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SimplenewsSubscribeTest.php in Simplenews 3.x

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  1. 8.2 tests/src/Functional/SimplenewsSubscribeTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\simplenews\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\simplenews\Entity\Newsletter;
use Drupal\simplenews\Entity\Subscriber;

 * Un/subscription of anonymous and authenticated users.
 * Subscription via block, subscription page and account page.
 * @group simplenews
class SimplenewsSubscribeTest extends SimplenewsTestBase {

   * Subscribe to multiple newsletters at the same time.
  public function testSubscribeMultiple() {
    $admin_user = $this
      'administer blocks',
      'administer content types',
      'administer nodes',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer permissions',
      'administer newsletters',
      'administer simplenews subscriptions',
    for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
        ->clickLink(t('Add newsletter'));
      $name = $this
      $edit = [
        'name' => $name,
        'id' => strtolower($name),
        'description' => $this
        'access' => 'default',
        ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $newsletters = simplenews_newsletter_get_all();
    $enable = array_rand($newsletters, 3);
    $mail = $this
      ->subscribe($enable, $mail);
      ->assertText(t('You will receive a confirmation e-mail shortly containing further instructions on how to complete your subscription.'));
      ->assertMailText(t('We have received a request to subscribe @user', [
      '@user' => $mail,
    $mails = $this
      ->assertEqual($mails[0]['from'], '');
      ->assertEqual($mails[0]['headers']['From'], '"Drupal" <>');
    $confirm_url = $this
      ->assertRaw(t('Are you sure you want to confirm your subscription for %user?', [
      '%user' => simplenews_mask_mail($mail),
      ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
      ->assertRaw(t('Subscription changes confirmed for %user.', [
      '%user' => $mail,

    /** @var \Drupal\simplenews\Subscription\SubscriptionManagerInterface $subscription_manager */
    $subscription_manager = \Drupal::service('simplenews.subscription_manager');
    $subscriber_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    // Verify subscription changes.
    foreach ($newsletters as $newsletter_id => $newsletter) {
      $is_subscribed = $subscription_manager
        ->isSubscribed($mail, $newsletter_id);
      $subscription_newsletter = $subscriber_storage
      if (in_array($newsletter_id, $enable)) {
          ->assertEquals(1, count($subscription_newsletter));
      else {
          ->assertEquals(0, count($subscription_newsletter));

    // Go to the manage page and submit without changes.
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
    $hash = simplenews_generate_hash($subscriber
      ->getMail(), 'manage');
      ->drupalGet('newsletter/subscriptions/' . $subscriber
      ->id() . '/' . REQUEST_TIME . '/' . $hash);
      ->submitForm([], 'Update');
      ->assertText(t('Your newsletter subscriptions have been updated.'));
      ->assertEquals(1, count($this
      ->getMails()), t('No confirmation mails have been sent.'));

    // Unsubscribe from two of the three enabled newsletters.
    $disable = array_rand(array_flip($enable), 2);
    $edit = [
      'mail[0][value]' => $mail,
    foreach ($disable as $newsletter_id) {
      $edit['subscriptions[' . $newsletter_id . ']'] = FALSE;
      ->drupalGet('newsletter/subscriptions/' . $subscriber
      ->id() . '/' . REQUEST_TIME . '/' . $hash);
      ->submitForm($edit, t('Update'));

    // Verify subscription changes.
    $still_enabled = array_diff($enable, $disable);
    foreach ($newsletters as $newsletter_id => $newsletter) {
      $is_subscribed = $subscription_manager
        ->isSubscribed($mail, $newsletter_id);
      if (in_array($newsletter_id, $still_enabled)) {
      else {

    // Unsubscribe with no confirmed email.
    $subscription_manager = \Drupal::service('simplenews.subscription_manager');
    try {
        ->unsubscribe('', $newsletter_id, FALSE);
        ->fail('Exception not thrown.');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->getMessage(), 'The subscriber does not exist.');

    // Test expired confirmation links.
    $enable = array_rand($newsletters, 3);
    $mail = $this
    foreach ($enable as $newsletter_id) {
      $edit['subscriptions[' . $newsletter_id . ']'] = TRUE;
      ->subscribe($enable, $mail);
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
    $expired_timestamp = REQUEST_TIME - 86401;
    $hash = simplenews_generate_hash($subscriber
      ->getMail(), 'combined' . serialize($subscriber
      ->getChanges()), $expired_timestamp);
    $url = 'newsletter/confirm/combined/' . $subscriber
      ->id() . '/' . $expired_timestamp . '/' . $hash;
      ->assertText(t('This link has expired.'));
      ->submitForm([], 'Request new confirmation mail');
    $confirm_url = $this
      ->assertMailText(t('We have received a request to subscribe @user', [
      '@user' => $mail,
      ->assertRaw(t('Are you sure you want to confirm your subscription for %user?', [
      '%user' => simplenews_mask_mail($mail),
      ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
      ->assertRaw(t('Subscription changes confirmed for %user.', [
      '%user' => $mail,

