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8 calls to simplenews_user_is_subscribed() in Simplenews 7

SimpleNewsAdministrationTestCase::testSubscriptionManagement in tests/simplenews.test
Test newsletter subscription management.
SimplenewsSubscribeTestCase::testSubscribeMultiple in tests/simplenews.test
Subscribe to multiple newsletters at the same time.
simplenews_block_form in includes/
FAPI BLOCK subscription form.
simplenews_build_combined_mail in includes/
Build subject and body of the subscribe confirmation email.
simplenews_build_subscribe_mail in includes/
Build subject and body of the subscribe confirmation email.
simplenews_build_unsubscribe_mail in includes/
Build subject and body of the unsubscribe confirmation email.
simplenews_confirmation_get_changes_list in ./simplenews.module
Converts an array of subscription changes into descriptions.
template_preprocess_simplenews_block in ./simplenews.module
Process variables to format the simplenews block.