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simplenews-newsletter-footer.tpl.php in Simplenews 6

Default theme implementation to format the simplenews newsletter footer.

Copy this file in your theme directory to create a custom themed footer. Rename it to simplenews-newsletter-footer--<tid>.tpl.php to override it for a newsletter using the newsletter term's id.

Available variables:

  • $node: newsletter node object
  • $language: language object
  • $key: email key [node|test]
  • $format: newsletter format [plain|html]
  • $unsubscribe_text: unsubscribe text
  • $test_message: test message warning message

Available tokens:

  • !confirm_unsubscribe_url: unsubscribe url to be used as link

for more tokens: see simplenews_mail_tokens()


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to format the simplenews newsletter footer.
 * Copy this file in your theme directory to create a custom themed footer.
 * Rename it to simplenews-newsletter-footer--<tid>.tpl.php to override it for a 
 * newsletter using the newsletter term's id.
 * Available variables:
 * - $node: newsletter node object
 * - $language: language object
 * - $key: email key [node|test]
 * - $format: newsletter format [plain|html]
 * - $unsubscribe_text: unsubscribe text
 * - $test_message: test message warning message
 * Available tokens:
 * - !confirm_unsubscribe_url: unsubscribe url to be used as link
 * for more tokens: see simplenews_mail_tokens()
 * @see template_preprocess_simplenews_newsletter_footer()
if ($format == 'html') {
  <p class="newsletter-footer"><a href="!confirm_unsubscribe_url"><?php

  print $unsubscribe_text;

else {
-- <?php

  print $unsubscribe_text;
  ?>: !confirm_unsubscribe_url



if ($key == 'test') {
- - - <?php

  print $test_message;
  ?> - - -