   * Extract a confirmation link from a mail body.
  protected function extractConfirmationLink($body) {
    $pattern = '@newsletter/confirm/.+/.+/.+/.{20,}@';
    $found = preg_match($pattern, $body, $match);
    if (!$found) {
        ->fail(t('No confirmation URL found in "@body".', [
        '@body' => $body,
      return FALSE;
    $confirm_url = $match[0];
      ->pass(t('Confirmation URL found: @url', [
      '@url' => $confirm_url,
    return $confirm_url;

   * Extract a validation link from a mail body.
  protected function extractValidationLink($body) {
    $pattern = '@newsletter/subscriptions/.+/.+/.{20,}@';
    $found = preg_match($pattern, $body, $match);
    if (!$found) {
        ->fail(t('No validation URL found in "@body".', [
        '@body' => $body,
      return FALSE;
    $validate_url = $match[0];
      ->pass(t('Validation URL found: @url', [
      '@url' => $validate_url,
    return $validate_url;

   * TestSubscribeAnonymous.
   * Steps performed:
   *   0. Preparation
   *   1. Subscribe anonymous via block
   *   3. Subscribe anonymous via multi block.
  public function testSubscribeAnonymous() {

    // 0. Preparation
    // Login admin
    // Set permission for anonymous to subscribe
    // Enable newsletter block
    // Logout admin.
    $admin_user = $this
      'administer blocks',
      'administer content types',
      'administer nodes',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer newsletters',
      'administer permissions',

    // Create some newsletters for multi-sign up block.
    for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
        ->clickLink(t('Add newsletter'));
      $name = $this
      $edit = [
        'name' => $name,
        'id' => strtolower($name),
        'description' => $this
        'access' => 'default',
        ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $newsletter_id = $this

    // 1. Subscribe anonymous via block
    // Subscribe + submit
    // Assert confirmation message
    // Assert outgoing email
    // Confirm using mail link
    // Confirm using mail link
    // Assert confirmation message
    // Setup subscription block with subscription form.
    $block_settings = [
      'newsletters' => [
      'message' => $this
    $single_block = $this

    // Testing invalid email error message.
    $mail = '';
    $edit = [
      'mail[0][value]' => $mail,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Subscribe');
      ->assertText(t('The email address @mail is not valid', [
      '@mail' => $mail,

    // Now with valid email.
    $mail = $this
    $edit = [
      'mail[0][value]' => $mail,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Subscribe');
      ->assertText(t('You will receive a confirmation e-mail shortly containing further instructions on how to complete your subscription.'));
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
      ->assertNotNull($subscriber, 'New subscriber entity successfully loaded.');
    $subscription = $subscriber
      ->assertEquals(SIMPLENEWS_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_UNCONFIRMED, $subscription->status, t('Subscription is unconfirmed'));
    $confirm_url = $this
    $newsletter = Newsletter::load($newsletter_id);
      ->assertRaw(t('Are you sure you want to confirm your subscription for %user?', [
      '%user' => simplenews_mask_mail($mail),
      ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
      ->assertRaw(t('Subscription changes confirmed for %user.', [
      '%user' => $mail,
      ->assertUrl(new Url('<front>'));

    // Test that it is possible to register with a mail address that is already
    // a subscriber.
    $site_config = $this
      ->set('register', 'visitors');
      ->set('verify_mail', FALSE);
    $pass = $this
    $edit = [
      'name' => $this
      'mail' => $mail,
      'pass[pass1]' => $pass,
      'pass[pass2]' => $pass,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Create new account');

    // Verify confirmation messages.
      ->assertText(t('Registration successful. You are now logged in.'));

    // Verify that the subscriber has been updated and references to the correct
    // user.
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
    $account = user_load_by_mail($mail);
      ->getUserId(), $account
      ->getDisplayName(), $edit['name']);

    // Disable the newsletter block.

