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13 calls to Simplesitemap::getVariants() in Simple XML sitemap 8.3

Simplesitemap::addCustomLink in src/Simplesitemap.php
Stores a custom path along with its settings to configuration for the currently set variants.
Simplesitemap::fetchSitemapVariantInfo in src/Simplesitemap.php
Fetches info about all published sitemap variants and their chunks.
Simplesitemap::getBundleSettings in src/Simplesitemap.php
Gets settings for bundle or non-bundle entity types. This is done for the currently set variants.
Simplesitemap::getCustomLinks in src/Simplesitemap.php
Gets custom link settings for the currently set variants.
Simplesitemap::getEntityInstanceSettings in src/Simplesitemap.php
Gets sitemap settings for an entity instance which overrides bundle settings, or gets bundle settings, if they are not overridden. This is done for the currently set variant. Please note, this method takes only the first set variant into account. See…
Simplesitemap::queue in src/Simplesitemap.php
Queues links from currently set variants.
Simplesitemap::rebuildQueue in src/Simplesitemap.php
Deletes the queue and queues links from currently set variants.
Simplesitemap::removeBundleSettings in src/Simplesitemap.php
Removes settings for bundle or a non-bundle entity types. This is done for the currently set variants.
Simplesitemap::removeCustomLinks in src/Simplesitemap.php
Removes custom links from currently set variants.
Simplesitemap::removeEntityInstanceSettings in src/Simplesitemap.php
Removes sitemap settings for entities that override bundle settings. This is done for the currently set variants.
Simplesitemap::removeSitemap in src/Simplesitemap.php
Removes sitemap instances for the currently set variants.
Simplesitemap::setBundleSettings in src/Simplesitemap.php
Sets settings for bundle or non-bundle entity types. This is done for the currently set variant.
Simplesitemap::setEntityInstanceSettings in src/Simplesitemap.php
Overrides sitemap settings for a single entity for the currently set variants.