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Newsletter issue in Simplenews 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 simplenews.api.php \issue
  2. 8 simplenews.api.php \issue
  3. 7.2 simplenews.api.php \issue
  4. 3.x simplenews.api.php \issue



./simplenews.api.php, line 46
Hooks provided by the Simplenews module.


Namesort descending Location Description
hook_simplenews_issue_operations ./simplenews.api.php Return operations to be applied to newsletter issues.
hook_simplenews_subscription_operations ./simplenews.api.php Return operations to be applied to subscriptions.
simplenews_add_node_to_spool includes/ Add the newsletter node to the mail spool.
simplenews_add_term_field ./simplenews.module Add the taxonomy term field for the newsletter category.
simplenews_check_node_types ./simplenews.module Check if content type(s) is enabled for use as Simplenews newsletter.
simplenews_get_category_field ./simplenews.module Get the fieldname(s) from a content type that hold the newsletter category term.
simplenews_get_content_types ./simplenews.module Get all node types supported by Simplenews.
simplenews_get_term_values ./simplenews.module Get simplenews category term values from a node object.
simplenews_newsletter_delete ./simplenews.module Delete simplenews newsletter from the database.
simplenews_newsletter_load ./simplenews.module @todo
simplenews_newsletter_load_multiple ./simplenews.module @todo
simplenews_newsletter_save ./simplenews.module Store newsletter object in the database.
simplenews_recent_newsletters ./simplenews.module Create a list of recent newsletters issues.
simplenews_remove_term_field ./simplenews.module Remove the taxonomy term field for the newsletter category.
simplenews_send_status_update includes/ Update newsletter sent status.
simplenews_send_test includes/ Send test version of newsletter.