    // 3. Subscribe anonymous via multi block.
    // Try to submit multi-signup form without selecting a newsletter.
    $mail = $this
      ->subscribe([], $mail);
      ->assertText(t('You must select at least one newsletter.'));

    // Now fill out the form and try again.
      ->subscribe($newsletter_id, $mail);
      ->assertText(t('You will receive a confirmation e-mail shortly containing further instructions on how to complete your subscription.'));
    $confirm_url = $this
    $newsletter = Newsletter::load($newsletter_id);
      ->assertRaw(t('Are you sure you want to confirm your subscription for %user?', [
      '%user' => simplenews_mask_mail($mail),
      ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
      ->assertRaw(t('Subscription changes confirmed for %user.', [
      '%user' => $mail,

    // Try to subscribe again, this should not re-set the status to unconfirmed.
      ->subscribe($newsletter_id, $mail);
      ->assertText(t('You will receive a confirmation e-mail shortly containing further instructions on how to complete your subscription.'));
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
      ->assertNotEqual($subscriber, FALSE, 'New subscriber entity successfully loaded.');
    $subscription = $subscriber
      ->assertEquals(SIMPLENEWS_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_SUBSCRIBED, $subscription->status);

    // Visit the newsletter/subscriptions page with the hash.
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
    $hash = simplenews_generate_hash($subscriber
      ->getMail(), 'manage');
      ->drupalGet('newsletter/subscriptions/' . $subscriber
      ->id() . '/' . REQUEST_TIME . '/' . $hash);
      ->assertText(t('Subscriptions for @mail', [
      '@mail' => $mail,
    $edit = [
      'subscriptions[' . $newsletter_id . ']' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Update');
      ->assertText(t('Your newsletter subscriptions have been updated.'));

    // Make sure the subscription is confirmed.
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
    $subscription = $subscriber
      ->assertEquals(SIMPLENEWS_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_SUBSCRIBED, $subscription->status);

    // Attempt to fetch the page using a wrong hash but correct format.
    $hash = simplenews_generate_hash($subscriber
      ->getMail() . 'a', 'manage');
      ->drupalGet('newsletter/subscriptions/' . $subscriber
      ->id() . '/' . REQUEST_TIME . '/' . $hash);

    // Test expired confirmation links.
    $mail = $this
      ->subscribe($newsletter_id, $mail);
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
    $expired_timestamp = REQUEST_TIME - 86401;
    $hash = simplenews_generate_hash($subscriber
      ->getMail(), 'add', $expired_timestamp);
    $url = 'newsletter/confirm/add/' . $subscriber
      ->id() . '/' . $newsletter_id . '/' . $expired_timestamp . '/' . $hash;
      ->assertText(t('This link has expired.'));
      ->submitForm([], 'Request new confirmation mail');
    $confirm_url = $this
    $newsletter = Newsletter::load($newsletter_id);
      ->assertRaw(t('Are you sure you want to confirm your subscription for %user?', [
      '%user' => simplenews_mask_mail($mail),
      ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
      ->assertRaw(t('Subscription changes confirmed for %user.', [
      '%user' => $mail,

    // Make sure the subscription is confirmed now.
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
    $subscription = $subscriber
      ->assertEquals(SIMPLENEWS_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_SUBSCRIBED, $subscription->status);

   * Test anonymous subscription without verification.
   * Steps performed:
   *   0. Preparation
   *   1. Subscribe anonymous via block.
  public function testSubscribeAnonymousSingle() {

    // 0. Preparation
    // Set global skip_verification to TRUE
    // Login admin
    // Create single opt in newsletter.
    // Set permission for anonymous to subscribe
    // Enable newsletter block
    // Logout admin.
    $config = $this
      ->set('subscription.skip_verification', TRUE);
    $admin_user = $this
      'administer blocks',
      'administer content types',
      'administer nodes',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer permissions',
      'administer newsletters',
      ->clickLink(t('Add newsletter'));
    $name = $this
    $edit = [
      'name' => $name,
      'id' => strtolower($name),
      'description' => $this
      'access' => 'default',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $newsletter_id = $edit['id'];

    // Setup subscription block with subscription form.
    $block_settings = [
      'newsletters' => [
      'message' => $this

    // 1. Subscribe anonymous via block
    // Subscribe + submit
    // Assert confirmation message
    // Verify subscription state.
    $mail = $this
    $edit = [
      'mail[0][value]' => $mail,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Subscribe');
      ->assertText(t('You have been subscribed.'));
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
    $subscription = $subscriber
      ->assertEquals(SIMPLENEWS_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_SUBSCRIBED, $subscription->status);

