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README.txt in Simplenews Content Selection 8

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  1. 7.2 README.txt
  2. 7 README.txt

Simplenews Content Selection allows you to select already created content to
assemble in the body of a newsletter (provided by the Simplenews module)
content type.


The Simplenews Content Selection module use and require Simplenews news at all.


Enable the module, you'll need to have Simplenews too.


This module provides an action "Create newsletter" in the content administration
form located at admin/content/node.

Check some content in this form, choose the "Create newsletter" action and you
will be provided a sorting form along with the option to create a Table of

When validating, you will be redirected to a newsletter creation form with the
body field already filled in.


You can configure the module at admin/config/services/simplenews/settings/scs
you can change the default view mode (which is the one provided vy SCS) used
when generating the output of nodes selected on newsletter creation.

When multiple content types are flagged as newsletter content types, you can
select which content type to generate when using SCS. This is hidden by default
as the "Newsletter" content type is the only one by default.


The output generated and placed in the body is built from the view mode set in
the module configuration.

You can override the Drupal way in your theme, for exmplae by specifying a
custom template for this view mode.

If you add this in the template.php file of your theme:

  function YOURTHEME_preprocess_node(&$vars){
    // Add template suggestions based on view modes
    $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'node__' . $vars['view_mode'];
    $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] =
      'node__' . $vars['view_mode'] . '__' . $vars['type'];

You will be able to create a node--scs--article.tpl.php that will be taken into
account after flushing the theme registry and when creating a new newsletter.

You can also override the Table of Contents output by implemeting a function in
your template.php file: function YOURTHEME_scs_toc($variables) {}


The Simplenews Content Selection Views Integration is a submodule that provides
an action for Views Bulk Operations (VBO), it also provide a default view that
you can enable using Views UI.

If you want to create your own VBO view, add a field "Bulk operation: Content"
and select the action "Create newsletter". Note that the enqueue and skip
confirmation options will have no effect as you will be redirected to
newsletter creation form automatically after sorting.


SebCorbin (current maintainer)

This module was sponsored by Makina Corpus (


View source
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Simplenews Content Selection allows you to select already created content to
  4. assemble in the body of a newsletter (provided by the Simplenews module)
  5. content type.
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. The Simplenews Content Selection module use and require Simplenews news at all.
  10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Enable the module, you'll need to have Simplenews too.
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. This module provides an action "Create newsletter" in the content administration
  15. form located at admin/content/node.
  16. Check some content in this form, choose the "Create newsletter" action and you
  17. will be provided a sorting form along with the option to create a Table of
  18. Contents.
  19. When validating, you will be redirected to a newsletter creation form with the
  20. body field already filled in.
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. You can configure the module at admin/config/services/simplenews/settings/scs
  24. you can change the default view mode (which is the one provided vy SCS) used
  25. when generating the output of nodes selected on newsletter creation.
  26. When multiple content types are flagged as newsletter content types, you can
  27. select which content type to generate when using SCS. This is hidden by default
  28. as the "Newsletter" content type is the only one by default.
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. The output generated and placed in the body is built from the view mode set in
  32. the module configuration.
  33. You can override the Drupal way in your theme, for exmplae by specifying a
  34. custom template for this view mode.
  35. If you add this in the template.php file of your theme:
  36. function YOURTHEME_preprocess_node(&$vars){
  37. // Add template suggestions based on view modes
  38. $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'node__' . $vars['view_mode'];
  39. $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] =
  40. 'node__' . $vars['view_mode'] . '__' . $vars['type'];
  41. }
  42. You will be able to create a node--scs--article.tpl.php that will be taken into
  43. account after flushing the theme registry and when creating a new newsletter.
  44. You can also override the Table of Contents output by implemeting a function in
  45. your template.php file: function YOURTHEME_scs_toc($variables) {}
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. The Simplenews Content Selection Views Integration is a submodule that provides
  49. an action for Views Bulk Operations (VBO), it also provide a default view that
  50. you can enable using Views UI.
  51. If you want to create your own VBO view, add a field "Bulk operation: Content"
  52. and select the action "Create newsletter". Note that the enqueue and skip
  53. confirmation options will have no effect as you will be redirected to
  54. newsletter creation form automatically after sorting.
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. SebCorbin (current maintainer)
  58. This module was sponsored by Makina Corpus (