64 calls to DrupalTestCase::assertFalse() in SimpleTest 7
- ActionsConfigurationTestCase::testActionConfiguration in tests/
actions.test - Test the configuration of advanced actions through the administration interface.
- BootstrapIPAddressTestCase::testIPAddressHost in tests/
bootstrap.test - test IP Address and hostname
- BootstrapPageCacheTestCase::testConditionalRequests in tests/
bootstrap.test - Test support for requests containing If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers.
- BootstrapPageCacheTestCase::testPageCache in tests/
bootstrap.test - Test cache headers.
- CacheClearCase::testClearArray in tests/
cache.test - Test clearing using an array.
- CacheClearCase::testClearWildcard in tests/
cache.test - Test clearing using wildcard.
- CacheGetMultipleUnitTest::testCacheMultiple in tests/
cache.test - Test cache_get_multiple().
- CacheIsEmptyCase::testIsEmpty in tests/
cache.test - Test clearing using a cid.
- CacheTestCase::assertCacheRemoved in tests/
cache.test - Assert or a cache entry has been removed.
- DatabaseAlter2TestCase::testAlterChangeFields in tests/
database_test.test - Test that we can alter the fields of a query.
- DatabaseExtraTypesTestCase::testDateField in tests/
database_test.test - Test the date data type.
- DatabaseExtraTypesTestCase::testTimeField in tests/
database_test.test - Test the time data type.
- DatabaseInvalidDataTestCase::testInsertDuplicateData in tests/
database_test.test - Traditional SQL database systems abort inserts when invalid data is encountered.
- DatabaseRegressionTestCase::testDBColumnExists in tests/
database_test.test - Test the db_column_exists() function.
- DatabaseRegressionTestCase::testDBTableExists in tests/
database_test.test - Test the db_table_exists() function.
- DatabaseTaggingTestCase::testHasAllTags in tests/
database_test.test - Test query tagging "has all of these tags" functionality.
- DatabaseTaggingTestCase::testHasAnyTag in tests/
database_test.test - Test query tagging "has at least one of these tags" functionality.
- DatabaseTaggingTestCase::testHasTag in tests/
database_test.test - Confirm that a query has a "tag" added to it.
- DatabaseTemporaryQueryTestCase::testTemporaryQuery in tests/
database_test.test - Confirm that temporary tables work and are limited to one request.
- DrupalHTTPRequestTestCase::testDrupalHTTPRequestRedirect in tests/
common.test - DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoFieldByXPath in ./
drupal_web_test_case.php - Assert that a field does not exist in the current page by the given XPath.
- FileCopyTest::testExistingError in tests/
file.test - Test that copying over an existing file fails when FILE_EXISTS_ERROR is specified.
- FileDeleteTest::testNormal in tests/
file.test - Try deleting a normal file (as opposed to a directory, symlink, etc).
- FileDirectoryTest::testFileCheckDirectory in tests/
file.test - Test the file_directory_path() function.
- FileLoadTest::testLoadInvalidStatus in tests/
file.test - Try to load a non-existent file by status.
- FileLoadTest::testLoadMissingFid in tests/
file.test - Try to load a non-existent file by fid.
- FileLoadTest::testLoadMissingFilepath in tests/
file.test - Try to load a non-existent file by URI.
- FileMoveTest::testExistingError in tests/
file.test - Test that moving onto an existing file fails when FILE_EXISTS_ERROR is specified.
- FileMoveTest::testExistingRename in tests/
file.test - Test renaming when moving onto a file that already exists.
- FileMoveTest::testExistingReplace in tests/
file.test - Test replacement when moving onto a file that already exists.
- FileMoveTest::testExistingReplaceSelf in tests/
file.test - Test replacement when moving onto itself.
- FileMoveTest::testNormal in tests/
file.test - Move a normal file.
- FileSaveDataTest::testExistingError in tests/
file.test - Test that file_save_data() fails overwriting an existing file.
- FileSaveUploadTest::testNormal in tests/
file.test - Test the file_save_upload() function.
- FileUnmanagedCopyTest::testNonExistent in tests/
file.test - Copy a non-existent file.
- FileUnmanagedCopyTest::testOverwriteSelf in tests/
file.test - Copy a file onto itself.
- FileUnmanagedDeleteRecursiveTest::testDirectory in tests/
file.test - Try deleting a directory with some files.
- FileUnmanagedDeleteRecursiveTest::testEmptyDirectory in tests/
file.test - Try deleting an empty directory.
- FileUnmanagedDeleteRecursiveTest::testSingleFile in tests/
file.test - Delete a normal file.
- FileUnmanagedDeleteRecursiveTest::testSubDirectory in tests/
file.test - Try deleting subdirectories with some files.
- FileUnmanagedDeleteTest::testDirectory in tests/
file.test - Try deleting a directory.
- FileUnmanagedDeleteTest::testNormal in tests/
file.test - Delete a normal file.
- FileUnmanagedMoveTest::testMissing in tests/
file.test - Try to move a missing file.
- FileUnmanagedMoveTest::testNormal in tests/
file.test - Move a normal file.
- FileUnmanagedMoveTest::testOverwriteSelf in tests/
file.test - Try to move a file onto itself.
- FormsElementsTableSelectFunctionalTest::testMultipleFalseOptionchecker in tests/
form.test - Test the whether the option checker gives an error on invalid tableselect values for radios.
- FormsElementsTableSelectFunctionalTest::testMultipleTrueOptionchecker in tests/
form.test - Test the whether the option checker gives an error on invalid tableselect values for checkboxes.
- FormStateValuesCleanTestCase::testFormStateValuesClean in tests/
form.test - Tests form_state_values_clean().
- ImageToolkitUnitTest::testGetAvailableToolkits in tests/
image.test - Check that hook_image_toolkits() is called and only available toolkits are returned.
- ImageToolkitUnitTest::testSave in tests/
image.test - Test the image_save() function.
- JavaScriptTestCase::testLibraryUnknown in tests/
common.test - Tests non-existing libraries.
- JavaScriptTestCase::testNoCache in tests/
common.test - Test drupal_add_js() sets preproccess to false when cache is set to false.
- LockFunctionalTest::testLockAcquire in tests/
lock.test - Confirm that we can acquire and release locks in two parallel requests.
- MenuRebuildTestCase::testMenuRebuildByVariable in tests/
menu.test - Test if the 'menu_rebuild_needed' variable triggers a menu_rebuild() call.
- ModuleUnitTest::testModuleImplements in tests/
module.test - Test module_implements() caching.
- SchemaTestCase::testSchema in tests/
schema.test - SessionHttpsTestCase::testHttpsSession in tests/
session.test - SessionTestCase::testEmptyAnonymousSession in tests/
session.test - Test that empty anonymous sessions are destroyed.
- SessionTestCase::testSessionSaveRegenerate in tests/
session.test - Tests for drupal_save_session() and drupal_session_regenerate().
- SimpleTestFunctionalTest::testInternalBrowser in ./
simpletest.test - Test the internal browsers functionality.
- StreamWrapperTest::testGetValidStreamScheme in tests/
file.test - Test the scheme functions.
- StreamWrapperTest::testUriFunctions in tests/
file.test - Test the URI and target functions.
- ThemeTableUnitTest::testThemeTableNoStickyHeaders in tests/
theme.test - If $sticky is FALSE, no tableheader.js should be included.
- ValidUrlTestCase::testInvalidAbsolute in tests/
common.test - Test invalid absolute urls.