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simpleads_block.tpl.php in SimpleAds 7


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 * @file
 * SimpleAds Block template
 * Use Javascript code below when you enable caching,
 * otherwise it will be cached and rotating will not work.
 * $ads_page
 *   Url to Advertise page (configurable in block settings).
 * $tid
 *   Term ID
 * $prefix
 *   Unique number (to identify container for ads)
 * $ads
 *   Array of Ads
 * $ads_width
 *   Ad width
 * $ads_height
 *   Ad height
 * $ads_limit
 *   Numer of ads to dispaly
 * Note: Consider using only one method (javascript or static output),
 * otherwise ad impression counter will be doubled.
$settings = array(
  'ads_width' => check_plain($ads_width),
  'ads_height' => check_plain($ads_height),
if (count($ads) > 0) {
<div class="header">
  <div class="ad-link"><?php

  if (!is_null($ads_page) && !empty($ads_page)) {
    print l(t('Advertise with us'), $ads_page);
<div class="adslist">
  <script type="text/javascript">

  print $tid;
  if ($prefix) {

    print $prefix;
  ?>', <?php

  print $tid;
  ?>, <?php

  print check_plain($ads_limit);

  /* If you would like to modify class attrbiute, please don't forget to update
      the first argument in function call above (_simpleads_load(...)).
  <div class="simpleads-<?php

  print $tid;
  if ($prefix) {

    print $prefix;


  // Code below displays ad, but if Drupal cache enabled, the ad remains the same until the cache not cleared or not expired.

  /* if (count($ads) > 0) : ?>
      <?php foreach ($ads as $ad) : ?>
        <?php if ($ad['type'] == 'graphic') : ?>
          <?php print theme('simpleads_img_element', array('ad' => $ad, 'settings' => $settings)); ?>
        <?php elseif ($ad['type'] == 'text') : ?>
          <?php print theme('simpleads_text_element', array('ad' => $ad, 'settings' => $settings)); ?>
        <?php else : ?>
          <?php print theme('simpleads_flash_element', array('ad' => $ad, 'settings' => $settings)); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
      <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; */

