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SimplesitemapTest.php in Simple XML sitemap 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\simple_sitemap\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Url;

 * Tests Simple XML sitemap functional integration.
 * @group simple_sitemap
class SimplesitemapTest extends SimplesitemapTestBase {

   * Verify sitemap.xml has the link to the front page after first generation.
  public function testInitialGeneration() {

   * Test custom link.
  public function testAddCustomLink() {
      ->addCustomLink('/node/' . $this->node
      ->id(), [
      'priority' => 0.2,
      'changefreq' => 'monthly',
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node
      ->pageTextContains('/node/' . $this->node
      ->id() . ' 0.2 monthly');
      ->addCustomLink('/node/' . $this->node
      ->id(), [
      'changefreq' => 'yearly',
      ->pageTextContains('/node/' . $this->node
      ->id() . ' yearly');

   * Test default settings of custom links.
  public function testAddCustomLinkDefaults() {
      ->addCustomLink('/node/' . $this->node
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node

   * Test removing custom links from the sitemap.
  public function testRemoveCustomLink() {
      ->addCustomLink('/node/' . $this->node
      ->removeCustomLink('/node/' . $this->node
      ->responseNotContains('node/' . $this->node

   * Test removing all custom paths from the sitemap settings.
  public function testRemoveCustomLinks() {

   * Tests setting bundle settings.
   * @todo Add form tests
  public function testSetBundleSettings() {
      ->bundleIsIndexed('node', 'page'));

    // Index new bundle.
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page', [
      'index' => TRUE,
      'priority' => 0.5,
      'changefreq' => 'hourly',
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node
      ->bundleIsIndexed('node', 'page'));

    // Only change bundle priority.
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page', [
      'priority' => 0.9,
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node

    // Only change bundle changefreq.
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page', [
      'changefreq' => 'daily',
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node

    // Remove changefreq setting.
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page', [
      'changefreq' => '',
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node

    // Index two bundles.
      'type' => 'blog',
    $node3 = $this
      'title' => 'Node3',
      'type' => 'blog',
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page', [
      'index' => TRUE,
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'blog', [
      'index' => TRUE,
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node
      ->responseContains('node/' . $node3

    // Set bundle 'index' setting to false.
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page', [
      'index' => FALSE,
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'blog', [
      'index' => FALSE,
      ->responseNotContains('node/' . $this->node
      ->responseNotContains('node/' . $node3

   * Test default settings of bundles.
  public function testSetBundleSettingsDefaults() {
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page')
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node

   * Test the lastmod parameter in different scenarios.
  public function testLastmod() {

    // Entity links should have 'lastmod'.
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page')

    // Entity custom links should have 'lastmod'.
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page', [
      'index' => FALSE,
      ->addCustomLink('/node/' . $this->node

    // Non-entity custom links should not have 'lastmod'.

   * Tests the duplicate setting.
   * @todo On second generation too many links in XML output here?
  public function testRemoveDuplicatesSetting() {
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page', [
      'index' => TRUE,
      ->saveSetting('remove_duplicates', TRUE)
      ->assertUniqueTextWorkaround('node/' . $this->node
      ->saveSetting('remove_duplicates', FALSE)
      ->assertNoUniqueTextWorkaround('node/' . $this->node

   * Test max links setting and the sitemap index.
  public function testMaxLinksSetting() {
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page')
      ->saveSetting('max_links', 1)
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node
      ->responseNotContains('node/' . $this->node2
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node2
      ->responseNotContains('node/' . $this->node

   * Test batch process limit setting.
  public function testBatchProcessLimitSetting() {

    // Create some nodes.
    for ($i = 3; $i <= 50; $i++) {
        'title' => "Node{$i}",
        'type' => 'page',

    // Test batch_process_limit setting.
    $sitemap = $this->generator
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page')
    $sitemap2 = $this->generator
      ->saveSetting('batch_process_limit', 1)
    $sitemap3 = $this->generator
      ->saveSetting('batch_process_limit', 10)
      ->assertEquals($sitemap2, $sitemap);
      ->assertEquals($sitemap3, $sitemap);

