function SimplenewsSchedulerDaylightSavingSwitchTest::testDSTMonthly in Simplenews Scheduler 2.0.x
Test edition time after DST changes for a monthly newsletter.
@todo: generalize this for other intervals.
- tests/
src/ Functional/ SimplenewsSchedulerDaylightSavingSwitchTest.php, line 17
- SimplenewsSchedulerDaylightSavingSwitchTest
- Test edition time after DST changes for a monthly newsletter.
function testDSTMonthly() {
$timezone_name = date_default_timezone_get();
// Create a last run time before DST begins, and a now time after.
// Use date_create() rather than strtotime so that we create a date at the
// given time *in the current timezone* rather than UTC.
$last_run_date = new \DateTime("01-Mar-12 12:00:00");
$now_date = date_create("05-Apr-12 12:00:00");
//debug('last run date TZ: ' . $last_run_date->getTimezone()->getName());
//debug('now date TZ: ' . $now_date->getTimezone()->getName());
// Fake up newsletter data.
$newsletter_parent_data = (object) array(
'last_run' => $last_run_date
'send_interval' => 'month',
'interval_frequency' => 1,
// Get the edition time.
$edition_time = simplenews_scheduler_calculate_edition_time($newsletter_parent_data, $now_date
$edition_date = date_create('@' . $edition_time);
// Format the edition time.
$edition_time_formatted = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')
->format($edition_time, 'custom', DATE_ATOM);
$edition_hour_formatted = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')
->format($edition_time, 'custom', 'H:i');
->assertEqual($edition_hour_formatted, '12:00', t('Edition time is at 12:00 in the local timezone; full edition time is %time.', array(
'%time' => $edition_time_formatted,