest.module files[] = files[] = simpletest.install files[] = simpletest.test files[] =…
simpletest.install simpletest.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the simpletest module.
simpletest.module simpletest.module Provides testing functionality. Page callbacks for simpletest module.
simpletest.test simpletest.test
sql-1.txt files/sql-1.txt SELECT invalid_field FROM {invalid_table} tests/ name = System test description = Support module for system testing. package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = system_test.module hidden = TRUE
system_test.module tests/system_test.module tests/ name = "Taxonomy test module" description = "Tests functions and hooks not used in core". package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = taxonomy_test.module hidden = TRUE dependencies[] = taxonomy
taxonomy_test.install tests/taxonomy_test.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the taxonomy_test module.
taxonomy_test.module tests/taxonomy_test.module Test module for Taxonomy hooks and functions not used in core.
theme.test tests/theme.test Tests for the theme API.
unicode.test tests/unicode.test Various unicode handling tests. tests/ name = Url_alter tests description = A support modules for url_alter hook testing. core = 7.x package = Testing version = VERSION files[] = url_alter_test.module files[] = url_alter_test.install hidden = TRUE
url_alter_test.install tests/url_alter_test.install
url_alter_test.module tests/url_alter_test.module Module to help test hook_url_inbound_alter() and hook_url_outbound_alter().
xmlrpc.test tests/xmlrpc.test tests/ name = "XML-RPC Test" description = "Support module for XML-RPC tests according to the validator1 specification." package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = xmlrpc_test.module hidden = TRUE
xmlrpc_test.module tests/xmlrpc_test.module


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