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143 calls to DrupalTestCase::assertTrue() in SimpleTest 7

ActionLoopTestCase::triggerActions in tests/actions.test
Create an infinite loop by causing a watchdog message to be set, which causes the actions to be triggered again, up to default of 35 times.
BootstrapIPAddressTestCase::testIPAddressHost in tests/bootstrap.test
test IP Address and hostname
BootstrapPageCacheTestCase::testPageCache in tests/bootstrap.test
Test cache headers.
BootstrapTimerTestCase::testTimer in tests/bootstrap.test
Test timer_read() to ensure it properly accumulates time when the timer started and stopped multiple times.
CacheClearCase::testClearArray in tests/cache.test
Test clearing using an array.
CacheClearCase::testClearCid in tests/cache.test
Test clearing using a cid.
CacheClearCase::testClearWildcard in tests/cache.test
Test clearing using wildcard.
CacheGetMultipleUnitTest::testCacheMultiple in tests/cache.test
Test cache_get_multiple().
CacheIsEmptyCase::testIsEmpty in tests/cache.test
Test clearing using a cid.
CacheSavingCase::checkVariable in tests/cache.test
CacheSavingCase::testObject in tests/cache.test
Test the saving and restoring of an object.
CacheTestCase::assertCacheExists in tests/cache.test
Assert or a cache entry exists.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderExternal in tests/common.test
Tests rendering an external stylesheet.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderFile in tests/common.test
Tests rendering the stylesheets.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderInlineNoPreprocess in tests/common.test
Tests rendering inline stylesheets with preprocessing off.
CommonURLUnitTest::testLXSS in tests/common.test
Confirm that invalid text given as $path is filtered.
DatabaseExtraTypesTestCase::testDateField in tests/database_test.test
Test the date data type.
DatabaseExtraTypesTestCase::testTimeField in tests/database_test.test
Test the time data type.
DatabaseFetch2TestCase::testQueryFetchBoth in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can fetch a record into a doubly-keyed array explicitly.
DatabaseFetch2TestCase::testQueryFetchNum in tests/database_test.test
DatabaseFetchTestCase::testQueryFetchArray in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can fetch a record to an array associative explicitly.
DatabaseFetchTestCase::testQueryFetchClass in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can fetch a record into a new instance of a custom class.
DatabaseFetchTestCase::testQueryFetchDefault in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can fetch a record properly in default object mode.
DatabaseFetchTestCase::testQueryFetchObject in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can fetch a record to an object explicitly.
DatabaseInsertLOBTestCase::testInsertMultipleBlob in tests/database_test.test
Test that we can insert multiple blob fields in the same query.
DatabaseInsertLOBTestCase::testInsertOneBlob in tests/database_test.test
Test that we can insert a single blob field successfully.
DatabaseRegressionTestCase::testDBColumnExists in tests/database_test.test
Test the db_column_exists() function.
DatabaseRegressionTestCase::testDBTableExists in tests/database_test.test
Test the db_table_exists() function.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testDefaultJoin in tests/database_test.test
Test simple JOIN statements.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testGroupBy in tests/database_test.test
Test GROUP BY clauses.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testGroupByAndHaving in tests/database_test.test
Test GROUP BY and HAVING clauses together.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testLeftOuterJoin in tests/database_test.test
Test LEFT OUTER joins.
DatabaseSelectOrderedTestCase::testSimpleSelectMultiOrdered in tests/database_test.test
Test multiple order by.
DatabaseSelectOrderedTestCase::testSimpleSelectOrdered in tests/database_test.test
Test basic order by.
DatabaseSelectOrderedTestCase::testSimpleSelectOrderedDesc in tests/database_test.test
Test order by descending.
DatabaseTaggingTestCase::testHasAllTags in tests/database_test.test
Test query tagging "has all of these tags" functionality.
DatabaseTaggingTestCase::testHasAnyTag in tests/database_test.test
Test query tagging "has at least one of these tags" functionality.
DatabaseTaggingTestCase::testHasTag in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that a query has a "tag" added to it.
DatabaseTestCase::installTables in tests/database_test.test
Set up several tables needed by a certain test.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::transactionInnerLayer in tests/database_test.test
Helper method for transaction unit tests. This "inner layer" transaction is either used alone or nested inside of the "outer layer" transaction.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::transactionOuterLayer in tests/database_test.test
Helper method for transaction unit test. This "outer layer" transaction starts and then encapsulates the "inner layer" transaction. This nesting is used to evaluate whether the the database transaction API properly supports…
DatabaseUpdateLOBTestCase::testUpdateMultipleBlob in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can update two blob columns in the same table.
DatabaseUpdateLOBTestCase::testUpdateOneBlob in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can update a blob column.
DrupalDataApiTest::testDrupalWriteRecord in tests/common.test
Test the drupal_write_record() API function.
DrupalErrorHandlerUnitTest::testExceptionHandler in tests/error.test
Test the exception handler.
DrupalHTTPRequestTestCase::testDrupalHTTPRequest in tests/common.test
DrupalRenderUnitTestCase::testDrupalRenderSorting in tests/common.test
Test sorting by weight.
