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simplenews-newsletter-body.tpl.php in Simplenews 6

Default theme implementation to format the simplenews newsletter body.

Copy this file in your theme directory to create a custom themed body. Rename it to simplenews-newsletter-body--<tid>.tpl.php to override it for a newsletter using the newsletter term's id.

Available variables:

  • node: Newsletter node object
  • $body: Newsletter body (formatted as plain text or HTML)
  • $title: Node title
  • $language: Language object


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 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to format the simplenews newsletter body.
 * Copy this file in your theme directory to create a custom themed body.
 * Rename it to simplenews-newsletter-body--<tid>.tpl.php to override it for a 
 * newsletter using the newsletter term's id.
 * Available variables:
 * - node: Newsletter node object
 * - $body: Newsletter body (formatted as plain text or HTML)
 * - $title: Node title
 * - $language: Language object
 * @see template_preprocess_simplenews_newsletter_body()

print $title;

print $body;