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Functions in Simplenews 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_simplenews_format_options ./simplenews.module Helper function to determine possible mail format options. The mimemodule module must be installed to send HTML mails. 2
_simplenews_generate_hash ./simplenews.module Helper function to generate the hash key used for subscribe/unsubscribe link in e-mail footer. 2
_simplenews_handler_send_status_data ./ Helper function for send status handlers 2
_simplenews_mail_uri ./simplenews.module Format URL and link text for in-line display in plain text message.
_simplenews_mail_url ./simplenews.module Convert URL to absolute URL 2
_simplenews_mail_urls ./simplenews.module Collect and store URLs 1
_simplenews_send ./simplenews.module Send the newsletter 2
_simplenews_subscription_filter_default ./simplenews.module Helper function: returns subscription filter default settings 2
_simplenews_subscription_manager_form ./simplenews.module Helper function to build subscription manager form, also used in user edit. 2
_simplenews_user_load ./simplenews.module Helper function for API functions; loads a user or creates a dummy anonymous user with uid = 0 and $mail equal to the input param. 4


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