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function DrupalTestCase::drupalCreateUserRolePerm in SimpleTest 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 drupal_test_case.php \DrupalTestCase::drupalCreateUserRolePerm()

Creates a user / role / permissions combination specified by permissions


array $permissions Array of the permission strings:

Return value

array/boolean false if fails. fully loaded user object with added pass_raw property

41 calls to DrupalTestCase::drupalCreateUserRolePerm()
ActionsContentTest::testActionsContent in tests/content_actions.test
Various tests, all in one function to assure they happen in the right order.
AddForumTest::testAddForum in tests/forum_module.test
AddForumTest::testAddForumContainer in tests/forum_module.test
AddTopicToForum::testAddTopicToContainer in tests/forum_module.test
AddTopicToForum::testAddTopicToForum in tests/forum_module.test

... See full list


./drupal_test_case.php, line 384


Test case for typical Drupal tests. Extends WebTestCase for comfortable browser usage but also implements all UnitTestCase methods, I wish WebTestCase would do this.


function drupalCreateUserRolePerm($permissions = NULL) {

  /* Create role */
  $rid = $this
  if (!$rid) {
    return FALSE;

  /* Create user */
  $ua = array();
  $ua['name'] = $this
  $ua['mail'] = $ua['name'] . '';
  $ua['roles'] = array(
    $rid => $rid,
  $ua['pass'] = user_password();
  $ua['status'] = 1;
  $u = user_save('', $ua);
    ->assertTrue(!empty($u->uid), " [user] name: {$ua['name']} pass: {$ua['pass']} created");
  if (empty($u->uid)) {
    return FALSE;

  /* Add to cleanup list */
  $this->_cleanupUsers[] = $u->uid;

  /* Add the raw password */
  $u->pass_raw = $ua['pass'];
  return $u;