DrupalTagsHandlingTestCase::assertTags in tests/common.test
Helper function: asserts that the ending array of tags is what we wanted.
DrupalWebTestCase::assertFieldByXPath in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Assert that a field exists in the current page by the given XPath.
DrupalWebTestCase::assertFieldChecked in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Assert that a checkbox field in the current page is checked.
DrupalWebTestCase::assertMail in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Assert that the most recently sent e-mail message has a field with the given value.
DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoFieldChecked in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Assert that a checkbox field in the current page is not checked.
DrupalWebTestCase::assertResponse in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Assert the page responds with the specified response code.
DrupalWebTestCase::clickLink in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Follows a link by name.
DrupalWebTestCase::curlExec in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Performs a cURL exec with the specified options after calling curlConnect().
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalCreateRole in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Internal helper function; Create a role with specified permissions.
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalCreateUser in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Create a user with a given set of permissions. The permissions correspond to the names given on the privileges page.
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalPost in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Execute a POST request on a Drupal page. It will be done as usual POST request with SimpleBrowser.
FileCopyTest::testExistingRename in tests/file.test
Test renaming when copying over a file that already exists.
FileCopyTest::testExistingReplace in tests/file.test
Test replacement when copying over a file that already exists.
FileCopyTest::testNormal in tests/file.test
Test file copying in the normal, base case.
FileDeleteTest::testNormal in tests/file.test
Try deleting a normal file (as opposed to a directory, symlink, etc).
FileDirectoryTest::testFileCheckDirectory in tests/file.test
Test the file_directory_path() function.
FileDirectoryTest::testFileDirectoryTemp in tests/file.test
Check file_directory_path() and file_directory_path('temporary').
FileHookTestCase::assertFileHooksCalled in tests/file.test
Assert that all of the specified hook_file_* hooks were called once, other values result in failure.
FileLoadTest::testMultiple in tests/file.test
This will test loading file data from the database.
FileLoadTest::testSingleValues in tests/file.test
Load a single file and ensure that the correct values are returned.
FileMoveTest::testExistingError in tests/file.test
Test that moving onto an existing file fails when FILE_EXISTS_ERROR is specified.
FileMoveTest::testExistingRename in tests/file.test
Test renaming when moving onto a file that already exists.
FileMoveTest::testExistingReplace in tests/file.test
Test replacement when moving onto a file that already exists.
FileMoveTest::testNormal in tests/file.test
Move a normal file.
FileNameMungingTest::testMunging in tests/file.test
Create a file and munge/unmunge the name.
FileSaveDataTest::testExistingRename in tests/file.test
Test file_save_data() when renaming around an existing file.
FileSaveDataTest::testExistingReplace in tests/file.test
Test file_save_data() when replacing an existing file.
FileSaveDataTest::testWithFilename in tests/file.test
Test the file_save_data() function when a filename is provided.
FileSaveDataTest::testWithoutFilename in tests/file.test
Test the file_save_data() function when no filename is provided.
FileSaveTest::testFileSave in tests/file.test
FileSaveUploadTest::setUp in tests/file.test
Generates a random database prefix, runs the install scripts on the prefixed database and enable the specified modules. After installation many caches are flushed and the internal browser is setup so that the page requests will run on the new prefix.…
FileSaveUploadTest::testNormal in tests/file.test
Test the file_save_upload() function.
FileScanDirectoryTest::testOptionMinDepth in tests/file.test
Check that the min_depth options lets us ignore files in the starting directory.
FileScanDirectoryTest::testOptionRecurse in tests/file.test
Check that the recurse option decends into subdirectories.
FileTestCase::createDirectory in tests/file.test
Create a directory and assert it exists.
FileTestCase::createFile in tests/file.test
Create a file and save it to the files table and assert that it occurs correctly.
FileTranferTest::testJail in tests/filetransfer.test
FileUnmanagedCopyTest::testNormal in tests/file.test
Copy a normal file.
FileUnmanagedCopyTest::testOverwriteSelf in tests/file.test
Copy a file onto itself.
FileUnmanagedDeleteRecursiveTest::testDirectory in tests/file.test
Try deleting a directory with some files.
FileUnmanagedDeleteRecursiveTest::testEmptyDirectory in tests/file.test
Try deleting an empty directory.
FileUnmanagedDeleteRecursiveTest::testSingleFile in tests/file.test
Delete a normal file.
FileUnmanagedDeleteRecursiveTest::testSubDirectory in tests/file.test
Try deleting subdirectories with some files.
FileUnmanagedDeleteTest::testDirectory in tests/file.test
Try deleting a directory.
FileUnmanagedDeleteTest::testMissing in tests/file.test
Try deleting a missing file.
FileUnmanagedDeleteTest::testNormal in tests/file.test
Delete a normal file.
FileUnmanagedMoveTest::testNormal in tests/file.test
Move a normal file.
FileUnmanagedMoveTest::testOverwriteSelf in tests/file.test
Try to move a file onto itself.
