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simplenews_test.module in Simplenews 3.x

Hook implementations for the Simplenews Test module.


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 * @file
 * Hook implementations for the Simplenews Test module.
use Drupal\simplenews\AbortSendingException;
use Drupal\simplenews\SkipMailException;

 * Implements hook_mail_alter().
function simplenews_test_mail_alter(&$message) {
  if ($message['id'] == 'simplenews_node') {

    /** @var \Drupal\simplenews\Mail\MailInterface $mail */
    $mail = $message['params']['simplenews_mail'];
    $issue = $mail
    if (!empty($issue->body->value)) {
      if ($issue->body->value == 'Nothing interesting') {
        throw new SkipMailException('There was nothing interesting to send.');

 * Implements hook_simplenews_mail_result_alter().
function simplenews_test_simplenews_mail_result_alter(&$result, array $message) {
  if ($results_alter = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('simplenews.test_result_alter')) {
    $result = array_shift($results_alter);
      ->set('simplenews.test_result_alter', $results_alter);
    if ($result == -1) {
      throw new AbortSendingException('Testing abort sending');