   * TestSubscribeAuthenticated.
   * Steps performed:
   *   0. Preparation
   *   1. Subscribe authenticated via block
   *   2. Unsubscribe authenticated via subscription page
   *   3. Subscribe authenticated via subscription page
   *   4. Unsubscribe authenticated via account page
   *   5. Subscribe authenticated via account page
   *   6. Subscribe authenticated via multi block.
  public function testSubscribeAuthenticated() {

    // 0. Preparation
    // Login admin
    // Set permission for anonymous to subscribe
    // Enable newsletter block
    // Logout admin
    // Login Subscriber.
    $admin_user = $this
      'administer blocks',
      'administer content types',
      'administer nodes',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer permissions',
      'administer newsletters',

    // Create some newsletters for multi-sign up block.
    for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
        ->clickLink(t('Add newsletter'));
      $name = $this
      $edit = [
        'name' => $name,
        'id' => strtolower($name),
        'description' => $this
        'access' => 'default',
        ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $newsletter_id = $this

    // Setup subscription block with subscription form.
    $block_settings = [
      'newsletters' => [
      'message' => $this
    $single_block = $this
    $subscriber_user = $this
      'subscribe to newsletters',
      ->countSubscribers(), 0);

    // 1. Subscribe authenticated via block
    // Subscribe + submit
    // Assert confirmation message.
      ->submitForm([], 'Subscribe');
      ->assertText(t('You have been subscribed.'));
      ->countSubscribers(), 1);

    // Disable the newsletter block.

    // 3. Subscribe authenticated via subscription page redirecting to account page.
    // Subscribe + submit
    // Assert confirmation message.
    $edit = [
      "subscriptions[{$newsletter_id}]" => '1',
    $url = 'user/' . $subscriber_user
      ->id() . '/simplenews';
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->assertRaw(t('Your newsletter subscriptions have been updated.'));
      ->countSubscribers(), 1);

    // 4. Unsubscribe authenticated via account page
    // Unsubscribe + submit
    // Assert confirmation message.
    $edit = [
      "subscriptions[{$newsletter_id}]" => FALSE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->assertRaw(t('Your newsletter subscriptions have been updated.'));
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($subscriber_user
    $subscription = $subscriber
      ->assertEquals(SIMPLENEWS_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED, $subscription->status, t('Subscription is unsubscribed'));

    // 5. Subscribe authenticated via account page
    // Subscribe + submit
    // Assert confirmation message.
    $edit = [
      "subscriptions[{$newsletter_id}]" => '1',
    $url = 'user/' . $subscriber_user
      ->id() . '/simplenews';
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->assertRaw(t('Your newsletter subscriptions have been updated.'));
    $count = 1;
      ->countSubscribers(), $count);

    // Try to submit multi-signup form without selecting a newsletter.
    $subscriber_user2 = $this
      'subscribe to newsletters',

    // Check that the user has only access to their own subscriptions page.
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $subscriber_user
      ->id() . '/simplenews');
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $subscriber_user2
      ->id() . '/simplenews');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');
      ->assertText(t('Your newsletter subscriptions have been updated.'));

    // Nothing should have happened to subscriptions but this does create a
    // subscriber.
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $subscriber_user2
      ->id() . '/simplenews');
      ->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-subscriptions-' . $newsletter_id);
      ->countSubscribers(), $count);

    // Now fill out the form and try again.
    $edit = [
      'subscriptions[' . $newsletter_id . ']' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->assertText(t('Your newsletter subscriptions have been updated.'));
      ->countSubscribers(), $count);
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $subscriber_user2
      ->id() . '/simplenews');
      ->assertFieldChecked('edit-subscriptions-' . $newsletter_id);

    // Unsubscribe.
    $edit = [
      'subscriptions[' . $newsletter_id . ']' => FALSE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->assertText(t('Your newsletter subscriptions have been updated.'));
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $subscriber_user2
      ->id() . '/simplenews');
      ->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-subscriptions-' . $newsletter_id);

   * Tests Creation of Simplenews Subscription block.
  public function testSimplenewsSubscriptionBlock() {
    $admin_user = $this
      'administer blocks',

    // Check for Unique ID field.
      ->assertText('Unique ID');
    $edit = [
      'settings[unique_id]' => 'test_simplenews_123',
      'settings[newsletters][default]' => TRUE,
      'region' => 'header',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save block');

    // Provided Unique ID is used as form_id.
      ->assertFieldByXPath("//*[@id=\"simplenews-subscriptions-block-test-simplenews-123\"]", NULL, 'Form ID found and contains expected value.');