FileUnmanagedSaveDataTest::testFileSaveData in tests/file.test
Test the file_unmanaged_save_data() function.
FileValidatorTest::testFileValidateImageResolution in tests/file.test
This ensures the resolution of a specific file is within bounds. The image will be resized if it's too large.
FileValidatorTest::testFileValidateIsImage in tests/file.test
This ensures a specific file is actually an image.
FormsElementsTableSelectFunctionalTest::testMultipleFalseOptionchecker in tests/form.test
Test the whether the option checker gives an error on invalid tableselect values for radios.
FormsElementsTableSelectFunctionalTest::testMultipleTrueOptionchecker in tests/form.test
Test the whether the option checker gives an error on invalid tableselect values for checkboxes.
FormStateValuesCleanTestCase::testFormStateValuesClean in tests/form.test
Tests form_state_values_clean().
FormsTestCase::testRequiredFields in tests/form.test
Check several empty values for required forms elements.
GraphUnitTest::assertWeights in tests/graph.test
Verify expected order in a graph.
HookBootExitTestCase::testHookBootExit in tests/bootstrap.test
Test calling of hook_boot() and hook_exit().
ImageToolkitGdTestCase::testManipulations in tests/image.test
Since PHP can't visually check that our images have been manipulated properly, build a list of expected color values for each of the corners and the expected height and widths for the final images.
ImageToolkitTestCase::assertToolkitOperationsCalled in tests/image.test
Assert that all of the specified image toolkit operations were called exactly once once, other values result in failure.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testCrop in tests/image.test
Test the image_crop() function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testDesaturate in tests/image.test
Test the image_desaturate() function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testGetAvailableToolkits in tests/image.test
Check that hook_image_toolkits() is called and only available toolkits are returned.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testLoad in tests/image.test
Test the image_load() function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testResize in tests/image.test
Test the image_resize() function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testRotate in tests/image.test
Test the image_rotate() function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testScale in tests/image.test
Test the image_scale() function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testScaleAndCrop in tests/image.test
Test the image_scale_and_crop() function.
JavaScriptTestCase::testAddExternal in tests/common.test
Tests adding an external JavaScript File.
JavaScriptTestCase::testAddFile in tests/common.test
Test adding a JavaScript file.
JavaScriptTestCase::testAddInline in tests/common.test
Test adding inline scripts.
JavaScriptTestCase::testAlter in tests/common.test
Test altering a JavaScript's weight via hook_js_alter().
JavaScriptTestCase::testAttachedLibrary in tests/common.test
Tests the addition of libraries through the #attached['library'] property.
JavaScriptTestCase::testFooterHTML in tests/common.test
Test drupal_get_js() with a footer scope.
JavaScriptTestCase::testHeaderSetting in tests/common.test
Test drupal_get_js() for JavaScript settings.
JavaScriptTestCase::testLibraryAlter in tests/common.test
Adds a JavaScript library to the page and alters it.
JavaScriptTestCase::testLibraryRender in tests/common.test
Adds a library to the page and tests for both its JavaScript and its CSS.
JavaScriptTestCase::testLibraryUnknown in tests/common.test
Tests non-existing libraries.
JavaScriptTestCase::testRenderDifferentWeight in tests/common.test
Test rendering the JavaScript with a file's weight above jQuery's.
JavaScriptTestCase::testRenderExternal in tests/common.test
Test rendering an external JavaScript file.
LockFunctionalTest::testLockAcquire in tests/lock.test
Confirm that we can acquire and release locks in two parallel requests.
MenuIncTestCase::testMenuGetNames in tests/menu.test
Test menu_get_names().
ModuleUnitTest::testModuleImplements in tests/module.test
Test module_implements() caching.
RegistryParseFilesTestCase::testRegistryParseFiles in tests/registry.test
RegistryParseFileTestCase::testRegistryParseFile in tests/registry.test
SchemaTestCase::testSchema in tests/schema.test
SessionHttpsTestCase::testHttpsSession in tests/session.test
SessionTestCase::testEmptyAnonymousSession in tests/session.test
Test that empty anonymous sessions are destroyed.
SessionTestCase::testSessionSaveRegenerate in tests/session.test
Tests for drupal_save_session() and drupal_session_regenerate().
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::assertAssertion in ./simpletest.test
Assert that an assertion with the specified values is displayed in the test results.
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::confirmStubTestResults in ./simpletest.test
Confirm that the stub test produced the desired results.
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::testInternalBrowser in ./simpletest.test
Test the internal browsers functionality.
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::testWebTestRunner in ./simpletest.test
Make sure that tests selected through the web interface are run and that the results are displayed correctly.
StreamWrapperTest::testGetValidStreamScheme in tests/file.test
Test the scheme functions.
ThemeTableUnitTest::testThemeTableStickyHeaders in tests/theme.test
Tableheader.js provides 'sticky' table headers, and is included by default.
ValidUrlTestCase::testValidAbsolute in tests/common.test
Test valid absolute urls.
ValidUrlTestCase::testValidRelative in tests/common.test
Test valid relative urls.