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function DrupalTestCase::clickLink in SimpleTest 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 drupal_test_case.php \DrupalTestCase::clickLink()

Follows a link by name.

Will click the first link found with this link text by default, or a later one if an index is given. Match is case insensitive with normalized space. The label is translated label. There is an assert for successful click. WARNING: Assertion fails on empty ("") output from the clicked link


string $label Text between the anchor tags.: @param integer $index Link position counting from zero. @param boolean $reporting Assertions or not @return boolean/string Page on success.

@access public

4 calls to DrupalTestCase::clickLink()
LocaleModuleTest::testlocaleModuleTest in tests/locale_module.test
MenuModuleEnable::testMenuModuleEnable in tests/menu_module.test
StoryEditTest::testStoryEdit in tests/story_edit.test
UserRegistrationTest::testUserRegistration in tests/user_module.test


./drupal_test_case.php, line 229


Test case for typical Drupal tests. Extends WebTestCase for comfortable browser usage but also implements all UnitTestCase methods, I wish WebTestCase would do this.


function clickLink($label, $index = 0) {
  $url_before = $this
  $urls = $this->_browser->_page
  if (count($urls) < $index + 1) {
    $url_target = 'URL NOT FOUND!';
  else {
    $url_target = $urls[$index]
  $ret = parent::clickLink(t($label), $index);
    ->assertTrue($ret, ' [browser] clicked link ' . t($label) . " ({$url_target}) from {$url_before}");
  return $ret;