   * Tests admin creating a single subscriber.
  public function testAdminCreate() {
    $admin_user = $this
      'administer simplenews subscriptions',
    $newsletter_id = $this
    $mail = $this
      ->assertText('Add subscriber');
    $edit = [
      "subscriptions[{$newsletter_id}]" => TRUE,
      'mail[0][value]' => $mail,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->assertText(t('Subscriber @mail has been added.', [
      '@mail' => $mail,
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail);
    $subscription = $subscriber
      ->assertEquals(SIMPLENEWS_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_SUBSCRIBED, $subscription->status);

    // Check that an unsubscribe link works without any permissions.
    user_role_revoke_permissions(AccountInterface::ANONYMOUS_ROLE, [
      'subscribe to newsletters',
    $node = $this
      'type' => 'simplenews_issue',
      'simplenews_issue[target_id]' => [
        'target_id' => $newsletter_id,
    $unsubscribe_url = $this
      ->assertText('Confirm remove subscription');
      ->submitForm([], 'Unsubscribe');
      ->assertText('was unsubscribed from the Default newsletter mailing list.');

   * Tests access for a registered user to manage subscriptions with a hash.
  public function testHashAuth() {
    $user = $this
      'subscribe to newsletters',
    $mail = $user
    $subscriber = Subscriber::loadByMail($mail, 'create');
      'mail' => $mail,
    ], 'Submit');
      ->pageTextContains("If {$mail} is subscribed, an email will be sent with a link to manage your subscriptions.");
    $validate_url = $this
      ->pageTextContains("Subscriptions for {$mail}");
      ->submitForm([], 'Update');
      ->assertText(t('Your newsletter subscriptions have been updated.'));

   * Tests formatting and escaping of subscription mails.
  public function testFormatting() {
      ->set('subscription.confirm_combined_subject', 'Please <join> us & enjoy')
      ->set('subscription.confirm_combined_body', "Hello & welcome,\n\nclick to join us <[simplenews-subscriber:combined-url]>")
    $newsletter_id = $this
    $newsletter = Newsletter::load($newsletter_id);
    $newsletter->name = 'Rise & <shine>';
    $mail = $this
      ->subscribe([], $mail);
    $captured_emails = $this->container
      ->get('system.test_mail_collector') ?: [];
    $email = end($captured_emails);
      ->assertEquals('Please <join> us & enjoy', $email['subject']);
      ->assertStringContainsString("Hello & welcome,\n\nclick to join us\n<http", $email['body']);

   * Tests protection against duplicate subscribers.
  public function testDuplicate() {
    foreach ([
    ] as $i) {
      $edit = [
        'name' => "news_{$i}",
        'id' => $i,
        'access' => 'default',
      ->set('subscription.skip_verification', TRUE)

    // - Create 2 anon subscribers with email A and B.
    // - Admin edits subscriber A to email B.
    // - Should fail.
    $mail_a = $this
      ->subscribe('a', $mail_a);
    $sub_a = $this
    $mail_b = $this
      ->subscribe('b', $mail_b);
    $sub_b = $this
      ->assertEquals(2, $this
    $admin_user = $this
      'administer simplenews subscriptions',
      'administer users',
      ->drupalGet('admin/people/simplenews/edit/' . $sub_a
      'mail[0][value]' => $mail_b,
    ], 'Save');
      ->pageTextContains("A simplenews subscriber with email {$mail_b} already exists.");
      ->assertEquals(2, $this

    // - Create a registered user C with no subscriptions.
    // - Admin changes email of subscriber A to C.
    // - Should link subscriptions of A to C.
    $user_c = $this
      'subscribe to newsletters',
      'mail[0][value]' => $user_c
    ], 'Save');
    $sub_c = Subscriber::loadByUid($user_c
      ->id(), $sub_c
    ], $sub_c
      ->assertEquals(2, $this

    // - Create a registered user subscriber D.
    // - Admin changes email to B.
    // - Should delete subscriber B.
    // - User D subscriptions should not change.
    $user_d = $this
      'subscribe to newsletters',
      ->subscribe('d', NULL, [], $user_d
      ->assertEquals(3, $this
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $user_d
      ->id() . '/edit');
      'mail' => $mail_b,
    ], 'Save');
      ->assertEquals(2, $this
    $sub_d = Subscriber::loadByUid($user_d
    ], $sub_d

   * Gets the number of subscribers entities.
  protected function countSubscribers() {
    return \Drupal::entityQuery('simplenews_subscriber')

   * Delete all subscriber entities ready for the next test.
  protected function resetSubscribers() {
    $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()



Namesort descending Description
SimplenewsSubscribeTest Un/subscription of anonymous and authenticated users.