    // Test batch_process_limit setting in combination with max_links setting.
    $sitemap_index = $this->generator
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page')
      ->saveSetting('batch_process_limit', 1500)
      ->saveSetting('max_links', 30)
    $sitemap_chunk = $this->generator
    $sitemap_index2 = $this->generator
      ->saveSetting('batch_process_limit', 1)
    $sitemap_chunk2 = $this->generator
    $sitemap_index3 = $this->generator
      ->saveSetting('batch_process_limit', 10)
    $sitemap_chunk3 = $this->generator
      ->assertSame($sitemap_index2, $sitemap_index);
      ->assertSame($sitemap_chunk2, $sitemap_chunk);
      ->assertSame($sitemap_index3, $sitemap_index);
      ->assertSame($sitemap_chunk3, $sitemap_chunk);

   * Test setting the base URL.
  public function testBaseUrlSetting() {
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page')
      ->saveSetting('base_url', 'http://base_url_test')

    // Set base URL in the sitemap index.
      ->saveSetting('max_links', 1)

   * @todo testSkipUntranslatedSetting

   * @todo testSkipNonExistentTranslations

   * Test cacheability of the response.
  public function testCacheability() {
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page')

    // Verify the cache was flushed and node is in the sitemap.
      ->assertEquals('MISS', $this
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node

    // Verify the sitemap is taken from cache on second call and node is in the
    // sitemap.
      ->assertEquals('HIT', $this
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node

   * Test overriding of bundle settings for a single entity.
   * @todo: Use form testing instead of responseContains().
  public function testSetEntityInstanceSettings() {
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page')
      ->setEntityInstanceSettings('node', $this->node
      ->id(), [
      'priority' => 0.1,
      'changefreq' => 'never',
      ->setEntityInstanceSettings('node', $this->node2
      ->id(), [
      'index' => FALSE,

    // Test sitemap result.
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node
      ->responseNotContains('node/' . $this->node2

    // Test UI changes.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->responseContains('<option value="0.1" selected="selected">0.1</option>');
      ->responseContains('<option value="never" selected="selected">never</option>');

    // Test database changes.
    $result = $this->database
      ->select('simple_sitemap_entity_overrides', 'o')
      ->fields('o', [
      ->condition('o.entity_type', 'node')
      ->condition('o.entity_id', $this->node
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page', [
      'priority' => 0.1,
      'changefreq' => 'never',

    // Test sitemap result.
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node
      ->responseNotContains('node/' . $this->node2

    // Test UI changes.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->responseContains('<option value="0.1" selected="selected">0.1 (default)</option>');
      ->responseContains('<option value="never" selected="selected">never (default)</option>');

    // Test if entity override has been removed from database after its equal to
    // its bundle settings.
    $result = $this->database
      ->select('simple_sitemap_entity_overrides', 'o')
      ->fields('o', [
      ->condition('o.entity_type', 'node')
      ->condition('o.entity_id', $this->node

   * Test indexing an atomic entity (here: a user)
   * @todo Not working

  /*public function testAtomicEntityIndexation() {
      $user_id = $this->privilegedUser->id();

      $this->assertSession()->responseNotContains('user/' . $user_id);

      user_role_grant_permissions(0, ['access user profiles']);

      $this->assertSession()->responseContains('user/' . $user_id);

   * @todo Test indexing menu.

   * @todo Test deleting a bundle.

   * Test disabling sitemap support for an entity type.
  public function testDisableEntityType() {
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page')
      ->pageTextNotContains('Simple XML sitemap');
      ->responseNotContains('node/' . $this->node

   * Test enabling sitemap support for an entity type.
   * @todo Test admin/config/search/simplesitemap/entities form.
  public function testEnableEntityType() {
      ->setBundleSettings('node', 'page');
      ->pageTextContains('Simple XML sitemap');
      ->responseContains('node/' . $this->node



Namesort descending Description
SimplesitemapTest Tests Simple XML sitemap functional integration.